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Posts posted by ToaCalune

  1. 3 hours ago, AlexC said:


       A friend strongly suggested I start reading Brandon Sanderson and said: "read Way of Kings"; which I did (and enjoyed a lot), then moved to Words of Radiance (90% atm)

    Checking out what to read next I found various "Reading Order" lists, and in all of them "Stormlight Archive" is in the second half.

    So my question is.. Did I start the wrong way with the Cosmere universe? What's the "definitive" reading order list, and how do I get back on track after finishing "Words of Radiance"?

    Several lists (and apparently I can't post links) make me think I'm in a good place as "Way of Kings" -> "Words of Radiance" is listed as a possible/recommended reading order start.

    So, what do I read next and in what order?

    Thanks :)

    I started with Stormlight also, and about the only problem with that is that there are a lot of references that I missed out on. So I will have to go back and re-read them, which is that so much of a problem?

    Honestly though, I wish I had started with Mistborn or Elantris and saved Stormlight for last just because of all of the cameos from other books that I didn't get.

    How to get back on track? Read Warbreaker. There is so much stuff from that book specifically in Oathbringer.

  2. 7 hours ago, AonEne said:

    So last night I couldn’t sleep, and, well, can you dump all this in the Chocolatewards? :P 

      Reveal hidden contents


    • Flavor - allows you to sense the inner qualities of something with a look; i.e. knowing something’s taste or the emotions someone feels 
    • Heat (better name possibly pending?) - heating parts of or your entire body to extreme temperatures or taking the heat away. Does not harm your body. Can only be used in your body or directly on the surface (think Slicking for Edgedancers). 

    Ideals: (with room for self-expression as long as the general spirit is met) 

    • First Ideal - “Life before death, cake before weakness, journey before pies.” 
    • Second Ideal - “I will give chocolate to everyone I can.” 
    • Third Ideal - “I will provide sugar and help to anyone, over my own desires.” 
    • Fourth Ideal - “I will go without if someone else needs it more.” 
    • Fifth Ideal - “I will starve before I let my loved ones die.” 

    Spren: Chipspren; when in motion, appear as a ribbon of melted chocolate; when still, appear as people molded from chocolate; physically unable to touch anyone or anything, are repelled about an inch away (imagine two opposite magnets being pressed together). 

    Resonance: The Chocolatewards pick up new skills quicker than most. Not supernaturally quick, but they’re some of the quickest among normal human metrics. 

    Information: The Chocolatewards are an extremely selfless order, giving as much as they can even if it hurts them. They often fill the role of whoever gets to interact with others most in their jobs, selling at bakery counters or driving distribution trucks. They’re hard workers and don’t usually complain. 

    I may or may not have started building a character, just in case this turns into an RP... 

    Edit: Or we could use @Kelsier'sGodComplex‘s Second Ideal? Or both 

    Edit #2: Also, because why not, I’m suggesting the names Voidburners and Sugarlight. 

    YES! I am literally crying right now!

    I am so down for an RP. It has been years since I have done anything of the sort.


    4 hours ago, The Awakened Salad said:

    May I found the order of the Vanillacallers? We have the surges of Flavor and Proportion. 

    Our second ideal is: “I will ensure all ingredients are used in the correct proportions”

    (Which is kind of ironic for me actually, because I never pay attention to proportions when I cook). 

    Also yes.

  3. Welcome to the Knights Bakery!

    Life Before Death

    Cake Before Weakness

    Journey Before Pies

    We use sugarlight to fuel our surges, and strive to destroy the Voidburners.

    The orders we have so far...





    “I will layer butter instead of mixing. I will bring flour, sugar, and eggs together.”

    “I will take responsibility for the things I have baked. If I must fall, I will rise each time a better Pastry Chef.”

    Surges: ???, ???

     Spren: ???




    They speak no oaths past the first. They must speak truths about their cooking failures 

    Surges: ???, ???

    Spren: Cinnamonspren





    Surges: ???, ???

    Spren: ???





    "I shall put frosting above all else."

    Surges: Dusting, Frosting

    Spren: ???




    Surges: ???, ???

    Spren: ???






    "I will watch for proper browning. Never shall something burn in the oven beneath my gaze."


    Heat: heating parts of or your entire body to extreme temperatures or taking the heat away. It does not harm your body. It can only be used in your body or directly on the surface

    Timing: It causes time to move faster around unbaked goods. It also causes more even heating within said time bubble.

    Spren: Soufflespren





    "I will allow baked goods to raise for the proper amount of time"

    Surges: ???, ???

    Spren: Yeastspren





    "We shall ensure that all chocolate is made equal.”

    "I will provide sugar and help to anyone, over my own desires."

    "I will go without if someone else needs it more."

    "I will starve before I let my loved ones die."


    Heat (better name possibly pending?) - heating parts of or your entire body to extreme temperatures or taking the heat away. It does not harm your body. It can only be used in your body or directly on the surface (think Slicking for Edgedancers).  

    Flavor - allows you to sense the inner qualities of something with a look; i.e. knowing something’s taste or the emotions someone feels 

    Spren: Chipspren; when in motion, appear as a ribbon of melted chocolate; when still, appear as people molded from chocolate; physically unable to touch anyone or anything, are repelled about an inch away (imagine two opposite magnets being pressed together).




    "I will ensure all ingredients are used in the correct proportions."


    Proportion: The ability to know what amount of a certain ingredient will have what effect (E.g. what amount of butter to use in their cookie dough). This is a skill that must be honed over time, and first ideal Vanillacallers often struggle with this surge.

    Flavor: This surge allows Vanillacallers to see all combinations of flavors, and which ones would tastes good/bad while baking. They must focus on however many flavors they are thinking of combining, however, and this takes much focus and much sugarlight.





    2nd- I will judge by taste, until I find a better method.

    3rd- This is the oath were they decide which method they will judge food by. An example would be: I will judge food by the laws of healthiness.

    4th- For this oath, the Knight swears to either invent a new method of cooking, or to destroy a flawed method. An example: I swear to destroy the overuse of sugar in everything.

    5th- I will judge food by my own decision, I am the author of the cookbook.


    Divination: Allows them to see all of the ingredients in a food and then they can use.

    Illumination: To show people to show what the food is really like.

    Spren: Bakespren


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