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Everything posted by TrailRunnin

  1. Rig's hand shot out to catch the glinting metal of the coin as it sailed by his head. He tucked it back into his pocket and grinned in the dim light, glad that even if he was blushing, she couldn't see it in the dim light. Of course, he was Rigex Lekal-he would never blush. He took up residence across the narrow tunnel, putting his back to the wall as they waited for the rest of the group. "Obviously you underestimate the value of running away, then," Rig said, looking down the tunnel and noticing for the first time a sliver of light some distance away. "And I don't think not breathing is all that impressive; there're at least a dozen scientists that worm could've introduced you too with the same talent." He hesitated for a moment when she mentioned the world above them. Rig was good at categorizing information and putting it away; you had to be, in his line of work. So he had barely thought of where he was since the worm had interrupted his musings earlier. A flash of concern rose in him to just below the surface, but he smothered it, careful not to show any signs of apprehension. He was making it down here just fine; up there would be the same. "What's it like, up there?" he wondered aloud. He turned back to Corette, teeth stark white as he smiled in the darkness. "Is everyone as strange as you, or is that just bad luck on my part? Everyone always did tell my I attracted the wrong sorts of attention." @ZincAboutIt
  2. Rig hesitated for a moment, holding the little mirror in his palm and watching with a smirk as Corette hopped atop a boulder before addressing the gathered explorers. She was a fair bit shorter than Rig--most people were, after all--so she had to get some elevation in order to get some attention. He focused on the mirror for a moment, and was surprised to see small glowing flecks which seemed to have taken up residence on his face and in his hair. Rig pulled out a kerchief and cleaned his face as best he could, but gave up quickly on the hair; everything he did seemed only to smear it in more! Ah well; at least its distinctive, he thought to himself with a grimace. He turned back to the group as Corette finished up and hopped down next to him. She let out a little laugh like a bell, and he saw a flash of mischievousness in her eyes. She was almost as eager to enter the caves as he was; that much he was sure of. "Keep up? Let me show you what a real twinborn can do," he said, dropping a coin and grinning before turning on his steel. He singled out the comforting blue line pointing towards the coin, and tapped his metalminds for a flush of heat. "Watch and learn, seeker," he joked, then winked before firing himself into the tunnel and turning the corner. He paused then, waiting for the rest of the group.
  3. Ah. Now that kind of talk he was familiar with. It was true, of course; people like Rig and Corette would survive, even thrive, in situations where others might wilt and die. It was the attitude he had been raised with, and it was a bit of knowledge that had always served him well. "Indeed. Diamonds are made under pressure, but some people just...crack." Looking over the group, he had a feeling that there was a bit of both around. And I'm the rarest rusting gem around, he thought to himself while a slightly self-satisfied smirk played along his face. Corette looked ready, enthusiastic even, to enter the caves--she was another gem, if his experiences so far were any indicator. Her eyes were bright and knowing as she regarded the group around them, who seemed to be getting to know one another as they debated over a name for the worm. Personally, Rig was calling it the DeepWorm, after the creature from Allomancer Jak issue 43: Tales of Hidden Hathsin, but he would never admit that to the rest of the group. Speaking of gems, Rig wondered what could be found throughout the caves ahead of them. The mouth of the tunnel they stood at wound tightly around the corner, leaving most everything about it to the imagination. Rig had never been much of a treasure hunter--bounties and contracts with his house had always been a more sure and comfortable thing--but he wouldn't say no to some long-lost horde of jewels and coin. And as a scout leader, naturally he would be entitled to a double portion of the take. Rig cocked his head while continuing to look down the tunnel, leaning forwards on his cane as though he was ready to spring forwards. "Think we should head in soon? Looks like most of the crew Stancel gave us is here now." @ZincAboutIt
  4. I was thinking about the benefits of being various types of mistings, and I was wondering what you all thought: What kind of misting is it best to be in Era 2? Personally I think being a steel burner is the most versatile option, but electrum seems interesting too. Pewter is always useful, and I could see someone going far with zinc or brass. Allomancer Jak shows us just how great Tin can be, especially when combined with some broadsheets exaggeration. So what do you think? What's the best misting in Era 2?
