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Everything posted by TrailRunnin

  1. If I'm not mistaken, harmony can't control a being unless they have at least four spikes. Well, specifically humans. I suspect harmony could still influence them in the same way spook was influenced by Ruin, but harmony's not really about that deception life. Also, this thread may be of interest to you.
  2. "What do you mean we're not in Scadrial?" Rig was becoming increasingly confused. Of course he was from Scadrial--where else could he be from? Now there were three of them around him, and he was beginning to feel more trapped by the second. One glance at the rickety elevator the man had gestured at told him he would never ride a contraption like that. That meant for now he was stuck in the caves with these abrasively dressed folks. Well, Rig had been in worse situations. He would find a way to make this work for him. He softened his voice a bit, ensuring that he presented himself as nonthreatening. He let a small smile play on his lips to set the trio at ease, and began doing his second favorite thing: talking. "Alright, there seems to be some confusion. I'm Rigex Lekal. I've got no idea where I am or who you people are, so if you could kindly fill me in I would be most obliged." Of course, depending on their answers, he might have to swap to his favourite thing: being the best rusting coinshot around. EDIT: @I think I am here. @ZincAboutIt @Rushu42
  3. "We could ask you the same question. Are you part of the original team?" The words had come from another woman, who approached him confidence and tapped a patch on her coveralls as though they meant something. Focusing on it, he could make out the letters A.C.E, but what that meant he had no idea. "The original tea--What? No-If you could tell me how to get out of here, that would be great. What house is running this operation?" The Lekal's might have kicked him out of the house, but a random nobleman running a mining operation--Rig was increasingly certain that had to be what this was--wouldn't know that. Rig began burning steel for the first time in days, checking to see how much the two women were wearing. They both had a fair bit on their persons, which would be convenient if Rig had to make a quick escape.
  4. For the first while, Rig had been content to stay in the massive cavern, close to the light and the food. However, as time went on, the majestic sight of the glowing stalactite and the sheer epicness of the vast cavern began to lose their grandeur. He yearned to see something different, and hopefully, to figure out exactly where in the world he was. So Rig had gotten creative. Taking his dueling cane out, he approached the massive stalactite in the center of the cavern. In his head, he had taken to calling it the beacon, and it must have been dozens of times bigger than the largest ones he had seen in the caves around Seran. He scraped the cane against the edge of the beacon and, as he had hoped, managed to get some of the bio-luminescent fungus to dislodge from the massive object. He repeated the motion a few more times, catching all that fell on his jacket, and then began smearing it over his cane. After the process was complete, he smiled in spite of himself at the makeshift torch he held. It was far dimmer than a flame would have been, but under the circumstances he thought it would suffice. Rig reapproached the small hole he had first entered the cavern from, and braced himself. After taking a deep breath and banishing the thoughts of the encompassing darkness he had experienced from his mind, he re-entered the tunnel. He followed it for hours, noting boot marks of his in the mud and scattered stones from where his confused feet had dislodged them. In the soft blue light of his cane the caverns took on an almost mystical feel, and he became lost in their exploration. Several times he was redeposited in the massive cavern he had started in, but each time he found another tunnel to explore. On his fourth tunnel, he was getting better at approximating directions in the cave system. By his reckoning, he was approaching the main cavern along a tunnel inlaid with sharp-edged crystal formations, and would come out soon. He paused for a moment, admiring the way the gems reflected the light of his torch, and contemplated breaking one off to take back with him. As he wound up with the cane, ready to shatter one of the geodes and take back the best pieces, he heard a mechanical whirring from ahead of him. He dashed forwards into the tunnel, soon arriving at the entrance to the massive cave, where he saw dozens of people in disgustingly colourful coveralls unloading supplies. He thought for a moment about hiding, but discarded the thought after a few seconds. People were here; that meant people were elsewhere. Someone would be able to help Rig. So he stood and strolled into the cave, glowing cane on his shoulder and tattered mistcloak suit swaying behind him. He spotted a woman near the beacon who looked to be around his age. “Rusts and Ruin, who are you people?” @Rushu42
  5. I'd like to make one small change to the appearance section for Rig if possible; So just the addition of the suit-mistcloak. I wanted something similar to the duster Wax has as a spiritual successor to the actual mistcloaks, and i love the image of this.
  6. Been meaning to try out blender for a while, figured this was as good an opportunity as any. I present to you: Spikes!
