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King Aragorn of Gondor

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Posts posted by King Aragorn of Gondor

  1. Nyx was lost.  So, naturally, she tried finding a way out.  Turns out a massive tower wasn't a fun place to be lost in, who knew, right?

    She eventually decided that walking around in circles didn't do anyone any good and took a staircase down into the underground regions of the tower.  She was immediately greeted with the sight of a FREAKING DEAD DRAGON and members of the strange company who looked like they had just killed the dragon.

    "What the frick?"

  2. On 1/12/2021 at 8:27 PM, King Aragorn of Gondor said:

    "I... wow..."  Nyxim said, still a tad confused, but decided it was best not to try this man's patience.  "Okay then," She turned to Abalard, ready to mount, but he danced to the side. Infuriating horse, she thought, glaring at him when yet again he resisted being mounted.  They had a stare-off for a few seconds before Abalard stepped forward and nudged her towards the strange man again.  Nyx sighed, connecting the pieces together.  She turned towards the strange, maybe even a tad bit not-right-in-the-head man.

    "My name's Nyxim, I go by Nyx."  She said proffering her hand whilst giving Abalard a look as if to say, There, happy now?

    Nyxim furrowed her brow when, instead of taking her proffered hand, the dude she was talking to took off up a hill.  By now she had enough interest in this company by now to see what was going on.  Strangely, Nyx wasn't suprised by the massiv tower sitting in the middle of nowhere, she's had expirience with arcitecture in strange places in the past.  She saw that there was fighting on the side of the hill, and deciding that she wanted nothing to do with that, she approached and entered the tower.

  3. 15 hours ago, Knight of Iron said:

    "Once upon a time the Shadow, the elf, and I were standing right next to each and the Shadow spat out a prophecy about finding a dragon. I'm pretty sure that it is legit. And so we're here, on some quest, not quite sure what we're going to do when we get there."


    Xeus examines the other members of the group, and lingers a little looking at Ara and Avren. If only I had magic, he thought to himself. Somehow, however, I trust these people.

    @JesterLavorre @The Awakened Salad


    "I... wow..."  Nyxim said, still a tad confused, but decided it was best not to try this man's patience.  "Okay then," She turned to Abalard, ready to mount, but he danced to the side. Infuriating horse, she thought, glaring at him when yet again he resisted being mounted.  They had a stare-off for a few seconds before Abalard stepped forward and nudged her towards the strange man again.  Nyx sighed, connecting the pieces together.  She turned towards the strange, maybe even a tad bit not-right-in-the-head man.

    "My name's Nyxim, I go by Nyx."  She said proffering her hand whilst giving Abalard a look as if to say, There, happy now?

  4. 27 minutes ago, Knight of Iron said:

    Orpheus sighed, a little exasperated. "What do you need to know about? The dragon we're after? Would you like a copy of the prophecy?"

    He held up a copy of the paper. He was worried from the beginning that he had made too many, but now he was worried he wasn't going to have enough.

    Nyxim furrowed her brow in confusion.

    "Wait, wait, back up a little bit, you're after a freaking dragon?!?  What prophecy?!?  Is it like... legit??  What is going on here, exactly?"  She asked, waiting for a story so epic she could include it in her routine entertaining gigs.

  5. 10 hours ago, Knight of Iron said:

    Orpheus turned. "I am sorry, we can step out of your way."

    She nodded respectfully his way, and nudged Abalard forward.  He didn't move.

    She nudged him again, not an inch.

    Again and again and again she tried.

    Come on, move! She thought, exasperated, but Abalard gave her a look, one that clearly said, I'm not moving, you're going to.

    Nyxim sighed and dismounted, turning to the man who had spoken, "My stubborn brat of a horse thinks something is going on that I need to know about, and by the looks of your party, he seems to be correct."

  6. Nyxim Stromic felt invincible riding atop Abalard.  They were cantering along at ridiculous speeds that no other horse should be able to maintain and yet he did.  When they came upon a most peculiar group. It looked like, well, Nyx wasn't sure what It looked like, but it did cause her to slow down her horse to a stop, and try to decern waht was going on, multiple people were talking in little groups of about two, all looking different from each other.  By the gods... There was even an elf in their party.

  7. Quote

    Thank you!!

    NAME: Nyxim Stromic (Goes by Nyx)
    AGE: 17

    SKILLS: Nyxim is a travelling entertainer.  Master of the ways of speech and of many different instruments.  She's also proficient in hand-to-hand combat, and is a master pick-pocket.  She has a few daggers that she carries with her, but not much else in the way of weapons.  She can automatically know if someone enjoying something (comes in handy when you're a travelling entertainer) and has a sixth-sense that she knows someone is lying to her.

    PHYSICAL APPEARANCE: HALF ELF (On her mother's side) She has a two prominent scars on her person, one that goes from her thumb down to her elbow, one that goes from her slightly pointed-ear up, dangerously close to her right eye, and into her hairline.  She has cropped black hair, very pale skin, and dark-green eyes.  She's short, a mere 5'2" and broad. She usually has a smirk on her face.