  5. Rig was surprised when Stancel made him a scout leader; after all, he was rather new here. At the same time, though, that said a remarkable amount about her ability to read people; He doubted many here were more capable in this type of situation than he, after all. He pulled out the strange black tablet Corette was showing off and began fiddling with the buttons, becoming so engrossed in trying to figure out the various "apps" and "calls" that he missed whatever some newcomer showed to the group, only looking up at the sound of awed "oooohhs" emanating from the scouts around him. Rig pulled aside his jacket and inserted the tablet into a pocket for later. He would figure it out later, he supposed. He glanced arount the group of scouts, trying to pick out those he already knew while evaluating the ones he didn't with an appraising eye. A few of them, like Corette and the newcomer, seemed capable enough. One or two were among those who had frozen during the fight earlier, and he would rather not have them on his squad. He made his way over to Corette, and lowered his voice so that the rest of the group wouldn't hear. "Which of these do you want? I'd rather not babysit anyone, but it seems like we might have to." @ZincAboutIt
  6. Rig let out a long, exaggerated sigh before reluctantly handing the flask back over, noticeably lighter now. "Entertaining as that sounds, I suppose you're right. And what would you all do without your coinshot extraordinaire around!" Soon after, another woman came up to their little group. I don't remember her from the fighting, thought Rig. And how had she missed what had happened? Last he had checked, the giant worm thrashing about the cavern had been anything but subtle. Rig slipped a hand into his pocket and pulled out a coin to begin flipping it in the air in front of him, trying to decide whether or not she must be joking. "Well, I'm not sure how you missed it, but it appears as though we arrived on the doorstep of a feisty allomantic worm. I don't believe we've met yet--Im Rigex, and this is Corette and Wes," he explained, gesturing towards the others. Wes was her own bundle of mysteries--why didn't she talk, instead communicating with some sort of illusions? They were like nothing Rig had ever seen before, seeming to contain their own light rather than relying on some external lamp like the shadow-players in Elendel did. Looking past the newcomer, Rig thought he saw Sarah talking to Stancel, and thought he heard the word map float over from their conversation. Well, if they were going exploring, Rig was rusting coming along! "Anyone want to come bother the director with me? I'm curious about the rest of these caves; I want to see if we can start checking them out." He was confident he could handle most of what was in these caves alone, but if Corette and her knife wanted to join that was fine by him. @ZincAboutIt @AonEne @Voidus
  7. Rig took a swig of the proffered flask and closed his eyes, letting out a long sigh. He raised an eyebrow at Corette's next comment--at least he was sure she would keep the expedition from getting boring. Now he was really certain he'd have to stick around Corette; she was the only one so far who'd shown a sense of humor! "Second best thing indeed. I think you scared away our little friend!" He shook his head and laughed before downing another gulp, looking on as Allri headed over to talk to another boy around her own age. He was happy for a moment to rest and chat with Corette, sipping slowly on the familiar whiskey, wondering vaguely if there was some way he could sneak some of it into some steel vials. He was silent for a moment as another girl approached them, bringing a drink for Corette. What, none for me? He wasn't sure if he would have drank, though-this one seemed quite a bit wiser to the world than Allri had; he hadn't missed the way the girl--Wes, he though he heard someone call her--had hesitated and listened in for some time before joining them. "Ahh, Corette, you flatter me. Plenty of us died--I just single-handedly saved the rest of you," Rig shot back with a grin. Corette looked remarkably good, all things considered; Rig was pretty sure even he wouldn't be up and about quite this soon after a near-death worm encounter, but here she was, having a grand old time. The rest of her exchange seemed to hint at some secret she knew about Wes; something about an alley? He would have to get Corette alone later and have her explain that to him. "What brings you down into the caverns, Wes? I mean, aside from the top-notch company." @ZincAboutIt @Voidus
  8. "Only eighty percent? Corette, you offend me," joked Rig with a wink. She had cleaned herself off and looked more or less back to normal, which shocked him more than maybe anything else so far. It really shouldn't. You've already met a mistborn and been told you're on a different rusting planet, he thought to himself. A little healing was nothing compared to that, and he was just glad Corette wasn't gone so soon. He was growing happier and happier she was the first one he had met here in the caves; anyone who was willing to stab a worm twenty times their size was probably worth their weight in Atium. "Seriously, though, I hope we get out of here soon. This place doesn't seem so safe anymore." The scene around them was much more solemn than the bustling camp before the attack had been. Now survivors were being tended to and bodies were being carried away. He turned back towards the younger girl--Allri, he thought her name was. He regarded here with a critical stare, searching her eyes for a moment. He liked what he saw; she seemed unsure in some ways, but there was a spark of determination in there. And she was smart, too; her actions with the rioting and bendalloy proved that. She might be fresh, but she showed potential. Rig had been like that once, and his Uncle had stepped in--now he could do the same. And having a mistborn loyal to him could prove valuable indeed. "I could show you some things, sure. Maybe once we make our next camp me and you can train for a bit." He looked back at Corette; she was standing comfortably, looking confident and assured despite the fight they had just gone through and her near death experience. "Corette, what do you think? Feel like training the next lord Mistborn?" @ZincAboutIt @I Rashek
