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Everything posted by ParchmentMagic

  1. A lot of people seem to have gotten Vin when they feel more like Sazed or Elend. Let me try to alter the quiz a bit, to make it more accurate! Thanks for the input, guys!
  2. Thank you @Knight of Iron! I'm glad you liked the quiz! Any suggestions for improvement or ideas as to what I can make next?
  3. Sooo I searcher long and hard but I couldn’t find many Mistborn quizzes at all, and the ones I did find contained questions like “what is your favourite colour” and other such… random questions to determine which character a person is like?? I was quite fed up and I decided to make my own quiz, with situations and other questions that are more useful for a determination like this, I guess? Anyways, here it is! I hope it’s fun to answer and maybe the results will be more accurate I would appreciate it if you took the quiz and gave me suggestions as to how I can improve it! Which Mistborn Era 1 Character would you be?
  4. A close up of my painting. Here's Vivenna and Nightblood! I was so excited to paint something bursting with colour after reading Warbreaker! I know Biochroma exits through the mouth, but artistic licence!
  5. Here's Vivenna and Nightblood! I was so excited to paint something bursting with colour after reading Warbreaker! I know Biochroma exits through the mouth, but artistic licence!
  6. I can't help but paint after reading a series that I adore, and of course, Jasnah Kholin, Queen of my heart, will always come first! There's no one I admire more.
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