    PERSONALITY: Nyxim isn't the most trusting type, usually sitting in a secluded corner when she isn't making money through entertainment.  She's an Ambivert, usually taking time to herself after a long night.  She's very defensive, anyone insults her or the people she cares about (her horse) she will personally destroy them.
    HORSE: (Yes, I'm adding a collumn for Nyx's closest friend) Abalard is unlike any horse you've ever known, sure he looked normal enough with his painted black and brown coat, but that's not the odd thing, no, he was a ancient type of horse, the steeds to the ancient elves, one of the only left of his kind.  He could canter for days without stopping to rest, he knew where the saftest path would be and took Nyx on it.  He seemed to understand her, and know what she was planning to do without her guiding him every step of the way.  He never had to be tethered, and wouldn't wander off.
    HISTORY: Nyxim's father is a high-ranking lord, whom, upon her birth was affronted that she was, well, a she.  But, as there were many present at her birth, he couldn't dispose of her quietly.  Skip to 6 years later and you'll see them at the funeral of her mother, who was stabbed at a riot.  Her father, who had been held back until them through his wife, then abandoned her, leaving her on the streets.  She was quickly initiated into a small band of thieves, who taught her all they knew.  Five years later the law finally caught up to them and all were slaughtered, save her.  She survived for another year on her own, barely surviving.  Then she met Hal, he was a travelling entertainer, 30 years her senior, he taught her the ways of entertaining people.  She honed her skills with Hal for a few years before he suffered a heart-attack and, you guessed it, died.  She then went solo, perfecting her craft and searching for something more.



  8. 14 hours ago, Lecky Twig said:

    *Turns out the floor in which she is situated is littered with twigs, and they all gang up on her. They take the win and the fork and tell her that hurting sentient being is rude, and she shouldn't go around stabbing twigs.*

    *Strider scowls haughtily at the twigs, not that this did much, as the twigs didn't have eyes.*

    *decides to take a different approach in shaming the twigs*

    "Twigs are dumb anyway... like tiny logs...    so, THERE!"

    *With her new found confidence, a shake of the shoulders, and a try at a "I'm better than you" expression, she looks at the leader twig, the one with the win, the king of the twigs, and steps on him, taking the win in the process.*


    *wins evilly while stepping on a twig corpse*

  9. 8 hours ago, Lecky Twig said:

    *she trips on a twig*

    *the twig takes the win from Strider and tells her that she has been a very naughty girl and that she shouldn't steal from others.*

    *Strider grumbles and folds her arms like a petulant child.*

    "Twig is being very not nice... not nice at all."

    *quickly realizes that she had the win rightfully stolen from her which makes her grumble even more.*

    *follows up realization with realization that she is very competent with the weapon that's sitting at her hip, and that there was a twig.*

    *cackles evilly before plunging her spork into the win, taking it from twig.*

  10. 8 hours ago, Branf said:

    So I have a podcast with a friend of mine where we rate fictional dads on their parenting skills (niche I know) and I did Dalinar, Gavilar and Lirin just before Rhythm of War came out. I want to go back and re-record because I really dislike Lirin now a lot more than I did before, I was hoping he'd grow a lot in this book but it's clear he still has a long way to go even after his little change of heart at the end.

    You can try and instill the values and ideals you see as important in your children, but once they are adults you have to accept them as who they are and who they turned out to be. Anything else is just going to hurt them.

    Besides his relationship with Kaladin I also massively disagree with his stance on pacifism. He needs a way more nuanced understanding of what violence is, its not just physical harm, and I think it's quite childish to put physical violence on a pedastal as the worst possible thing ever that trumps all other considerations including pschological harm/poverty/slavery etc.

    Could you maybe link me the podcast episodes?  They sound really interesting!!!:D

  11. He's the worst ever. I hate him more than Amaram, I hate him more than Sadaes, I hate him more than Friggen' Taravangean/Odium.

    He deserves every bad thing.  He doesn't deserve redemption, especially after this last book.  He didn't regret killing Teft, he regretted the pain, he didn't regret what it did to Kaladin and Bridge 4.  He is an absolute monster.

  12. On 11/16/2020 at 6:35 PM, Empress Stick said:

    "Nym, huh?"

    That was an odd. It fit though, an odd name for an odd girl. She cocked her head at that last part, but took her hand.

    What the heck is a Windrunner? Some kind of track team? And what's this about Ideals?

    Fib had mentioned something about the First Ideal, but had said after that she... What was it again? Right, Lightweavers- Whatever that meant- were different from the others, they spoke truths instead of ideals.

    Windrunners must be one of the "others" it mentioned.

    Lissa thought to herself. Well, it didn't really matter anyway, she could ask more about it later.

    "My name is M- Er, Lissa. Lissa Streving, Lightweaver of the... First Truth?" 
    She shrugged at that last part, but shook her hand

    "Oh, ok, ummm..."  Nym looked around, not sure if she was allowed to invite Lissa in or not.  Looking around and finding nobody, she asked,

    "Do you want to come inside, maybe?"

  13. 11 minutes ago, Empress Stick said:

    So she does know something! She must have one too, that's who she keeps talking to!

    She nodded, relieved. 

    "Yeah, I uh- I have one myself. I assume that's the person you're telling to shut up?"

    Nym looked down "Yeah.". She bit her lip, hoping someone would come save her.  Alas, no help came and she looked at the girl, " The name's Nym. " She said, offering her hand. "I'm a Windrunner of the seco-no, Third Ideal."

  14. 18 minutes ago, Empress Stick said:

    Now the girl was talking to herself? And what was with the strange hesitation? Maybe she had some kind of imaginary friend or- ... Wait, imaginary friend? Was this girl like her? But, she couldn't see another Liespren- Er, Cryptic she had been told to call them- Around her. Fib buzzed on the ground, plainly visible to anyone who cared to notice.

    Crap- If she's normal then I shouldn't let her see Fib-

    She stepped forward slightly, angling her foot as to block view of Fib. 

    "Er- I was well-" Quick, think of a good excuse! "I was told to come here, kinda. Do you know anyone here that would know about that?"

    It came out awkwardly, and likely a bit too close to the truth. Still, what's done is done, she'd just have to roll with it if it turned out this really was the wrong place.


    "Oh..."  Nym's posture changed, realization dawning.

    Told you. Lopen snggered.  "Shut up."  She hissed at him.

    "You wouldn't happen to know anything about... spren?"  Nym asked, piles of excuses going through her mind at once if the girl said no.

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