  9. Rig stood for a few minutes, hunched over and breathing heavily. He noticed someone head over to the now-dead monster and start chopping at it, but was too exhausted to offer any help of his own. Once he had caught his breath, he straightened and took a moment to fix his jacket about himself. That done, he pulled out yet another vial of steel flakes and downed the mixture, replentishing his reserves. He had gone through far too many already-he would have to talk to Stancel now about getting some more. Rig let loose a short laugh at the young mistborn's comment. "Well, every day might be stretching it. As a matter of fact, this is the first giant worm I've faced all week!" Glancing to Corette, he grinned. "How about you, Corette. Is this a daily thing in the-" He paused, trying to remember the name they had given the place. "Alleyverse?" He looked back at the younger mistborn. She had been useful during the fight, that much was certain, but he had seen her botched steelpush. She was fresh, still. Either way, she had kept her resolve remarkably well for a teenager. And if there was anyone who could teach her to steelpush, it was Rig. "I'm Rigex, by the way. Rigex Lekal, from Scadrial." @ZincAboutIt @I Rashek
  10. Rig crouched behind the rock formation with Corette, the girl, and the little mechanic. A bomb could certainly be useful, he thought, but he was far more interested in the consequences of what the girl had said. If she could burn Nicrosil...a mistborn? Rig's carefully crafted expression dropped for a second, replaced by a sense of awe. Mistborn were things of legend; he was in the presence of someone with the same power as the warrior ascendant herself. Now wasn't the time to focus on that, though, thought Rig as another scientist was snapped up by the worm. Corette had apparently made the same connection he had. And she was right--he would never be able to push hard enough on that spike alone, but he had been aided by nicrosil mistings before. With that kind of boost, he could do it. "Alright. On my mark. Three." He stepped up on top of the boulder nearest to him, getting a clear line of sight to the thrashing worm's head. Absently he reached into his jacket pocket and flicked the cork off of another two vials, downing the contents as he stared at the monstrous creature. "Two." Rig turned his steel back on, stoking the power in his chest until a glowing blue line connected his chest to the spike in the monsters head. He waited for the power to rise, warming him in a way even his brassminds never could. "One." Rig flicked a coin behind him and pushed it into the rear of the cave, giving himself an anchor to keep himself from being thrown backwards by what he was about to do. He began to feel a pressure on his reserves coming from outside of himself. It was a strange sensation--the metals you burned were something that was supposed to be yours in a way nothing else was. For someone else to touch them felt wrong. But right now, he needed that feeling if this expedition were going to make it any further. "NOW!" Rig thrust his arms out and felt the full force of the mistborn's nicrosil hit him. He shoved on the blade with everything he had, flaring his steel to levels he didn't even know existed. He felt himself begin to be crushed between the anchor and the worm, but fought to keep pushing, actually rising slightly off of the ground between his anchor and the worm. Blackness began to swim at the edge of his vision, but nearby he felt the girl flare her own nicrosil. The blade began inching ever closer to the thing's brain, and it let loose a shriek much like it had when it was stabbed as the blade ran into a thick skull. Just before his reserves ran out, Rig gave one final Shove and the blade shot forwards, lodging itself into the thing's brain. @I Rashek @ZincAboutIt
  11. Rig ducked behind a tent for a moment, catching his breath. The caverns might be even more chaotic, now that a number of the expedition had begun fighting the worm with their respective powers. Had he really seen a boulder materialize out of thin air? That was new. He had made his way over here because it seemed to be either where the worm's soothing was weakest or the rioting was strongest. Glancing around, he noted a teenager standing by the elevator with a concentrated expression on her face. The source of the Rioting, maybe? Rig downed a vial of steel and dropped a coin, shooting himself over towards her. "We might want to find some cover," he noted, and gestured to a nearby rock formation. "If the allomancy is you, don't let up." With that, he shoved off of the elevator cable and towards the formation. @I Rashek
