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Posts posted by Harkain

  1. Personally I like the idea that KoW could be an Odium style ruler guidebook in the same way Way of Kings is an Honour style ruler guidebook in world. 
    Guesses based off that tho tbh I can't really think of any novel ones.
    - Keeper of Wrath/Woe
    - King of Wrath/Worry/Woe
    - Keeper of Wants
    - Kingdom of Widows/Wails
    - Ketek of Whispers/Whimpers/the Wretched


  2. 9 hours ago, Ramona Tehradin said:

    Yeah, but he also further spoke that it could be interpreted as Kaladin taking his Ideals to an exceedingly unhealthy levels which Windrunners typically don't. But that is something Honor would surely approve because he cared about oaths and that's what Kaladin also does. It could also mean as a para-symbolic interpretation that Kaladin is far more close to Honor than any other character in terms of mindset. 

    Also, I think there are a lot more to that question. For example how his powers especially RL worked and why Teft needed Lift to stay awake etc. 

    I reckon for Teft it was that while he's spren thought he was ready and the Stormfather would've accepted them he might not of known them, my guess is he was figuring them out during the fight with Moash. So close but not as close as Kaladin so he needed Lift.

    Also, with Kaladin and being excessive with his oaths in a way that Tanavast would've approved off, imo I reckon that explains the child of Tanavast thing. 

  3. Honestly my crackpot theory.

    Dalinar is going to both lose the trial of champions but still ascend to become Honour. So you end up with a situation where one shard is sorta stuck serving another shard or something along those lines. Might lead to a mixing of their investiture in some strange way as well, idk.

    That being said it's probably not the case I just think it's a cool idea. Reasons for it being unlikely.
    Gonna spoiler cause my reasoning cause into some less obvious ROW spoilers.


    - Honour has a lot of investiture of Roshar so Dalinar probably wouldn't be able to leave if he ascends.
    - While I don't think there's anything specifically stopping a Fused ascending, there's probably a bunch of stuff that'd get in the way (having a lot Odiums investiture seems to prevent Radiant bonds (Leshwi saying she can't bond with a Spren), Tod would probably need to allow it to happen and idk if that'd happen ,etc)

    Tho more tangents, on the note of Odiums investiture, I'm increasingly of the opinion that Emotion Spren has some Odium connection to them, so if any Radiants have emotion spren as their shard plate it could suggest that's not as much of an issue.


  4. Not much to contribute here but found a pattern quote (From Coppermind) that also supports the idea of Spren being suffused with the investiture of Odium.

    "Spren are ...power . . . shattered power. Power given thought by the perceptions of men. Honor, Cultivation, and . . . and another. Fragments broken off." 
    Words of Radiance Chapter 24.

    Excerpt From
    Words of Radiance
    Brandon Sanderson
    This material may be protected by copyright.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Blood Of My Fathers said:

    My guess is it's going to be an Avengers: Infinity War/Endgame sort of thing. The good guys will sort of lose in book five, but come back to fight again in part 2 of SA.

    Then again, Brandon was surprised us so many times, I've lost count, so anything could happen.....


    *cue ominous music*

    I'm expecting for them to lose in some big capacity (Odium gets out or most of Roshar gets destroyed, etc) and a lot of character deaths (I am 100% expecting Dalinar to end up fused) but for them to also earn themselves some form of respite/peace.

  6. 1 hour ago, Dreamwa1ker said:

    It seems really similar to Atium, I paused when I first read it: chapter 111

    I know the Stormfather says it's experience but I'm not buying it, he has been wrong about other things. I don't think he's an Allomancer but there's often similarities in uses of Investiture across the Cosmere. Maybe he can Connect with them a bit and so knows what they are intending to do.

    It could be connection shenanigans tbh. We don't really understand a lot of how it functions and it could just be he's connected himself to them and knows their intention?

  7. First off, straight dude speaking here so please take everything I say with a good dealing of salt and note I haven't really got personal experience with this sorta thing.

    Jasnah has struck as a sorta character who deals in both a heavy dose of introspection and is someone who isn't afraid to be themselves in her society. I never really got the impression that she was unknowingly closeted as she struck me as the type of person who would both be aware of themselves having those feelings and and as someone able to shrug society telling them that they shouldn't have those feelings. Pretty much she strikes as a character who has self-actualised a good deal and as a character who has a very good idea of who they actually are and confidently holds to that.

    If people with more direct experience could offer their take it would definitely be real informative imo and I at least would appreciate it a lot.

  8. 7 hours ago, StormingTexan said:

    Just read it. Whoa...

