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About CrypticSpren

  • Birthday 05/12/2003

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  1. I was looking for the BYU Rithmatist game on the internet and can’t find it. I’m guessing it got taken down since it was deployed with Heroku which is no longer free? Does anybody know how to get in contact with the creators to get access to it again?
  2. I'm not using a fuse, just a touch hole. Regular black powder flintlock rifles do this too, and it's fine. When the trigger is pulled, flint is struck down onto metal above a flash pan, sending a spark down to ignite a powder in it. The hot gas from the resultant mini-explosion goes up a touch hole that lights the powder in the barrel. Since the touch hole is small this is OK. I assumed your design would be very similar. I don't think going through a roseite or glass section would work very well. Heat transfer is not instantaneous, so it's already a slight stretch for enough heat to go from sunlight -> wax to consistently melt the cartridge with a touch hole, and improbable without one. TLDR, I think we should drop being airtight as a goal entirely. Yeah, a pipette type of thing would be really nice here. Really, I think the key to getting a consistent amount of water is releasing it in a pressurized squirt instead of just letting gravity do the work so there's enough forces for surface tension and adhesion not to matter. I can't think of anything more simple than a dropper. I guess a wet sponged that gets squeezed when the trigger is pulled could also technically work, but that seems really prone to generating misfires. I will say, it might be worth digging into the book to see how the ignition mechanisms for Crow's gun and the ship cannons work. Brandon may have done some of the work here for us in this domain. Yeah. Midnight essence is expensive on the user to use, breaths are expensive to get. Not good options.
  3. Well your insight has been pretty darn good for someone also going off of common sense . Nice find on the spore size. Oh, this is cool. Definitely much less of a stretch than fancy cartridges! I will say, though I've fired black powder once before, someone else did the prep for me so I had to do some reading up on the mechanisms . The one thing that I am worried about with this design is the water cartridge. Firstly, it seems like it would be easy to accidentally break the water charge when using the ram rod. Secondly, wax could gunk up the back of the gun after repeated usages. The immediately obvious solution is, instead of having sunlight spores light a flame that travels down the touch hole and melts the wax, we just pour water directly down the touch hole. However, I'm not sure how you'd get a good mechanism for getting a consistent amount of water down the touch hole. Because water is sticky. If the touch hole is small (which it must be, in order for the majority of the gas to expand down the barrel), capillary action is going to make how much a drop of water slides down it be unpredictable. And we actually do need a consistent amount - if there isn't enough water that goes in, the gun won't fire properly, but if there is too much water, then the gun won't be dry for the next shot and activate when spore powder is spilled down the barrel. I still think that something along these lines is a better approach than a wax cartridge though. Let me know if y'all have any ideas. Edit: I posted before I responded to everything, whoopsie. Hmm. I'd think you'd want Verdant spores for immobilization; Roseite is just going to push people. That's what Tress uses them for after all. I suppose after further consideration, other forms of immobilization (i.e. Awakening) are probably more expensive than spore guns. I'll give credit where credit is due: spore guns may have a small niche in the greater Cosmere as a means of immobilizing enemies with something cheaper than breaths. Also, in reading up on different spore types, I found this WOB. So Zephyr must only have trace amounts of ozone, as it wouldn't be very safe to breath otherwise.
  4. I'm agreement with everything from @alder24's comment. I think I misunderstood the sword fern comment (see picture attached; I'm quite illiterate). I think two or three times the size is fine? Just a gut feeling. Probably much smaller than a sori of spores, likely larger than a single spore. Sand-speck size I would think. It's not really the "there are spores in this bullet" that doesn't work, and more so "there's layers of different metals in the back and trigger mechanism for those spores in this bullet" that makes the design too complicated. I believe that early bullets are just cast metal; if that's the case then I'd imagine just dropping a couple of spores into the mold while making bullets wouldn't be very difficult. I wouldn't really recommend it though - most of the time, the spores wouldn't do anything since being encased in metal means they won't get wet on impact, and you also run the risk of the bullet blowing up inside your gun on ignition. I have no idea what this means. To be honest, I have high school/early undergraduate level physics/chem knowledge but that's about as far I go. I'm just confident enough to shoot down parts of your design that don't pass a common sense check. My (former) roommate is the Mech E; I'm a computer science kid. I'm also really bad with guns. I'll miss a head-sized paper target at 25 yards with a .22 rifle more than half the time and I'm too weak to even be able to hold a shotgun correctly through a full box of shells. @alder24 seems to have a better handle on things. Edit: I realized that I never commented on the use of aluminum on my previous post. The claim: I'm not entirely convinced of this. I haven't worked much with superconductors and stuff that bends fields generally, but I get the impression that oftentimes the behaviors of things that start and end far from the thing that bends the field tends not to be affected very much by the bent field. So putting a layer of aluminum in the design may add complexity to and decrease the durability of gun for no or very little effect. I'd have to look more into the physics to give a definite answer though.