  12. Rig Rig grinned at that. The big man was starting to grow on him, although he didn't think the feeling was mutual. "Alright, big fella. Let's see what we can do." Corette's plan was good-sneaking up on something was generally a safer way to kill it-and if she was a cadmium ferring too, she should be able to pull it off. She pulled out a wicked-looking blade and set off with a determined look, padding silently across the floor of the caverns. Rig walked to the edge of the bendalloy barrier and took a moment to settle himself, storing all of his heat for a moment. He had always found that the shock of cold brought him clarity, and today was no exception.Glancing down, he made sure his dueling cane was secured at his waist before reloading his pistol. Noting the cannon of a gun the big man was toting, he idly wondered if Bulveye might be compensating for something. Pistol held ready, Rig finally took out a glittering handful of coins. He took a deep breath and stepped out of the barrier-- --into a full blown warzone. Whereas before everything had moved with a slow calm, now Rig could see the chaos of the scene in it's entirety. He began circling the caverns away from Corette, slowly approaching the beast as he fired coins at the exposed mouth. He noticed that the effects of the soothing were far less pronounced now, or rather that his emotions were being pushed and pulled on. Was one of the expedition rioting them now? While the war in his head was distracting, it was vastly better than the waves of soothing he had felt before. The creature writhed and turned, gulping down victim after victim. It took some damage, but hardly seemed to be slowing yet. If they didn't get this done soon, the expedition might be over before it had even begun. @ZincAboutIt @Rushu42 @I Rashek @Grey Knight
  13. Rig looked around at the slight distortion around the group. This was something he recognized--bendalloy. He supposed the newest girl in the group was the slider, then. Outside of their small bubble, he could see Stancel firing off knives into the serpents mouth. He felt a pang of jealousy for a moment, watching as one of the blades shredded teeth with deadly accuracy, the needles falling in a slow cascade to the floor. She was good. "Stancel said something about making it retreat. Does anyone have any ideas?" He turned, looking at the group standing near him. The big man--Rig thought he had heard Stancel call him Bulveye--had shaken off the soothing in the bubble and seemed ready to go. Similarly, the slider girl looked shaken, but her eyes were filled with determination. This expedition is going to be interesting, he thought. "Bulveye, do you think you could distract it?" @Rushu42 @Grey Knight @ZincAboutIt
  14. Rig looked down at himelf, remembering that they had made him put on the garish coveralls. Maybe he should change back into the suit pants--they were much more befitting of him. He turned lazily, searching for the pile of clothing he had left by the pool, wondering vaguely whether or not the director would let him get away with a little uniform deviation. Surely she would; everyone but the bigger soldier was acting nice and relaxed now, and the situation seemed truly defused. Corette smiled at him and he grinned back, eyes still questing about the room for his missing pants. For the first time in days, Rig felt safe. Calm, secure, warm...these caves were pretty nice, now that he thought about it. He began wandering towards the edge of the pool, his mind barely registering Corette as she straightened and whirled towards the director, saying something about brass. Rig strolled in a leisurely fashion, glancing about under each tent he passed for the missing clothes. While he found plenty of equipment, tools, and supplies, there was no sign of his fine suit, but he knew it would turn up sooner or later. He trusted everything would be alright. Soon he reached the edge of the line of low tents and entered the open space around the pool. There were a few attendees sitting on the edge, dangling their bare feet haphazardly in the water. It looked like fun; maybe he would join them soon. For now, he wanted out of the hideous coveralls. Where was that suit? Perhaps it was hiding in a shadow somewhere. From the corner of his eye he spotted the director waving to him, calling something. Corette appeared to be yelling something too, but he was a bit far from them. He would get back to them in a moment-for now, where in the rusting ruin had that suit gone? He walked in a circle about the pool to no avail, and eventually approached the pair sitting by the small pool. "Excuse me, gentlemen, but would you happen to have seen a very fine suit around here? It might have been glowing a bit, an--" Rig's tongue became caught in his mouth as a monstrosity rose up behind the duo. He froze, his words dying on his lips, and his neck craned slowly upwards to regard the thing that had come out of the lake. It was like nothing Rig had ever dreamt of. He had thought mistwraiths were something strange; fleshy creatures of little rhyme or reason. But this...it was on an entirely different level. It had no distinct form, but seemed vaguely serpentine. It's skin looked like something akin to boiled flesh, still wet with rivulets of water running down its back. Scaly-looking ridges adorned it's sides, scraping rock free of the sides of the pool as it rose upwards from the depths. It continued to rise, approaching the lofty ceiling of the cavern and twisting about the stalactite which hung over the pool. It had to be at least twenty times as long as Rig was tall, and as wide as two of the new motorcars