    Tbh I really don't know if it raises more questions than it answers or not.

    Spoilers for it below/My take on it below. He really did mean big ass potential spoilers considering how much we can probably infer from the story.


    My guess is the second alien is a future Skybreaker (asking about local laws, etc), but the talk of fighting to prove yourself/the violet light has me think there's some Odium stuff there as well? Definitely from Roshar considering they talk about having gems. Could be Parshendi but I'm not sure considering everyone from Roshar is meant to be pretty tall and that's only gonna be heightened by modern medicine. Honestly only reinforces my guess that odium and honour are gonna end up combined as War but idk.

    Also Shard Guns = way too cool.

    As for the Ones Above, they give me Southern Scadrian vibes considering the face ornamentations and talking about masks. Tho we don't know a lot about their culture so it's iffy. Definitely from Scadrial tho considering the real clear allusion to Allomancy with their launch pad.


  9. My guess is sentient spren getting sealed in Parshendi Gem Hearts. Might've granted them now forms of power/access to the surges before the Nahel bond? Could be where the different forms of fused came from before Odium rocked up. (maybe Humans rock up powered by Odium, Parshendi get desperate, begin sealing radiant spren in their gem hearts to get access to surges to fight back, Spren are noticeably upset at this?). It is possible for spren to be trapped in Parshendi Gem hearts like what happened with Venli and her Odium Spren.

    Could've been that the spren Leshwi asked after was the one she had previously sealed in her gem heart before she became a Fused?

    This is all a complete crackpot theory at this point but it makes sense in my head. It is possible for spren to be trapped in Parshendi Gem hearts like what happened with Venli. 

  10. The theory that some of Odiums investiture got into spren actually could explain some other things as well.

    ROW Spoilers

    • Why Kaladin's eyes seemed to glow red after Teft's death and he got angry (Odiums investiture entering into him via the Nahel Bond)
    • Why are there lesser spren that are attracted to emotions? Spren representing aspects of nature makes sense as apart of Cultivation, Honourspren and so forth make sense as being apart of Honour but spren representing emotions? They seem a lot more like Odiums thing.


  11. 28 minutes ago, Wadders said:

    You could also potentially use a lightweaver to create the tone.

    I'm also wondering how the tone could be used when fighting the fused.

    Thinking on that actually, what would happen if a radiant lightweaver tried to create the tone for anti-stormlight? Would they even be able to in the first place?

  12. Just pre-emptive you should probably spoiler tag this or do something along those lines.

    My thoughts below + ROW spoilers


    From memory they pretty explicitly say that it's probably due to Kaladin being close to the fourth oath, which makes sense considering he does actually say it by the end of the book.

    That being said I think there is definitely something up with Kaladin that hasn't really been identified yet. My reasons for this are as follows.

    • The classic him being referred to specifically as child of Tanavast not child of Honour by the Stormfather. 
    • Whatever the hell was up with his eyes when he snapped after Teft was killed. (They turned a yellowish Red from memory suggesting some form of investiture corruption or weirdness).
    • At this rate he's probably going to be come the first Windrunner to reach the fifth oath since the fall of Honour, which means he'd be the first fifth oath radiant with Adhesion which is meant to be specially connected to Honour.
    • Just some of the things he's managed to do (when he split the storm during Oathbringer(fairly sure it was Oathbringer) and so on).


  13. 2 hours ago, Karger said:

    Not too difficult.  Destructive interference can be explained to people pretty easily. 

    Oh yea, I don't disagree with that. I just wouldn't be surprised if there ends up being more nuances to that than we know about.

    2 hours ago, Karger said:

    Adhesion should be able to create vacuums.  Alternatively you could just go to space.

    I'd more so meant it as at least in the current age of Roshar the equipment/conditions needed to make it are hard to get to. I'd say needing a radiant or getting into space are still fairly significant restrictions.

    2 hours ago, Karger said:

    That was largely theoretical.  I just kind of wonder.  However slightly more practically what if you got a megaspren(stormfather size)?  Would you have inverted surges?

    I don't think it'd necessarily invert the surges, impression I've gotten is surges are more just restricted bits of magic systems inherent to cosmere. Like the stuff about what stonewards do being just a restricted form of microkinesis or lightweaving being present on Yolen. What I reckon would be more interested is how would surges driven by the anti-investiture function around the surges of the normal investiture. 

    2 hours ago, Karger said:

    All of your points are true but under proper conditions their manufacture is still very possible.

    I wasn't argue against it being manufactured haha. More so just the idea that they're gonna be able to rapidly create a whoooole lot of it. Imo it'll probably be a relatively rare resource at least within the current cosmere era.