  5. Oh boy, it's been a while since I checked on 17th Shard... that being said, here's my thoughts overall. General Comments: Generally, it looks like y'all (@IlstrawberrySeed and @alder24) are asking for the spore gun to do completely different things. @alder24 is looking for what I think the original topic was about: a spore gun that serves the purpose of a gun for personal use. Something akin to a handgun. Maybe something along the lines of a rifle or shotgun. Meanwhile, it looks like @IlstrawberrySeed is designing something way bigger: I don't really know about military tech terminology, but I think when people talk about what you're discussing people usually say something along the lines of "anti-personnel heavy artillery rounds" as opposed to "bullets" . As a general principle, all of @alder24 's assumptions critiques seem to have been spot on under the assumption that you are making a gun that you can actually hold. But some are non-issues for heavy artillery, and none of @IlstrawberrySeed's replies have addressed that. Or maybe I just totally misunderstood @IlstrawberrySeed. In that case, let me know. Specific comments: Confusion: I still don't understand the ignition mechanism. What's up with the wax? How does pulling the trigger actually make the water in the cartridge trigger the spore powder? Issue: I don't think roseite spores are analogous to metals for fabrikators. Roseite spores can only have their general direction of growth controlled with metals. And it makes crystals, not smooth surfaces. Furthermore, once the roseite is grown, it's kind of locked in place and can't be further machined. You'd need a person who has bonded the actual roseite aether to be like a fabrikator. The appeal of roseite is that you can quickly make hard, durable crystal in roughly the shape you want, as opposed to being able to get really precise shapes. I still think that standard metal bullets are probably the way to go. Final thoughts -- on the philosophy of spore guns: I think that we should generally think about one of the things that makes spore guns appealing before making suggestions: they are simple and cheap to use on Lumar. Spores are found in entire oceans and can keep if you just hold some as dry powder in a bucket. Ammunition, even for advanced artillery like cannons, doesn't require a factory. It can be created on a boat with some simple tools, spores, and a small silver spike. Outside of Lumar, spores are expensive to get. So if you're in a position where you're fighting Allomancers and Radiants (i.e. probably in a more important part of the Cosmere), it probably isn't worth getting a spore gun, much less an Aluminum-loaded one. And if you have breaths, standard awakening techniques are probably your best form of combat. Even within Lumar, if you need to precision machine cartridges to be able to use your gun, you've lost a little bit of what makes a spore gun cool and special.
  6. Yeah. For some reason I thought the spore guns are tube-shaped instead of gun shaped, but now looking back at the text there is nothing to support that at all. I was confused by that too . I think Mistborn Era 2 actually addresses this - aluminum bullets are good for anti-investiture purposes but are considerably worse overall. Don't quote me on that though. What do we actually know about crimson? What suggests that it will shatter on impact?
  7. Eh, I guess that means that there are only trace amounts of ozone in Zephyr gas, as otherwise people would know about how volatile it is. Thanks for the Wiki check! Hmm, I was assuming the model that the initial velocity of the gas is 0 no matter what the surroundings are, and that iron/steel applies a force on the gas. But seeing that iron and steel seem to affect the direction that rosite grows without affecting rosite that's been sitting around for a while, it might be the case that there is a very small time interval after being wet for which the zephyr spores become investure, which is affected by iron/steel, which promptly turns into gas that maintains the velocity of that investirue (ozone + other stuff), which is not affected by iron and steel. If that is the case, then yes the initial velocity of the gas would not be 0 because of the iron in the bullet. But also, because the time frame which the zephyr is in investiture form is near instantaneous (which we know because the air blast seems to happen as soon as the spore is wet), that means that iron and steel have very little effect at all. Probably. Never have done any calcs with gases that aren't exerting equal pressure in all directions, so I have no idea whether the improvements from this would be significant or not. I can't figure out what you mean by this. Do you mean that the normal force from the cartridge will cancel out with the backwards force from the pull of the gas on the bullet? I don't think this will help in any significant capacity, as the gas already starts immediately behind the bullet. I assume that the gas is always evenly distributed across the area of the barrel behind the bullet in my model anyway so it wouldn't even factor into the calculations I would do . Like what? As an aside: in case it wasn't clear: @Frustration's argument for a iron bullet is flawed, as stated by @alder24 in his response about Newton's 3rd Law. Honestly I kind of brushed over your design last time with a "very cool" because I had to go to sleep, but now that I have some time to take a decent look I've realized that I have no idea what is going on. This is all very hard to understand without an actual schematic. What do you mean by override? What is this shield? What are directional pieces? I get that you want iron in front for the same reason that you want steel in the back, but I can't figure out the rest of the gun design. Why aluminum and steel coating in front? I don't see why you'd want to safeguard against silver, and as far as we know, that is all aluminum does with regards to spores. Also, wouldn't steel in front cancel out the effects of iron in front? Why pewter and zinc? We do not know how they interact with the spores AFAIK. What is "SprePoweder"? This kind of makes sense, but honestly is a bit confusing. A drawing for clarity would be much appreciated.
  8. Oh, I did not read your earlier post carefully enough earlier. Yeah, this is definitely a big problem. No steel barrel. Totally forgot about the lightning smell; that is a very cool observation. I have to wonder - would mixing zephyr spores with traditional hydrocarbon-based gunpowder be any good? That is, since the ozone provides oxygen to combust normal gunpowder.
