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Posts posted by Rubix

  1. Obviously the grant money isn't going towards anything to do with this site...


    You might be surprised. The thing is, this site has a lot fewer costs than the shop does, and years longer to develop. I'm going to be doing some awesome stuff in the coming months for the site, and getting this grant will help make that stuff even better. I know I'm being a bit unspecific, but I'm wanting to keep a few things a surprise.

  2. Hey Sharders,


    We've got an opportunity to help the site, a member of our community, as well as make the world just a little better. I'll try to keep it brief, and I hope by the end, I'll be able to persuade you.


    A dear friend of mine owns a small music shop. He's doing everything he can to try to help inspire change in an industry that is laden with issues. Many instruments and music supplies that are sold around the area we live are manufactured abroad, by companies that pay their employees so little that the employees are basically slaves. What he's done is made sure that as much as he can of what he offers is made by people who are being paid a fair wage. I believe in what he's doing so much, that I'm actually going to be joining him as a business partner, combining this site and his shop to make the world a little better.


    Right now, he has an opportunity to receive a grant for $100,000, which would help propel this business ahead by years overnight, helping him pay for things like a delivery van, purchasing a broader inventory, and even hiring a few employees. That's where you guys come in. In order to be considered for this grant, he needs at least 250 votes on this page. It does require a Facebook account to vote, but you don't have to post or share anything. All we ask is that you use your real Facebook account, just to avoid making it look to the selection committee that we may have rigged the vote. And if we do receive this grant, I promise, some awesome things will come to the site.


    Thank you guys so much for being awesome. 

  3. Thank you all for the input, and the level headed discussion. We're definitely going to take this under advisement, but please know that if we do change the name of the reputation level, it will not be changed to Slontze. Slontze is used in a defamatory manner in the books, and we do try to put things like that into the negative reputation levels. If anyone has any questions, or suggestions for what we could change the title to, feel free to drop me a PM. Coming up with a replacement title tends to take me a little while, so options would help me greatly.


    Thanks again!




    Edit: The reputation level has been changed.

  4. The mods there are horrible at their job, or rather, they do it too well. Which is better than not doing it at all, but they handle the huge influx of users poorly. But the forum is geared towards younger users, and if a troll gets on and posts some graphic/sexual material, the publishing company (that runs the forum) could get sued if a parent sees it.


    The age of the readers probably has a great deal to do with it. Where those books are geared towards younger readers, the forums actually do allow for kids under 13 to register (with a parent entering their email address), which 17S does not. Okay, yes, the Alcatraz books are geared towards younger readers, but a WIDE majority of Brandon's readership is over 13.


    So yeah, there's a chance that Harper Collins could get in trouble for what's on those boards, and there are probably parents who contact them wanting tighter rules so that their kids won't run into content that they object to (see their ghost rule on guns). Fortunately, 17S isn't beholden to a publisher in that way, and while we do have a professional relationship with Brandon and his team (we're the official fansite, and we're linked on Brandon's site), they (more often than not) let us do as we see best.

  5. By the way, I keep on noticing these dots between the reputation ranks and the profile pics. What are they? My OCD won't let me drop it.


    Staff and Admins don't have it, but I'm still in the dark as to what it is. It doesn't appear to be about reputation points or time you've been here.


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