in Elendel side by side. The pair and Rig stayed where they were, staring at the creature as it lowered the meaty front end of its body towards them. It had no eyes, at least none that Rig could see, but it opened what he was pretty rusting sure was a mouth. Thousands of teeth lined the edges of the gaping hole on the front of it's body, looking like the needles of a grandmother returned from the grave with a vengeance. Everything froze for a moment, the entire cavern stopping as every person spotted the monster at the center of them all. In that moment a tiny part of Rig's brain told him it might be a good idea to step backwards right around now. He raised a foot to do just that. The creature lunged. Neither of the other men even screamed as that horrible mouth closed around them; in fact, they died looking mildly confused at worst. Rig felt an overpowering urge to just lay for a moment; it would all be okay. He tapped a massive amount of heat and refused to store any as the air around him heated, beginning to burn him. The sensation shocked him out of his stupor, and he jumped away just as the thing lunged once more, this time for him. He yanked his pistol from his pocket, fighting against the urge to simply stand their and trust that everything was fine. Raising the weapon, he fired once, twice, three times into the wet flesh of the beast, but the bullets seemed inconsequential when compared to something so large. It drew back to the stalactite and reared it's head once more, and Rig sensed he wouldn't be able to jump away a second time. He fired again, this time into the wall of the pool, and flared steel, whistling himself away from the center of the cavern in an arc just as it smashed its head into the spot he had just been. He landed roughly next to Corette, his mistjacket flaring out around him, glowing with the fungus still on the tassels. He turned towards the director and the soldier, whose axe seemed much friendlier now than it had a few minutes earlier. "That's quite the parasite, director. Any ideas?" @ZincAboutIt
  15. Rig raised an eyebrow, adopting a questioning look. "A few days I would guess, but without the sun it's a little hard to judge time down here. I've mostly eaten the fish in the pond there in the center," he explained, gesturing towards the centerpiece of the room. "You people are the most dangerous thing I've encountered yet, so far as I know." Stancel didn't seem to frustrated with him, which was good. In fact, as she spoke she shot a number of tight-lipped glances at the armoured man. He thought back to his first few hours in the caves. He had heard some strange sounds from the pool at first, but had chalked it up to some sort of strange hallucination. Isolation could do things like that to a man, even one like Rig. And it had been silent lately, not even bubbling periodically as it had at first. @ZincAboutIt
  16. Yep, they can see them, although the best explanation I've heard is that steelsight doesn't work exactly with your field of vision, but is more like an extra sense. It's just described in the best way for a reader without that sense to understand it. Also, I don't remember any regular allomancers being able to see trace metals on their own, I believe it had to be an actual metal object.
  17. I'd be up to try this, once it gets going. I agree that the second option sounds best, although a creation story pre-alleycity that was basically a war between pro-alleyverse creation characters and those against it would be cool, especially since we already know who won.
  18. Corette seemed concerned, and that did not bode well for Rig. He didn't have much choice, however, but to walk towards the director and hope for the best. The items the director had given him included a set of vials filled with steel flakes. He downed one as covertly as he could as they walked, and began burning steel as Corette had recommended. If things got rough he would put money on her being able to handle herself, but he hoped that wouldn't be the case--after all, the director had seemed to like him well enough before. As they approached, he tried once more to generate the air of friendliness he often used to defuse situations. He didn't miss the elevation difference between the massive man and the floating director compare to he and Corette; it seemed to convey a very clear message. "You're calling on us quicker than I thought, Director. Are we heading into the caves already?" @ZincAboutIt @Grey Knight
  19. Rig turned to see a truly massive man in intense conversation with the director. He wore some sort of armour unlike any Rig had ever seen, and that axe looked like it was made more for a koloss than a man. He began storing heat, cooling himself artificially to avoid any emotion showing in his face. As the icy sensation washed over his body, he felt calm and calculated despite the threatening gestures the giant was making in his direction. He noted Corette's hand clench next to him, and looked back towards her. His face bore a smile, but his eyes betrayed more than he would like them to. That axe seemed like an awfully good cause for concern. "I've always had a way with people. Any idea who lumberjack over there is?" @ZincAboutIt
