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Status Replies posted by EmulatonStromenkiin

  1. aint nothing like flying around in minecraft mining every ore in sight while listening to some chill synthwave

  2. bound.


    bound to falling.

    bound to breaking.

    bound to love.

    bound to loss.

    bound to be together.

    bound to be apart.

    bound to be close.

    bound to be far.

    bound to you.

    bound to me.

  3. time: 4:44 AM.

    currently doing: watching 10 week old mini golden doodle that is now mine. he likes to bite things. he’s finally settled down, and i’m running on two and a half hours of real sleep. i’m here watching him for two more hours at least.

    do i wanna cry from the sheer exhaustion and difficulty this is? absolutely.

    am i able to? nope. idk why but my body and mind won’t let me cry.

  4. eyo callout to my fellow utah sharders where yall at.

    where y’all at

    im here.

  5. so ive taken the knights radiant test again, as honestly as i can regarding myself and how others (and myself) view me.



    guess im a windrunner, with edgedancer as a close second.

    ....makes way more sense than lightweaver actually. huh.

  6. i dont want to get out of bed.

    i’m lovesick, melancholy, and downright depressed.

    i miss my love, i always miss her, but because she’s a thousand miles away, i miss her more: more than i’d like to admit.

    and i’m tired. it’s been a long week.

    i know usually i’m all chipper and happy and what not, sorry.

    not today. at least, not right now. maybe later.

    1. EmulatonStromenkiin


      Oh, cousin. The burning darkness is. And yet, fear not. See the stars. There is yet hope.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  7. We're diving deeper...

    How's everyone feeling about The Experience?

    1. EmulatonStromenkiin


      We are regretting the ban on cursed text. WE ARE THE SHADOWS, AND WE WILL CONSUME ALL!

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  8. We're diving deeper...

    How's everyone feeling about The Experience?

  9. We're diving deeper...

    How's everyone feeling about The Experience?

    1. EmulatonStromenkiin


      Let the darkness, the shadows, claim you, cousin. Let them in!

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  10. i’m standing firm on the fact that chris pine should play kelsier

  11. would someone do me the grand favor of explaining why i have to be so alone all the time

    like not mentally or emotionally, i know i have friends who love me, and a girlfriend who i adore just as much as she does me,

    but like:

    physically alone.

    like i don’t know why, but it just really hurts when i’m in bed, awake for some reason at like two in the morning,

    and i just feel empty. and kinda sad, and kinda alone.

    why is that?

    1. EmulatonStromenkiin


      For the darkness is, cousin. That darkness that wishes to consume all emotions and leave but a void in its place.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  12. My 100 dollar lightsaber gets here tomorrow :]

    1. EmulatonStromenkiin


      On a completely different note, I saw something at work that made me think of you and Luna, Calano



      Image isn't working, but it is the following quote: “And I'd choose you; in a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred worlds, in any version of reality, I'd find you and I'd choose you.” – Kiersten White

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  13. just read such a cool line in a new webtoon i found

    ”something wicked this way comes”

    mmmmmm good line

  14. Here's a poem:


    I hope you know how much you mean to me

    And though it is hard to put into words, I'll try

    You have been

    A steady rock

    Against the storms of this world

    A blazing light

    Piercing the darkness of my thoughts

    A reminder

    Of my worth to God

    One who believes in me

    When even I do not

    There when I need

    To not be alone

    In spite of the distance between us


    And I promise

    That I will be

    There when you need

    To not be alone

    Regardless of the distance between us

    One who believes in you

    Even when you do not

    A steady light 

    Against the darkness of this world

    One who supports

    The pursuit of your dreams

    Through the challenges that will come

    And a reminder

    Of your worth to God


    Thank you for being my friend

    And I promise to be yours till the end


  15. Two more days, ladies and gentlemen.

    And then I'm able to play a game I've been waiting 4 years to get my hands on.

    1. EmulatonStromenkiin


      Does anyone know how to do status updates on mobile?

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  16. My school has been preparing to put on a massive music show and we did it last night and it went really well! Between the various choirs, bands, orchestra, color guard, and various other groups, we performed a total of 25 songs! Though the orchestra only played in 6 songs, we were told by the teacher to mosh pit during a specific song, we did the macarena during another, during a song there was dinosaurs dueling with lightsabers (who then died to the Choir director) and it was just a wild night! And we're performing it again tonight!

    Anyways how are your days going people?

  17. The new copy of The Way Of Kings gets here tomorrow afternoon.

    I start annotating on Sunday.

    I know what kind of annotations she wants, so I’m gonna have a lot of fun with this.

  18. I think it’s so funny,

    That you can just go through your life,

    And then bam!

    Someone bursts into your life,

    And changes it for the better.


    That’s you, my love.

    I look into your eyes,

    Which, I might add,

    Sparkle and shine like dew on grass:

    A gentle, iridescent and piercing green,

    And I see,

    A future.

    I see eternity.

    I see a love so deep. So, so deep.


    My heart belongs to you.

    My heart has belonged to you the second you smiled at me.

    The second you laughed where I could hear.

    The second you took my hand in yours for the first time.

    The second my heart belonged to you, was the second my life became something amazing.

    Because now you were in it.


    I promise I’m yours.

    Always and forever, through the good and the bad.

    For worse and for better.

    I wanna be with you for the rest of my days.

    I promise I love you,

    Forever and ever and always.

  19. “hm one year with bae is coming up… i’ll write a letter”

    *writes letter after prom*

    ”cool that’s that done”

    *feels more feels about what i wrote*

    ”okay i’ll write a second letter why not.”

    *writes second thousand word mega poem/letter*

    ”okay now im done for sure”

    *feels more feels about her in general*

    ”third letter. then i’m done.”

    *writes third letter*

    ”okay we’re good now im not writing anymore i’ve written down everything i want now.”

  20. “hm one year with bae is coming up… i’ll write a letter”

    *writes letter after prom*

    ”cool that’s that done”

    *feels more feels about what i wrote*

    ”okay i’ll write a second letter why not.”

    *writes second thousand word mega poem/letter*

    ”okay now im done for sure”

    *feels more feels about her in general*

    ”third letter. then i’m done.”

    *writes third letter*

    ”okay we’re good now im not writing anymore i’ve written down everything i want now.”

  21. life update 2:

    ive written things today.

    i’ve listened to music today that is kinda sad.

    a decent amount of my friends are in various stages of sadness or anxiety or whatever.

    i would like a hug.

    1. EmulatonStromenkiin


      There is light in the darkness, friend.

      May the stars watch over you,

      Fortune favor you,

      And peace live in your heart.


    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  22. can’t even go an hour asleep without a nightmare.


    screw this man i’m on the verge of tears now and it’s 11 pm.

    i just wanna sleep why did i get a nightmare i’m so




  23. Watching the DSMP Finale stream on Tommy's twitch.

    They've killed the dragon.

    It's over.

    I've been invested in this for over 2 years.

    I can say with utmost certainty it has changed my life. For the better.

  24. Alright I'll be real with y'all:

    Why is space the most beautiful thing to write about?

    There's something so... enrapturing to it.

    It's like- It's like trying to put infinity into words.

    Impossible, yet I still try it. It's so pretty to compare space, that infinite vast everything, to our little day to day things.

    It's awesome.

  25. anyone feel like coming down to texas to watch me perform in my hilarious class play next wednesday?

    admission is free :D

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