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Posts posted by Quivil

  1. 13 hours ago, Voidus said:

    Also kind of a big issue of affecting the entire party in huge ways, especially at high levels when the rest of the party wants to teleport around the world but they can't because one of them wouldn't teleport with the others. Would need entire party to buy in on one of them having this restriction.

    I'd probably suggest Magic Resistance if you really wanted to go this route, it's an existing mechanic and a bit more balanced.

    Ait. Thanks!

    I'm just going to take out the magic resistance/immunity part and maybe use it as a -5 to -10 point disadvantage in the GURPS racial template

  2. Chickens aren't usually pack hunters. - a teacher

    My character casts medicine. - My cousin

    I forgot they were also hallucinogens, and didn't just taste like chicken. - A school friend

    "aaaa, someone has stabbed me. - @demiblob

    "What are your glasses for? Hearing?" - I don't remember who said this

    "You kill them to maximize your profits? I always just keep them, because they're my friends." - I don't remember who said this either

    "I have a child? When did that happen?" - A school friend when (context makes it funnier imo)


    he heard that his character (being played by Quarterfeather) was adopted as my cousin's character's father.

  3. 1 hour ago, Koloss17 said:

    @Matrim's Dice: I rarely see them around, but when I do, they always contribute something important to the post. Always offering a new perspective to a scene, or giving a new bit of evidence for a theory. A silent support ninja of the Shard.

    I think Mat hangs out in SE mostly

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