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Everything posted by Bagelparadox

  1. I'm not sure about the main part of your question, but "odium" is the Latin word for "hatred," and basically means the same in English.
  2. We don't yet know much about dragons in the cosmere, but I believe we have two important facts confirmed: that dragons are immortal, and that they are shapeshifters. In Brandon's most recent livestream, he mentioned liking the book Dracula. Upon reading it, I noticed that Count Dracula is "immortal" (he lives for centuries, and it takes very special methods to kill him). He also is shown transforming into a bat, into a dog, into a bird of prey (I think?), and possibly other forms. These two features are shared with cosmere dragons, so I was wondering whether Brandon took inspiration from Bram Stoker's vision of vampires. Also, bats in general are somewhat physically similar to dragons, with their fangs and webbed wings. The clincher, in my opinion, is that the name "Dracula" actually comes from draco (Latin for dragon) through Romanian, with Vald the Impaler using the patronym Dracula, meaning "son of the dragon" because his father was part of the Order of the Dragon (a holy chivalric order). Is this a coincidence? Is it intentional?
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