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Posts posted by RenegadeShroom

  1. The highstorms don't seem very related to Odium, in my eyes. The destruction they cause seems rather minor, avoided easily by hiding in stone shelters, and they don't seem so odious to me either. I can accept them being of Honour and Cultivation, but Odium seems a bit of a stretch.

  2. It makes me think you could use spikes in an hospital.

    You take them from volunteer donors in point of death, two spikes allowing double gold with some starting reserve. When an ill person is brought, you spike him in some nonlethal place to give him double gold. with that, the person can heal in seconds or minutes at most. he can then put some charge back into the spike (a spike can be used as a metalmind too) and have the spikes removed. that will result in a deadly condition changed to two non threatening wounds. if you can do it with something so small as an earring or a needle, bonus point, but even a stab in an arm would be ok compared to certain death without that treatment.

    the spikes would remain in place too little time to have any effect on the personality.

    Only problem is that the spikes will leak power with time, so after you heal some people with them you have to get new ones. You are dependent on augurs and bloodmakers donors to keep a storage of spikes. But if you can heal some hundred people with the same couple of spikes, it would be feasible. if that number was limited to half a dozen, than it would be too impractical.

    I can imagine that finding Augurs willing to donate their powers would be easier than finding someone who wishes to donate just about any other Allomantic ability, barring aluminium and duralumin, since it seems like a far less useful ability than the rest, at this point. Also, Augurs would be far easier to heal with Hemalurgy, 'cause you don't need to find an Augur to donate Allomantic gold to the patient. Very interesting idea with the spikes, too, temporary healing spikes, especially if they're spiking hospital staff to get the abilities.

    Perhaps a better process would be to use a hemalurgic spike to take feruchemical healing, give it to a gold allomancer to fill all at once. Afterwards, the spike is removed and given to a patient, who taps just what they need, then taken back and given either to another patient or back to the allomancer, who fills and keeps it until needed again. That would allow the costs of the compounding to be shared among patients.

    What about Allomantic pewter? Assuming a donor could be found, spiking the patient with Allomantic pewter and Feruchemical gold would work wonders, I think, and even without the F. Gold, the patient's life could still be saved with just pewter, I believe.

  3. 3. Could you use hemalurgy to save someone's life? I have no idea how, but interesting abstract concept think think about.

    Well, assuming a hemalurgic donor that is a Bloodmaker or a Thug, then yes, easily. Although in order for any life-saving to occur in being granted Feruchemical gold, then the donor would have to provide filled goldminds.

    But as a side question to that, I wonder if it's possible to heal people with mental illnesses via Hemalurgy? I think that Hemalurgy may have a few practical applications on Scadrial, certainly.

  4. Well, I started using a variation of this username when I was fourteen: RenegadeMushroom. Basically, I wanted a username for some forums, and I was in a Mario-ish mood, and I thought to myself, what if there were rebels in the Mushroom Kingdom? Yeah. I pretty much use either RenegadeShroom or a variation of it for every site I sign up to now. I change it up a bit 'cause sometimes some of my friends from another forum use google to stalk me. XD

    I lurked on the forums for a very long time, endlessly observing the comings and goings. When I joined, I decided I'd name myself Observer.

    Sorry, nothing more complicated than that.

    I kinda expected the Observer to be your favourite StarCraft unit or something. XD . . . And I'm really hoping I haven't mixed you up with someone else right now. :U

  5. So basically, physical=things that can occur without life (like Rust, aka Ruin), spiritual=things that can occur with any life, and cognitive=things that require sentient life.

    So then shouldn't Cultivation be a cognitive Shard, then? Cultivation seems pretty exclusive to life I reckon, and I'm not sure why you grouped it under physical.

  6. Chaos and Order, eh? Almost sounds like Vorlons and Shadows. . .

    *Ahem* Anyways, the idea of the sixteen Shards being divided into two groups of eight seems to correlate with Allomancy's basic and higher metals, and it seems logical enough. . . but them being ordered into "bad" and "good" Shards? I disagree there, it seems off somehow. After all, on a wider scale than just humanity, "good" vs "bad" is too abstract, I think. Take Ruin, for example; to him, ruinious things are good and preservative things are bad, no? So whose perception of "good" and "bad" are we working on here?