  20. Rig raised an eyebrow as corette turned away. He was tempted to give her a light shove into the pool, but while it might be funny it would not be a good way to make friends. Once he was satisfied she wasn't looking, he quickly stripped down and threw on the coveralls--they fit surprisingly well--, finally sliding his mistcloak suit jacket back on over top. It had been with him through a lot, and he wasn't about to leave it behind just to look more like part of the team. He considered her words as he finished buttoning the jacket. A lost team? Exploring new caverns? He had to admit, this did sound like a rather enticing job. He had always enjoyed reading the Allomancer Jak's Adventures as part of his morning routine, and this sounded an awful lot like something the man himself would get involved in. "Not bad, actually," Rig said, strolling over and putting his hand in the glowing pool, startling some of the eerie fish. He tapped a serious amount of heat, making some steam rise from the water around his hand. In the strange glow of the cavern, it looked like an aura of light exiting the pool to curl up around the spire hanging from the roof. "Cooking them get's easier when you can boil water whenever you like." He withdrew his hand and turned to face Corette. "So any idea on when we start exploring? If this is gonna be our base, it looks just about set up." @ZincAboutIt
  21. Rig eyed the pile of tools in his hands suspiciously. Some of it he recognized, like the climbing harness and the headlamp, while other portions of it seemed odd. He pinned the tracker to his jacket, and considered her question. From her statements he realized he had been right in a way; there were plenty of powered people down here. But...more than mistings and ferrings? That was curious. "I'm happy to hear it. I rather prefer working with skilled people," he said cheekily. "I'm a coinshot and a firesoul--I can store heat. I've worked as a scout and a diplomat, and if you need it I've got a number of, well, less delicate skills to draw on." He leaned sideways and slipped his hand into his pocket, exposing the revolver and ammo belt on his waist. He glanced up and met her eyes, which seemed to be trying to tear into his own head. He was sure to meet them cooly with his own for a moment before turning to Corette. "So, the mission. What exactly are we here for?" @ZincAboutIt
  22. Rig could see gears turning behind the woman's eyes as she introduced herself. If she was anything like most leaders he had known, she would be trying to get a read on whether or not he was trustworthy. "I only wish I'd come down here willingly," Rig said with a disarming grin. "If what I've been told by Corette here--" He gestured towards Corette offhandedly "--is true, then I seem to have been put here more or less by accident. I'm told you're a coinshot; are you from Scadrial too, then?" Rig hoped finding some common ground might help the woman to accept him, as the last thing he wanted right then was to be left alone in the caves once again. Worse, the director could decide he wasn't worth the risk and off him herself. Rig was tough to kill, but if Corette was a seeker and Stancel a coinshot, he suspected there would be more mistings around than he could hope to handle. @ZincAboutIt
  23. Rig caught the packaged crackers in a fist and reappraised Corette once again. She was both confident and sharp tongued--both good things to look for in an ally. Rig thought he might need a few of those, here in the caves. He nodded to her in thanks and moved towards Stancel, standing a respectful distance away and letting himself drop into a practiced relaxed pose with both hands resting on the cane in front of him. He waiting until she finished speaking to the clerk to clear his throat and make eye contact her. "I understand you're in charge around here," Rig said, stepping forwards. "Rigex Lekal, at your service." He extended his hand, noting too late that there were still traces of the glowing fungus on it. @ZincAboutIt
  24. Rig cocked an eyebrow and grinned. If she knew he was a twinborn...well, he was either in the presence of a Seeker or something else entirely. And if she had already deduced his diet, she was something even more dangerous: clever. Either way, it was in his best interests to follow her. Meeting the director couldn't be a bad thing, and if the director was another coinshot Rig would want to meet her anyway. An expedition through caverns sounded right up his alley, and while the caverns were a strange place, he knew he would prefer their odd familiarity to a new world above. Gesturing forwards, he nodded towards her and began walking in the direction she had indicated. "I don't think I caught your name yet. You can call me Rig, by the way." As he walked he tried to covertly brush some of the glowing substance from his jacket. If he was meeting the Director, it couldn't hurt to make a good impression. @ZincAboutIt
  25. Rig felt a chill run down the back of his spine. That about summed up his exact experience, but how could she know that? Looking at her more closely, he noted some oddities. Her eyes had an exotic tilt to them he had never seen in his travels, either around Elendel or the roughs. "That's about it. I was in a cellar before all this. But if this isn't Scadrial...where are we? What are you all doing down here?" Rig could practically feel his brain screaming at the implications of what they had said. Not Scadrial? A different planet then. How had he gotten to a different rusting planet of all things? He began tapping some warmth from his bracers, the comforting heat calming him some and returning some of his confidence. The trio seemed normal enough, considering they were claiming to be something literally quite alien to him. @ZincAboutIt @Rushu42 @I think I am here.
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