  7. The cellar was gone. For that matter, anything resembling the Elendel basin seemed gone. Rig had spent some time chasing after the elusive voice of the Nomad, but eventually had to give up. He slowed to a walk, treading carefully with his cane out and gun ready, but after what felt like hours without incident, he set the pistol back in its holster and began to feel less afraid and more…confused. What had the Nomad told him? Welcome to the alleys? This was like no alley Rig had ever seen—Not even when chasing down the poorest of the dock workers in their slums. It was simply a cave, and a lousy one at that. The caves seemed designed to trip you up; the ground was uneven and often ridges punished his unwary toes, while stalactites and stalagmites poked and prodded from odd angles, often spooking Rig back in a terrified scramble. Sounds came from odd angles, echoing about him in a space he didn’t know the size of, caused by a million creatures of his imagination. The most frightening thing was simply the darkness; there was no light whatsoever around him, and he couldn’t help but feel that he wasn’t alone in the caverns. If something was watching him, he’d never know it. Damnation Tekiels, never knowing when to just leave a man be! If I’d have gone back up, instead of into these damnation caves after that damnation coward, those bastards would have felt the wrath of Lekal’s best! Of course, Rig wasn’t a Lekal any longer. Not since…no, best not to dwell on the mistakes of the past. Other’s mistakes, of course. Had everyone just done what they were supposed to, Rig would be putting on one of his suits right now and heading- Rig’s train of thought was cut off as he ran into yet another stalactite. The thing was massive and seemed to have been placed just perfectly to smack Rig in the head. Up ahead, Rig noticed a sharp turn in the tunnel, realizing that for the first time in hours he could see. It was faint, but he could make out grey surfaces in the black haze so long as he looked at a corner some light seemed to bounce playfully around. He rushed around the corner, and found himself in a massive chamber, dimly lit by walls covered in some sort of softly blowing blue material. Finally, some good luck! he thought to himself , stepping into the rocky room. It was large—probably about the size of an area found by a theoretical expedition party soon after departing the surface—and the dominating feature was a single stalactite hanging grandiosely from the ceiling in the center of the chamber. It was covered entirely in the glowing fungus, and beneath it sat a perfectly still pool where strange-looking fish swam idly. Upon closer inspection, they appeared blind, eyes having apparently disappeared long ago in a world without light. He wondered how many pools like this he had wandered past, but a growl from his stomach told him it didn’t matter. He had light now, and maybe more importantly, he had dinner. He had never been a religious man—he left that to his mother—but today, by Kelsier’s own name, he would survive.
  8. Rigex dove into the cellar, bullets tearing into the wood behind him. He knew House Tekiel would be upset by his stunt, but Lekal coming after him? His own house? Glancing around, he spotted a small alcove to his right. He ran over to it, then crouched, hoping whoever was first down wouldn’t notice him, giving him an easy hostage. Next to him stood the Nomad, a strange man who had helped Rig thus far. The little man had an air of calmness about him as he muttered something to a rack of old clothes in the corner. Great, thought Rig. So he is a madman. He flipped a small table and sighted on the entry to the cellar, racking his brains for a way out. He had no time, however, as a pair of boots fell to the ground faster than they should have. Taman, then. An old colleague, a lurcher, sent to get rid of the Lekal’s embarrassment. Never mind that it had been their fault in the first place! Well, he and Taman had often joked about which of them would win in a fight. Now they would find out. Rig took the first shot, straight at Taman’s face. There was at most a few meters between them, and Rig’s aim wasn’t bad enough to miss from so close, but the bullet arced downwards at the last second and thudded into the thick wooden breastplate Taman wore. Taman looked up and smiled, then raised his own shotgun and leveled it at Rig, pulling the trigger. As he did, a blanket jumped in front of Rig. Taman had loaded birdshot, not a slug, knowing Rig was a coinshot, and the small ammunition was almost completely absorbed by the heavy cover. The fuzzy wall between Taman and Rig dropped, revealing a stupefied expression on the usually stoic man’s face. The look turned to panic as the rest of the laundry from the pile Nomad had been conversing with jumped up and began wrapping around him, while Rig looked on in fascinated horror. The man slowly stopped convulsing under the mass of clothing, looking like some sort of terrifying mummy made by an overenthusiastic washing machine. Nomad quickly walked over to the pile of cloth, and touched each article of clothing before looking back towards Rig. “Time to go. The rest will be here soon, boy” said the older man, looking for the first time like he really knew what he was talking about. “Go where! We’re a bit stuck, in case you hadn’t noticed.” Yelling from above suggested that the rest of Taman’s crew had decided that things had likely not gone Taman’s way, and that meant soon there would be company in the small cellar. Rig suspected he could take any of them on his own—it was unlikely any of them would be metalborn like him—but all of them? That was a stretch. Without bothering to answer, Nomad shoved past the table and Rig into the small alcove, and shoved on something in the wall. The entire thing gave way, showing a void of darkness beyond. The mysterious fellow turned back towards Rig, and then stepped backwards into the darkness. Rig looked up at the cellar entrance above him. It was the only source of light in the room, and the only other exit. And he knew going through it meant a fight he wouldn’t win, which left one choice: follow the madman. He cautiously entered the darkness beyond the alcove, and suddenly felt his stomach clench as the world itself seemed to jump for a moment. Stepping backwards towards the cellar, his foot met a dripping rock wall. He turned around and saw…nothing. No sign of the cellar or his pursuers, and no sign of Nomad ahead. While he couldn’t see in this darkness—he was no tineye—he could hear the sounds of dripping water, of small animals skittering around, and above it all, the haunting voice of Nomad coming from far away. “Welcome to the alleys, boy.”
  9. Thanks so much! I guess I have some reading to do
  10. Into the dark looks entertaining...I guess I know where to start!
  11. @AonEne are there any threads you think Rigex could fit into reasonably well? Preferably something thats not too convoluted yet, if thats possible here in the alleyverse!
  12. Sounds good! *warily accepts suspicous yet delicious cookie
  13. Based on Rigex's moral ambiguity, I have a feeling the DA might be best suited for him. Also @AonEne I would love to see a summary if its not too much trouble!
  14. Question: how do I actually get involved with either guild? For that matter, how would I go about getting involved in the RP itself?
  15. The famed leader of TUBA! Now this really is a difficult decision
  16. Ooooh...Now I've heard good things about both TUBA and the DA, so the question becomes; to spike or not to spike?
  17. thanks so much! EDIT: Here he is! Rigex Lekal I think I kept him under the point limit, but if someone could check it over I would be very appreciative
  18. Hey everyone! I'm interested in making a character and joining the alleyverse, but cant seem to find a character template or the point system you guys seem to use. Could anyone point me in the right direction?
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