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Posts posted by blackout8444

  1. YKYASFW you can no longer get the same level of satisfaction from other books, and have to resort to subsisting solely off of Sanderson, Tolkien, and Robert Jordan.


    Additionally, when you nearly faint from the mental overload of your younger sister finally asking you where to start on Brandon's books.


    Third, when you finally get your parents to let you have Discord, and the first thing you think of is that you can finally join the 17th shard Discord forums.

  2. 23 hours ago, ILuvHats said:

    Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood

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    I boy with daddy issues kills his brother in order to turn his mom into a zombie, then recruits a bunch of friends as he continues to kill his father's 7 other kids.


    Technically his uncles kids, not his dad's.


  3. On 12/13/2014 at 9:42 PM, DanTheSeamonster said:

    who's you favorite Doctor and why?


    Who's your favorite companion and why?


    What's your favorite story arc?

    It need not be said that I am a whovian, just look at the profile pic. 

    1. Peter Capaldi, because you may be cool, but you will never be Peter Capaldi standing on a tank while playing a guitar cool.

    2. Donna, because of the shear amount of sass.

    3. When Peter Capaldi returns to Galifrey, everything from the confession dial to when he looses his memory and we get some of the promise made with his name.

  4. I wear glasses, and I have an additional anti-contacts argument to add.

    On 7/21/2019 at 7:29 AM, Silva said:

    As a person who has tried contacts, I can assure you that glasses have many advantages.

    First off, you're not as exposed. Things thrown at your eyes are deflected before they hit you.

    Secondly, do you know how many things could grow on a contact lens and harm your eye? There are lots of things that can go wrong. Eyes were not designed to be poked. There is a reason you blink when anything comes too close.

    Thirdly, less hassle. Glasses you can just put on your face. Contacts take washing hands, dealing with solution...and then you can't even fall asleep because your eyes need to breathe!

    Fourthly, your eyes need to have access to oxygen. Contacts prevent that. And sure, they make them so it won't be as harmful, but you still can't sleep in them. If that's not a sign of something bad being narrowly avoided, I don't know what is.

    Fifthly, astigmatism. Contacts don't help with that, unless they're toric and even then can't solve the issue perfectly because of how they work. They don't offer perfect vision for all.

    Sixthly, and finally, I don't know about anyone else, but I love my blurry vision. That might seem strange, but it's true. I like seeing the world a way that probably no one else does.Wearing contacts...that's like saying I didn't want anyone to know about that--hiding the fact that I don't see the world in the same boring way people with "better" vision do.  My fuzziness is different from your fuzziness and you'll never get to experience it exactly the same way.

    *looks Truthless in the eye right back, flaunting her glasses*


    glasses push.jpg

  5. On 9/16/2019 at 3:02 PM, Quantus said:

      And a bloodmaker that had been burning constantly (whether it's advisable or not) could also easily be so used to the Gold-healing constantly preventing the sensations of pain, fatigue, etc that they'd loose the ability to feel them in general, but also likely loose the ability to function normally without that constant buffer against sensation.  

    To be noted, the lack of pain is not a cause of tapping F-gold. That is something that happened to Miles specifically. We know this because Wayne does feel pain while tapping F-gold.



    On 9/20/2019 at 2:58 PM, atiummisting17 said:

    I'd like to think that constant use of gold accelerates cell death, as cells can only divide so many times. By making cells constantly multiply, you shorten your lifespan.

    I find this unlikely. It could be possible with compounders, but Feruchemy only puts out what you get in. Therefore, you would have cells multiply slower while storing and faster while tapping, and it would balance out.

  6.     I have been pretty interested in Ishar's plan killing all the proto-radiants. I had the idea that his reasoning may have to do with when he "thrust order upon them" and threatened to destroy the surgebinders if they didn't accept the oaths. My idea is that he told Nale to kill the new radiants because he thought they wouldn't have the same order as the previous radiants, and thought that could be dangerous.

        What thoughts or other ideas do you guys have on this, and are there other discussions that go over this?

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