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Posts posted by DramaQueen

  1. Three guys in my stake got their mission calls yesterday.

    Canada Montreal Mission (idr what language but not English), Lubbock Texas Mission Spanish speaking, and Philippines Olongapo Mission Tagalog speaking.

    The guy going to Texas is one of my absolute best friends of all time and he's gonna be such an amazing missionary.

    Also, before he opened his call and was taking guesses, my guess was that he wouldn't go to Texas, and that's as specific as I got with my guess. I had no idea where he would go, but I was certain it wouldn't be Texas. And then....boom, Texas.

  2. 4 minutes ago, Potato's Wit said:

    They found someone to love them. Therefor, they must explode. The end.

    It's not fair to want to end someone else's happiness just because they found something you didn't.

    Everyone is seeking happiness, and if everyone also tried to keep everyone else from receiving happiness, this would be a very depressing world.

    It's like catching crabs. Once you've caught two, they won't be able to get out of the bucket because they'll never let the other one get out first, they'll always tear each other down, so neither of them get freedom. No one wants to live like that.

  3. 8 minutes ago, That1Cellist said:

    That's a fair point, actually. I love thinking about other potential forms life could take that we might not even notice or think about. It's really amazing, actually.

    And yes, of course, planets are very cool. So maybe we shouldn't blow anything up because it might be impossible to not stress people out with their sudden. unexpected nonexistence.

    How about small, silent, pretty looking explosions that you can hold in your hand and don't hurt or damage things?

    That works too

    Or you could blow up, like, an old basketball that no one cares about.

  4. 1 hour ago, That1Cellist said:

    Sooo how about we explode other, uninhabited, far away planets?

    I bet that would be satisfying.

    That may cause stress in someone's life.

    Like, personally, I think uninhabited, far away planets are really cool and I would be quite upset if one was destroyed, even if it never affected me.

    And, honestly, how would you know it's uninhabited? Signs of life on other planets might be very different from signs of life on ours, so it's possible that we would be totally unable to ever really know if a place is inhabited or not.

  5. 1 hour ago, Frustration said:

    "Well, my knife will have to do then," Itzal said, taking his large hunting knife from his belt and holding it out to her. "Hopefully you won't have to use that, but I'd rather have you armed if it comes down to it."

    "I have my dagger with me."

  6. 2 hours ago, Frustration said:

    "We stand and fight," Itzal said, taking out his sling, and reaching into his pouch, he had several oblong lead projectiles inside, that he had taken the time to inscribe "Catch" on.

    "Val, you've hunted with a blowgun back on Vitera haven't you?"


    "I didn't hunt much, I don't think the elders trusted me not to scare away the prey." Val didn't make any move to help fight. "And when I did hunt, I used throwing daggers, not a blowgun."

  7. "Checks out, the one day I visit outside of Ivinan or Vitera, a rare army attacks." she muttered. Despite the bitter-sounding words, she couldn't hide the excited grin that threatened to break across her face, or the bounce in her feet as she watched the fighting.

  8. 2 hours ago, Frustration said:

    "I can try, though I make no promises," Itzal said, placing a hand on his sword. "We'll want to find a taller building, if I recognise the commanders, I can probably arange for our safety through the battle, but the extra height will be good for us in the meantime."

    "Right." Val forced herself to look away from the fighting and turn towards Itzal. "Lead the way."


    1 hour ago, Frustration said:

    "Nonsense, I just finished up a sale, and I don't have anything better to do today..." Itzal cut off as the bells sounded, and glanced towards the oncoming army.

    Val's eyes widened, partly in fear and partly in excitement. As long as she could stay a safe distance away from the fighting, this would be an invaluable experience to help her understand the conflict between realms.

    1 hour ago, Frustration said:

    "You might want to stay close to me actually, this could get pretty messy."

    "Alright, just...can we stay somewhere safe where I can still see?"

  10. 6 hours ago, Frustration said:

    Itzel laughed. It had been too long since he'd seen been back to Vitera, meeting another Sprite was refreashing.

    "Well let's go inside and get something to eat, I can show you around Midway afterwards, how does that sound?"

    "I don't want to interrupt what you're doing, I'm sure I can find my own way around."

  11. 43 minutes ago, Cash67 said:

    In my head, you're a person around 22-23, average height with dark hair/cool dark dyed hair in a cut in between Zelda bob cut and Amity Blight from. Not as sharp as Amity but not as fluffy as Zelda. Very collected and reasonable, but also willing to die on any hill for comedic purposes only.

    ...interesting. For the most part, quite wrong, but interesting.

    51 minutes ago, Cash67 said:

    As always, the question gets turned back to you about me!

    I don't know if I've had enough interactions with you for this, but...swooshy sandy brown hair, tall, 16-17 years old

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