  9. Ok, my gut tells me that I have a feeling that if a bullet is traveling sufficiently fast to be a good bullet, the barrel material isn't gonna matter that much if it isn't silver. But micro-optimizations are fun, so I'm gonna put out my opinions here. I could be missing something obvious, but shouldn't the overall steelpush effect being outwards once the bullet is halfway through the barrel make this a non-issue? By symmetry, the "allomantic potential" (that is, integral of the steelpush vector field over arbitrary path from the bullet origin) should be zero. Of course, if the expanding gas is too weak to push the bullet halfway through the barrel then the gun isn't going to work at all, but assuming that it does I think the gun should work fine. Nah what you said totally makes sense. I just hope that what I say also makes sense Physics I logic makes me think that the iron bullet actually should be a little bit worse. Assuming that your logic regarding the extra forces cancelling out (which I'm inclined to believe is correct) the total amount of energy that the bullet has exiting the barrel should be the same. However, an iron bullet will also pull zephyr gas along with it, effectively giving it more inertia than a lead bullet of the same mass without the potential to do more damage. Some of the iron bullet's energy will go into propelling this gas instead of speed, so it will overall be slower and deal less damage. That being said, this effect is likely insignificant since air is light. I would guess that turbulence effects more relevant. However, I can't speak to what those would be since I know literally nothing about fluid mechanics; there's a reason why I've been assuming IDEAL GAS LAW GO BRRRR in all my posts thus far.
  10. Totally agreed. Really, in order to do any real calculations, we need a "zephyr constant" for mols of gas created per spore. We just thought that 1 kg/m^3 so the "zephyr mass -> air mass" yields that wetting a zephyr spore creates a localized zone of about 1000 times the density of the air around it, which seems more or less right - enough pressure to be dangerous if it gets into your eyes and to launch something, but not blow everything up. Not sure what you mean by "the air is already pushing in the right direction". I think it's a reasonable assumption that, without the influence of Intent, gas from converted zephyr spores is stationary at the time of creation, as there isn't anything special about any arbitrary direction. Just to make sure we're on the same page: the way that actual guns work is that pressurized gas is created (via combustion of gunpowder), which pushes a bullet out the barrel. The instantaneous force on the bullet is the gas pressure (that is, difference between pressure of the hot air in the back of the barrel and atmospheric pressure, at the front of the barrel) times the cross-sectional surface area of the barrel. The amount of energy that the bullet has at the time of leaving the gun - which is presumably the value we want to maximize - is that force integrated over the length of the barrel. As far as I can tell, spore guns work the same way, only the pressurized gas is created via zephyr gas instead of gunpowder combustion. I know we don't specifically want to maximize pressure (at time of spore activation), as you need to consider how the pressure changes over the length of the barrel. However, assuming that the chamber and barrel dimensions are roughly the same order of magnitude, the volume of the expanding gas that pushes the bullet should only change within that order of magnitude while all other values in the ideal gas law remain constant, so the pressure should only change within that (small-ish) order of magnitude. So maximizing pressure serves as a good heuristic. Right, only silver actually gets consumed; I am a certified buffoon. This design concept is very cool and I hope if we ever see Tress's world again we'll get stuff like this. I love it.
  11. Happy Birthday wonderful human! 

    I hope you have a great day ahead :))

  12. Doesn't the baton pass ban set a precedent for the shed tail ban? "Move that gets a sweeper on the board pre-stacked" has been deemed OP already. I don't really play singles though so not sure if that's how stuff works.
  13. I don't think duralumin and bendalloy will actually make a difference, since spores react basically instantaneously. Furthermore, a big appeal of spore guns is that they're extremely cheap (using resources for which one finds entire oceans) so it's kind of against the spirit of the thing to consume metals in spore gunpowder. As for adding sunlight spores, some math is required. However, I asked my roommate (mechanical engineer) to do some calculations and the answer is ... maybe. If y'all feel inclined to do some calcs yourself we used the following model. Spores are about the density of sand Sunlight spores release the same heat as gasoline per mass Zephyr spore mass converts directly into air at room temperature of the same mass Using ideal gas law and assuming a gun/cannon of reasonable dimensions (1 meter barrel 1 kg fuel I think??) it's about half and half, but if dimensions change slightly and/or air is actually treated adiabaticaly instead of an ideal gas we can also get 100% zephyr as optimal. We could definitely get more precise. Zephyr spore mass -> air mass is probably actually calculable if we can find some good estimates for some of the measures in the book, but I have no idea how we can get a good estimate for enthalpy of the sunlight spore reaction. However, I think the general conclusion is that sunlight spores could be useful for spore guns; at the very least if you're trying to stretch your zephyr while sailing the sunlight seas it won't crap out your spore gunpowder. But it's quite unclear as to whether or not it's optimal.
  14. I had a friend who would play a terribly imbalanced variation that she made and dubbed "Setters of Katana", in which the robber had a katana and would kill settlements. So I say kuh·taan
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