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Posts posted by ToaCalune

  1. On 3/11/2020 at 1:39 PM, Pathfinder said:

    So my one thing is I tend to see people say Kaladin is the champion of the common man. Does he protect? Certainly. But Kaladin is far (in my opinion) from a force for societal change. He does whatever he can to protect in the moment. The order of knights that seem more concerned with the "common man" are the edgedancers. Remembering those that are forgetten. Listening to those who are ignored. The entire order was focused on helping the civilians displaced by the abandonment of Urithiru rather than leaving a message about themselves for posterity. Again, just want to stress, not saying Kaladin is a bad person, nor that he does not care. He clearly cares, and wants to protect. But other than trying to help slaves escape that he is protecting, or protecting the bridgemen under his command, or protecting the soldiers under his command, I do not recall Kaladin ever actually seeking to change society for the better, or work towards bettering "the common man's" lot in life. 

    I agree, Edgedancers are by far better for the office than Windrunners. I say Lift for President of Alethkar. She promises free pancakes for everyone!

  2. 1 hour ago, Aragorn said:

    Hey guys, this is sorta a rant, so if you don't want to read it, that's fine.  thanks to a specific recent event, our choir concert that we've been working on for over 3 months has been canceled, also, the musical We've been working on for over 5 months is almost definitely been canceled too.  So, there's that.   This virus isn't very bad in our state, and people are really overreacting, I agree that precautions are necessary, but canceling a small Middle School choir event and musical?  In our area, there have been no known or conformed cases, so there really isn't a point to this.  So, the only two things I actually enjoy doing at school are cancelled.

    That stinks! And I totally get it, I love those things too. If my concerts were cancelled, I would be soooooo bummed! I hope that you guys can figure all this stuff out so you can still have a concert.

  3. Just now, Emerald_Mage said:

    Well, Nightblood is metal infused with investiture. So given enough investiture in the metal it can become a shardblade.

    However, the question becomes can you put enough investiture into the metal via the metallic arts?

    I dont think you can, because you can fill a metalmind to a point that it cannot be filled anymore, and also:

    On 3/4/2020 at 7:08 PM, Halyo_Alex said:

     also think you can't multi-charge a hemalurgic spike by killing multiple people with a single spike, or else the Steel Inquisitors would have been doing that all along (or at least with Ruin controlling them) to give them insanely strong allomancy.

    So I don't think you can make a shardblade with metallic arts.

  4. 21 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

    The genie coughed.

    "Excuse me," he said frostily. "I believe that was my wish to grant?"

    He waves his hand.

    "Congratulations," he says. "Enjoy being a human-shaped printer."


    @ToaCalune slowly backed into a corner. "Storms, fine," he said loudly. "I just thought you were busy."

    Calune turned to the human shaped printer. "You still have the strength of a 250 year old lady."

  5. 2 minutes ago, Nathrangking said:

    Well you can't win them all.


    Nope. Sometimes people (not me, but some people), like to throw wrenches into your plans. Some people, not me mind you, but some people just like to see you think that you have escaped that negative consequences of your wishes, and then be blindsided some bizarre curse that had nothing to do with your wish. Again, some people, not me.

  6. Taln once visited Scadrial. While most believe that Taln's impact created the Elendel Basin, the truth is that the basin was created by Scadrial trying to shy away from Taln. It could do this only because Taln found the pure terror of Scadrial amusing.

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