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Pruning the Blackthorn

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Everything posted by Pruning the Blackthorn

  1. Stormlight might overtake Mistborn era 1 as my favorite, but I can’t bring myself to vote for it while it’s ongoing; It’s unlikely, but the chances of Brandon Sanderson flubbing the end are not zero.
  2. Hello. I reread The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman, so that would be my favorite book so far this year. However, if I have to pick a book that I haven't read before, it would be Yumi and the Nightmare Painter. Welcome.
  3. Hello. I just joined a few days ago (my first forum as well), and I'm 34, so no worries there. I have not heard about a picture book of The Dog and the Dragon. I've heard Brandon Sanderson mention wanting to do picture books and things, likely starting with The Girl Who Looked Up, but I'm sure others have way more information on that front than I do. Anywho, welcome!
  4. I’m a bit late to the Yumi and the Nightmare Painter discussion. It took me a while to read it; I have a five-year-old and a three-year-old, so I don’t have a lot of reading time. But, I wanted to point out this bit: That small passage hit me like a shot through the heart and tears welled in my eyes. It made me realize that I long for someone to say something like that to me. Without going too much into my personal life, there are things about myself that I’m working on, trying to change and improve. I’ve had only limited success so far, and I’ve backslid a lot. These backslides have been used against me by my loved ones—not necessarily maliciously, but still. The fact that I’m trying has either gone unnoticed by them or it hasn’t mattered to them; results are all that matters. I don’t want to paint a picture of myself as some innocent victim in what’s been going on with me. I am not. But this passage made me realize how desperately I need someone to tell me that they see that I’m trying. That would ease the burden I feel, would give my efforts more value than I alone can give them. But I cannot ask for someone to tell me this: If I ask them to say it to me, it will lose all meaning. And I am not posting this for people to reply with sympathy or to tell me that it matters that I’m trying (see previous sentence). I simply have no other outlet for this thought. I have never related to people who’ve said that a work of fiction has profoundly affected them—not even reading about Kaladin’s struggles in Rhythm of War (I am also a sufferer or chronic depression). I’m glad they experienced that; I just never had. Reading this, however, impacted me with such force that I have not experienced before.
  5. He accidentally skipped number 6 but listed number 2 twice, so there are a total of 7. I also assume when he said Aimian he meant Siah Aimains since sleepless were listed on their own.
  6. 1. Pass. 2. Smash. 3. Smash. 4. Smash. 5. Pass. 6. Smash (in human form). 7. Pass (four arms would probably freak me out too much).
  7. Maybe its a gender-swapping of that horrible trope of guys killing the women they love "for their own good." (Jon Snow at the end of Game of Throne, Wolverine in X-Men: The Last Stand.) Tanavast is rambling crazy stuff, and Koravellium Avast is like "I love you, but--" *stab*
  8. Thank you, Aeoliae. Is quoting not the best way to reply when someone asks you a question? (I’m still new to this whole forum thingy and am not sure exactly how it works.)
  9. I'd go with Lightsong; he seems the best for having a pleasant conversation with. Lopen might be too busy telling me how impressive he is, and Marsh is probably a bit of a downer.
  10. Probably Honorspren just because I want to fly. (Highspren seem like jerks.)
  11. Hello. I made this profile a while ago but haven't used it. I have no one to talk to about the Cosmere. So I'm here. -Rhyen (pronounced Ryan, for whatever small percentage of you might not guess that)
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