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The Windrunner Supreme

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Posts posted by The Windrunner Supreme

  1. Hello. Sorry for not posting for a while. Can I get a vote count? @Illwei@Matrim's Dice?

    On 10/23/2020 at 10:01 AM, Condensation said:

    I don't know who to vote for. What's suspicious? I don't have enough experience.

    This is my second game and I feel the same way. For my first game, I just voted on whoever everyone else was voting on, and I lost.

    Ill try to be back on before rollover, although I may not be able to. 

    I am just going to vote experience because he is my brother and he has posted 0 times

  2. Hello. I have had a lot of stuff to do lately, so I may post less this game than last game. This is my second game, and I still am trying to figure out how to play this. I am just going to poke @everyone:D

    So get poked!

    Also, my mind has exploded, and I cant think, so does anyone know when this turn will end in Pacific Time Zone?

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