  14. 37 minutes ago, Kered said:

    Kaladin going berserker after Teft is a scene that I think passes the Arena scene in WoR for me. Seeing from another POV was such a good choice. Soon as Kaladin grabbed Ole Defeated I audibly said “ Uh oh, this bayd, so bayd”. 

    I’ve seen a few people complain about the Fourth Ideal but I disagree. This was the pivot point Kaladin needed to make in logical character development. Also, Shardplate Kaladin is just straight up awesome sauce. 


    Side note, the Teft thing isn’t what pushed me over the edge with Tw*t Waffle 9000(taking one out of Odiums book and giving him a new, proper title). What pushed me over the edge was his POV right after. A person with wrong convictions still is brave enough to stand by them. Tw*t Waffle 9000 is now simply a coward with the wrong convictions. Something ya can’t even muster pity for. 

    Pretty much agree with this.

    Just wanna say I really want Tw*t Waffle 9000 to catch as the M/V words unofficial name.

  15. 4 minutes ago, Karger said:

    Anti-Investature.  So its a thing.  A thing that can be really easily created on a basically industrial scale.  Sure some has been made but what does it do(other then blow up)?  What happens if you make antistormlight and then a radiant tries to use it?  What happens if you convert an entire shard(or at least enough power to ascend with)?  Most interestingly, in my mind, what happens if the power gains sapience as a spren?  Are anti-voidspren going to be a thing in the back five?  What will they even be like?

    I think the main issue with the industrial scale is that role of intent. Standard cosmere weirdness but that could mean that you need someone who specifically understands what they're doing or something along those lines. From what I understood the components are currently difficult to obtain on Roshar. Basically I can't imagine them having toooooo much of it in future.

    Fairly sure if you had a radiant take in anti-stormlight it would kill both them and they're siren sorta like what anti-voidlight does to a fused. 

    I don't think it would be possible to transform a shard considering they're both effectively nearly infinite investiture and that to make the anti investiture you need to isolate it from the shard influence (rhythms).

    Issue with having an anti-investiture spren imo would be that unless you could get them away from the type of investiture they're the opposite of they'd be at constant risk of just ceasing to exist. Like if you have an anti-stormlight spren it'd take just one high storm for them to just cease existing. Basically I feel anti-investiture spren would have too unstable of existence to stick around for any length of time, at least on Roshar. 

  16. 1 minute ago, Zedseayou said:

    yeah, the feast night is getting even more confusing now, with Axindweth there and apparently another set of Feruchemists that turned Gavilar against her, so probably at least one and maybe two more different groups/agents in the palace

    I actually missed the other set of Feruchemists. Oh boy that feast is one hell of a crowd. Just waiting for us to find out that apparently Cultivation was there as well in some form, along with Kelsier and Khriss haha.

    Thinking on it tho it's actually a fairly decent possibility Khriss was there...

  17. My thoughts are as follows.


    - Something up with Hemalurgy based off them putting metal into his body.

    - Seems like they're the big boy of the Fused's scholars/Fused in general and probably set to become a major antagonist in book 5.

    - My first thought when they got described as seperate to all the other Fused was that they were the Fused equivalent to a Bondsmith. Maybe even the one that set up the whole Fused situation in the first place like Ishar did for the Heralds. Could explain why they're so cast out by the Fused as well based on them viewing Adhesion as a false surge.

    - Something funky is up with them and the rthymns, is real weird for a Fused or a Parshendi in general to not be able to hear them.


  18. You should probably put ROW spoilers in the title just to make sure people don't accidentally come here by accident.

    Tho also yea, ramifications of it are huge.
    ROW spoilers below.


    1. Tells us how Hoid maintains his memory. Probably some clues for how he maintains his sanity as well but I don't think we know enough about Cognitive Shadows for that.
    2. Considering Hoid is playing an increasingly big hand through ROW and looks set to play even more of a role now that he can play openly, Taravangian being able to actively manipulate his memories is terrifying and does not bode well for the Radiants. From what it looks like he got bought down to below the second heightening as well based off his comment on perfect pitch so hopefully he'll be able to figure out something is up from that tho.


  19. 1 minute ago, Vulcronos said:

    Is there another secret society on Roshar we know about now?  One that brought Voidspren to the Listeners or are they part of one we know?  It was confirmed in book they weren't part of the Son's of Honor.

    It seemed like there was a different secret society involved, definitely implied they were world hoppers to some extent as well.

    Based off the Ars Arcanum it looks like Khriss has people active on Roshar now as well with her apparently sending someone into the Stoneward Ranks.

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