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Everything posted by Odiumiumium

  1. I have an old one that screeches loudly every time you squoosh it. I love it. What's a hobby that you wish you could get better at?
  2. I can imagine. I just wish that if this were to happen, I would not be given flight. Do you have a quote collection?
  3. Yep, a couple times. Who/what is your favorite youtube channel?
  4. Neither, since I could probably find a way to severely injure myself doing either of them. Have you read The Three Body Problem?
  5. Apparently it is a dolphin. Kind of wish it was something a bit more...dramatic, but they are cute so that's nice. Adolin or Kaladin?
  6. Lightweaver! What Radiant order has the coolest powers? (not necessarily your favorite order)
  7. Ooh...so many good quotes to choose from...probably "I will take responsibility for what I have done, if I must fall, I will rise each time a better man." Favorite cosmere character?
  8. Nope. TPBM made cake today! (actually yesterday. It's 12:16 right now.)
  9. Probably the time when everyone was just fighting and everyone kept dying because they had no hygiene. Most inspiring song?
  10. "Being Sandy, a dog, but then chicken also. Because of the flavor of the day. Duh." - @Shallan Stormblessed
  11. I know many people that will be participating in a musical, and hopefully, I will also be tangentially involved. I can barely speak Chinese. I don't think I'm even remotely comprehensible. What Harry Potter house are you?
  12. Not super cool, but I know a single card trick. Do you have good aim?
  13. Not sure, but I've experienced very fast wind, and at night, it is freaky. TPBM is up past their bedtime.
  14. I have done that on occasion. It's pretty nice. TPBM likes physical books over ebooks.
  15. Mmm, I like most tea. I don't drink it very often though. TPBM is a fast typer.
  16. Uhh...This morning. Teacher at the door. What cheers you up on an internally rainy and depressing day?
  17. I try not to, and I don't have much to vent about right now. Mostly just excited nerd info-dumping. TPBM has nerdy interests that no one around them cares about?
  18. Plan? What's a plan? Ahem, no one ever asks if I agree to a plan. They either don't invite me, or just drag me along when it's time to go. Who was the last person you high-fived?
  19. Only counting first-time reads, several months between my first reading of RoW and TLM, which I finished a few days ago. Is a sandwich made with burger buns a sandwich or a burger?
  20. Yeah, but like I'm not really willing to work for it. Maybe just on the side. TPBM just ate.
  21. Nope. Probably a good thing though, I’m not sure how long it would take before I somehow end up in some freak accident. TPBM takes dedicated instrument lessons.
  22. Welcome and hello! Have fun and read as much Sanderson as you can!
  23. Nope. TPBM should probably get a new profile picture.
  24. No way, I am always on task, focused, and- Ooh a new video! Gotta watch it, one sec. TPBM is running out of TPBM ideas.
  25. I have cooked an egg, ramen, and rice, one time each. That is the extent of my cooking career. TPBM unironically likes the silly music edits, like [song] but every other beat is missing.
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