  7. I'd like to at least see Scadrial after TLR's Ascension, even if I'm a sickly creature that would likely die from trying to breathe an ash-filled atmosphere, I think it'd be amazing to see it just once. Roshar would be my number one destination so far, though. That ecosystem. Does any more need to be said than that? <3

  8. It takes so many breaths to make one of these. Why would you waste all that breath on taxes?

    Because taxes are both living and hateful. So they are clearly of Odium, and thus we can conclude that they were sent by Odium as precursors to an invasion or something, and they threaten all Nalthian life. Ergo, they must be dealt with by a being that cannot experience hate to be defeated.

    TL;DR, taxes are Odious and need awakened metal to be truly destroyed. :P

  9. Better question- can Nightblood awaken? Now there's a scary thought.

    What would it awaken? Horrifying thought, though. I'm sure it'd be enough to make any Nalthian who realised what it was doing to wet themselves in terror!

    That's why it's impossible for Nightblood to kill you in your sleep.

    . . . You lost me. :U

  10. Even in close combat, I think a Mistborn could easily win; a pewter-enhanced punch augmented with duralumin? The Dahkor monk would go down fairly quickly. Plus, the Mistborn could always just riddle the monk with coins before attacking.

    Going off what we know, the Mistborn seems to have a rather large advantage. I'm curious, what makes your friend think the Dahkor monk could win?

  11. My understanding was that because she didn't take up the power at the Well, she never touched the Shard's power, and didn't become a Sliver until she took up Preservation after Leras' death, when she attacked Ruin and killed both herself and Ati in doing so, no? She can hardly be a Sliver if she never holds the power.

    Oh, good points about the metals, though. Still, someone does need to physically procure the ore, and I think that TLR would want some Aluminium for testing it Feruchemically and Hemalurgically.

  12. She still held it and is still a Sliver.

    She died before, or around the same time that she became a Sliver, so unlike TLR, she never any of the Metallic Arts after becoming a Sliver, and so we don't know if Rashek's being a Sliver of Preservation boosted his strength or not, because at the moment he's the only known example we have. Although, I don't believe his being a Sliver boosted his abilities significantly, myself, or Sazed would've mentioned it in the epigraphs, but what he said was that TLR had the same basic Allomantic strength as any of the original nine Mistborn.

    He repressed tech, he didn't hoard it for himself. Like I said he would've needed skaa to mine the Chromium for him, which someone would have found out, unless there was another Pit of Hathsin, but then the Nobles would've found out...

    There are duralumin and aluminium to consider. And Electrum, too. No one seemed to know about those other than the Inquisitors and TLR, but someone had to copy his writings onto the metal sheets, the obligators. If the skaa were mining a secret metal for him, they wouldn't have known, even if there were mistings among the miners, after all, no skaa that we saw during the Final Empire and after the Collapse knew about aluminium or duralumin, yet TLR still had those metals available to him.

  13. Ebooks are much more useful, being smaller, and you can pretty much have a portable library with you all the time with an ebook. But paper simply feels better, I reckon, and feeling how heavy the book is, cracking it open, and that new paper smell are all amazing things. Both have their benefits and downsides, but the ebook is more practical and whatnot, while paper has more emotion and feeling attached to it. :3

    Having said that, I favour paper myself. :D

  14. Atium and Lerasium should mix to grant Atium Allomancy. That is 51. But there should also be a Lerasium Atium alloy(Note the reverse of Atium and Lerasium) I think this one grants Feruchemy and would basically be Sazedium.

    What if there's three ways of alloying Lerasium and Atium with each other? Alloying Lerasium with Atium to get Seers, Alloying Atium with Lerasium to get something else, and one inbetween (50/50?) that creates 'Sazedium'? This is how I figured it'd be ever since I considered the idea of a Sazedium, personally.

  15. It depends entirely on what is meant by the "charge". I always took it to mean the stolen Investiture contained within the spike, which is fairly straightforward when you're talking about stealing human, Allomantic and Feruchemical attributes, but when stealing a Shardblade? I suspect it'd also be easier to figure out if we knew more about how Shardblades work. Might it even somehow diminish the effectiveness of the Shardblade itself, considering that Hemalurgy steals chunks of Spiritwebs?

  16. I'm guessing that getting the Shardblade is a side-effect, too. It'd be kinda silly if there was a Hemalurgic spike that existed just to steal Shardblades. :P

    But the question then becomes, exactly what does that Hemalurgic spike steal, and how would a diminished charge affect that, and does it also effect something about the summoning of the shardblade?

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