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Everything posted by RithmaMists99

  1. Well given that I live nowhere near the States, I have not looked into it, though I definitely shall do so! Also sounds like you're really doing some exciting stuff! Birds are really awesome. I volunteered at the nearby birds gardens and was definitely a great experience!
  2. Oh that's cool, exactly what I want to get into as well! Preferably aquatic mammals, though just mammals in general are amazing!
  3. New member saying hello back at you! I too am studying animal sciences so its a pleasure to see you here!
  4. Dalinar is the Unity of Ages Lift is the Awesomeness of Ages Sadeas is the Eel of Ages
  5. I think they can, since he's had some influence on them.
  6. I LOVE IT! We shall call it the "Every book set on Earth is connected" Movement! (I'm still working on the name)
  7. The best part about this theory is the imagery of Syl standing in front of a bunch of windspren, making them do Katas, or whatever windspren need to do to train!
  8. Agreed, though your comment does remind me of how Shardplate is potentially formed using lesser spren. Could that also be a bond, though to a lesser extent?
  9. What about if they could bond spren from 2 different Shards like Honor and Cultivation. Imagine a Bondsmith with the power of both the Stormfather and the Nightwatcher. Epic levels being shattered right there!
  10. Hi yes, I know that Cosmere Investiture isn't present in The Rithmatist, I simply meant Investiture as the other word for magic system, apologies for the mistake. And yes, I agree about the Earth-like planets in the Cosmere theory. Would Nalthis also make a good example?
  11. Well given that Investiture is due to the Shards that take up residence on a planet, I think it would depend on what type of Shard decides to call Earth home. Of course, The Rithmatist takes place on an alternate version of Earth, and the investiture there is quite amazing, with Brandon requiring lots of research on ancient Mayan civilizations I believe. So that might answer your question?
  12. Hi guys, So I'm very curious on whether anybody has any clue on who could be a Rosharan Worldhopper. I do know that in a WOB that he has mentioned that there are some in his books, so I'm curious if anybody has any theories on who they could be
  13. Hello, Thanks for the welcome Wander89. And to answer the others, yes I do understand that the Cosmere has a crazy amount of planning and thought that goes into it, especially with all the Shards, different types of Investiture and how there's a whole overarching story. And while I agree that an alternate version of Earth is best left out of it, a guy can dream! Especially since The Rithmatist is such a fantastic book and deserves so much more recognition. But yeah, I guess The Rithmatist Movement is dead.
  14. Wonder if Kit Harrington's up for some more brooding.
  15. Of course, there is also the fact that while killing everyone might not necessarily free him, it definitely causes them to become way more desperate, leading to a contest of champions where he has a strong chance of winning and finally escaping the Rosharan system. If the quickest and most effective way of killing the Rosharans involved the Parsh, then that's what he's going with. Spoiler for Mistborn below It kind of reminds me of how Ruin used the Koloss in Mistborn to try and find the atium, Odium in the same manner is using the easily influenced Parsh to accomplish his goals. Hope the Parsh realize this soon.
  16. Hi guys, New here, but here goes. I've been a fan of Brando Sando for some time now, but I wanted to properly join the community when I read most of the cosmere books and I'm glad to say that its finally happened. However, I must now call all of us to join forces, so that The Rithmatist, one of the most unique books by Sanderson with a killer magic system, be integrated into the Cosmere with its own system called The Cretan System. Now I know there's the minor issue of no Hoid but hey, he was probably off soothing in the Rosharan System. Apart from that, happy to be here
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