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Posts posted by DramaQueen

  1. What is the link to the official radiant order test? That sounds like something I would definitely love to do!

    Also for the fanart, I would love to see some cool art of Spook, as he is one of my favorite characters and he does not get enough recognition. But any fanart would be phenomenal!!! Your English is great btw!

  2. Hello, I just joined this, but I have been a fan of Sanderson for a year or so? I am still very far from understanding the Cosmere, though. I hope to get a lot of my questions answered here! I have enjoyed every single Sanderson book that I have read, not just the ones in the cosmere. I cried at the end of Legion, I am in love with David's metaphors in the Reckoners trilogy, and I long to claim the stars. I cannot count the nights I have stayed up, engulfed in the worlds that Sanderson creates with mere words. I also do theatre, so if there are any other theatre people amongst the Sanderson fanbase, I will gladly befriend you! I think a play/musical of any Sanderson books would be GORGEOUS, but for now I will have to survive on just books. (Still waiting for the Mistborn movie...) There are more of his books that I have not read than I thought, so please make sure that I have read the book/series before you start giving potential spoilers. Once again, super excited to be a part of this group!!!

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