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Status Replies posted by Ranryu

  1. I know I said I’d wait until the end of the summer, but I’ve changed my mind. 
    This week, I’ve stayed off the shard to focus myself on FSY and being reverent. And I’ve noticed… I don’t really miss the shard. I love all of y’all… but you don’t really need me. Nothing on here really makes me happy like I thought it would. 
    Everybody, thanks for being such a good group and having my back when I needed it. Goodbye.

    1. Ranryu


      You all did fine this week without me. Besides, if you ever actually need me, you know where to find me.

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  2. started reading the fault in our stars

    wish me luck in not crying

    1. Ranryu


      But I love mayo sandwiches…

      I’ve heard that book is very emotional . Good luck.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  3. Time for a birthday reveal I suppose. 
    In the form of… rapper name!



    I got unlucky with Shiny Nasty.

  4. just realized i've been to the exact spot where Mistborn was first thought of

    was watching this new brandon vid
    From Imagination to Reality: Mistborn Origins - YouTube

    and we've all heard the story right, he's driving through a fog bank at 70 mph and is inspired by how the fog moves. But what I hadn't previously known was where he was driving. He was driving along the highways from Provo, Utah to Idaho Falls, Idaho. I've driven that highway many times. I'll bet a lot of you have too lol

    Obv i don't know exactly where this fog bank was
    but it's on that road somewhere
    so i've been there

  5. Today a friend told me he can't talk to cute girls because he's too nervous. 

    To all you guys out there: um... it doesn't matter what the context is- don't say that.

    1. Ranryu


      It's not an uncommon thing to hear, but in case you didn't know, most girls would take it as an insult.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  6. What should I be looking forward to? Is there anything? Is this worth it?

    1. Ranryu


      No, what do you like doing? It doesn't have to be useful. Just stuff that makes you happy.

    2. (See 28 other replies to this status update)

  7. What should I be looking forward to? Is there anything? Is this worth it?

    1. Ranryu


      *cough cough* I've heard you explain math stuff and I beg to differ. You're still young. You don't have to figure it all out right now. What are things you enjoy doing?

    2. (See 28 other replies to this status update)

  8. What should I be looking forward to? Is there anything? Is this worth it?

  9. What should I be looking forward to? Is there anything? Is this worth it?

    1. Ranryu


      Well that problem seems like it could be solved by looking at it from another angle. You're really good at math, right? That's a huge bonus. Surely there's something you want to do in life?

      Sorry, I'm not very helpful.

    2. (See 28 other replies to this status update)

  10. What should I be looking forward to? Is there anything? Is this worth it?

  11. What should I be looking forward to? Is there anything? Is this worth it?

    1. Ranryu


      Plus, you can look forward to the day I get a car, find you irl, and smack you with a live fish. (for legal reasons, this is a joke. Maybe :ph34r:)

    2. (See 28 other replies to this status update)

  12. What should I be looking forward to? Is there anything? Is this worth it?

    1. Ranryu


      You've already explained how you feel on this, but don't you want to look forward to having something to look forward to? To being happy? Because both of those things will definitely happen.

    2. (See 28 other replies to this status update)

  13. What should I be looking forward to? Is there anything? Is this worth it?

    1. Ranryu


      There are plenty of things to look forward to in life. Like opening a new jar of Play-Doh. Or getting a whole bag of cookies to yourself. Sometimes it feels like there's absolutely nothing, and it's okay to feel that way, as long as you keep in mind that you won't always feel this way.

    2. (See 28 other replies to this status update)

  14. ... I'm sorry.


    for everything.

    1. Ranryu


      Don't give me reason to.

      Because I will if you're in danger

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  15. ... I'm sorry.


    for everything.

    1. Ranryu


      You're freaking me out do I need to call the police

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  16. ...

    What would you guys do if I left?

    1. Ranryu


      no then it would be quite large

      especially depending on the kind of "leave" you mean

    2. (See 20 other replies to this status update)

  17. ...

    What would you guys do if I left?

  18. Why does it feel like it could be a lie

    Why does it feel like I could pass her on the street and she'd explain how it was all a misunderstanding 

    Why does it still hurt when it doesn't feel real

    Why doesn't anything make sense

    After this summer, I'll be leaving the shard indefinitely. 

    1. Ranryu


      I'll be here for a little bit- I'm not leaving yet.

      But these forums aren't good for my mental health. It's not you guys (you're great!)... I just... I just need to get my head together and constantly being distracted isn't a good way to do that.

      As it is, I'm gonna try and regulate my time on the shard a little better. If I do what I just did often, I'd go insane.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  19. By golly, I do believe this trombone player has fainted. Do you see flute players fainting like this? No.

    648693c674361_Screenshot2023-06-1110_40_28PM.png.4bf93289ab36b22b964a7abace2bab0d.png I love how his band mates just keep playing. That's real professionalism there. 

    1. Ranryu


      Trombones have this thing where they just fall over. Sometimes they domino, which is even better.

      Now I'm sad because I want it to be marching band all year :(

      Curse you, summer break!

      If I could, I definitely would just relive august through November of 2022 over and over again.

      This has been moderately late night thoughts with Ranryu. 

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  20. Would anyone be interested in a roleplay that includes that magic system I was test running earlier?

    There would be other plot elements, of course, but I'm open to suggestions.

    It would definitely be more chaotic, although not as chaotic as the clinic.

    1. Ranryu


      I'll post the thread tomorrow. Gotta smooth down the last few worldbuilding things.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  21. Would anyone be interested in a roleplay that includes that magic system I was test running earlier?

    There would be other plot elements, of course, but I'm open to suggestions.

    It would definitely be more chaotic, although not as chaotic as the clinic.

    1. Ranryu


      oh yeah :(. Well, I'm sure you'll find a way to kill your character in the most traumatic way possible. 

      If more people show interest, I'll probably get it started up sometime this week.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  22. oh wait i just realized i’m a dawnshard


    guys which one am i

    1. Ranryu


      aaaaaaa please a love-based magic system scares me don't go there

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  23. oh wait i just realized i’m a dawnshard


    guys which one am i

    1. Ranryu


      What would the magic system for that look like

      scary thought

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  24. I tried... drawing things. Characters from one of my favorite anime, Yugioh Arc-V. I'm not super good at poses and angles yet, so bear with me. :lol: 



    The third one isn't as good as the first two... I think I messed up the face somehow.

    1. Ranryu


      Thanks! Even though I’m not the biggest fan of anime itself, I love love love the manga art style. Hopefully, one day I’ll be as good as drawing as you are.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  25. Alright guys. I have a mission for you.

    First, go watch Tron: Uprising. Yes, it's on Disney Plus among other places. No, they never completed the series. (It's only like a five hour commitment- they didn't make very many episodes.)

    Second, go listen to Muse's album, Simulation Theory.

    Finally, agree with me that someone needs to finish this wonderful series and Muse should do the music.

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