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Eran of Arcadia

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Everything posted by Eran of Arcadia

  1. Fun fact: I was part of the first group to do youth baptisms in Palmyra.
  2. I feel like, if you pick two relatively active members anywhere in the US, they'll probably have at least one acquaintance in common.
  3. We got new sacrament trays a few weeks ago, where the slots to put the used cups are in the corners. This is probably more hygienic what with COVID and all. Anyone else see these?
  4. You're probably right . . . at any rate, I eventually found one particular pretty girl in the congregation and after 13 years of marriage I just look at her.
  5. When I was in the YSA ward I often volunteered to bless the sacrament. I'm not saying that the only reason I did this was that it allowed me to see all the pretty girls as they came in to the chapel, but I'm not saying it wasn't a factor.
  6. In practice the word "cult" inevitably means "any religion I, personally, don't like" and has been used to describe every religion that has ever existed as well as any kind of lack of religion you can imagine.
  7. I mentioned Brandon - and this forum - in my last talk, so maybe try that.
  8. I mean, BrandoSando could have written a story about Tress that was not, ultimately, about Hoid becoming an Elantrian. But he didn't.
  9. Okay, don't get me wrong, I like the new books. I like Star Wars too. What I don't think I like is that in a universe that has been established to be enormous, all the same few characters do everything. Okay, so Hoid is a given, has been since the second book was written. That I don't mind. But all these cameos from characters in other books feel too much like fanservice to me. Of course we're going to see certain characters here that we've seen before. Just like how everyone ends up on Tatooine. I had hoped to be able to recommend TotES to people like my wife who don't care for traditional fantasy, but it feels too intertwined with the rest of the Cosmere to work as a standalone. I understand that the Cosmere as a whole is meant to be linked, but I worry that as it goes on it will do so in a way that feels kind of superficial. Any thoughts?
  10. To put the announcement of 18 temples in perspective: when I was born, more than 150 years after the Church was restored, there were a total of 20 temples.
  11. "Eran" is very crude Elvish for something like "lone wanderer," Arcadia is the city in California where I served my LDS mission, and I got the idea to put the two together from the show "Joan of Arcadia." Which I've never seen. Nonetheless, I've been using this name all over the internet since 2004.
  12. We just had a great visit from the elders, who ostensibly were there to share a message but really one of them had heard me mention Brandon Sanderson in my talk and wanted to talk about the Cosmere. Meanwhile my wife was rolling her eyes and his companion just looked confused. I told him about the secret novels and The Lost Metal, which will be out before he returns. Journey before Destination.
  13. I don't know how many of you have seen the "how has being religious impacted you" thread here, but I mentioned the post I had made there in the talk I gave this morning. I also used the term "Lord Ruler," just because.
  14. All the talk about spiritual momentum is really what I needed to hear.
  15. "So here's an analogy that every man, woman, and child will understand . . ."
  16. I am one of the LDS posters, although I don't post very much so I doubt you've heard of me. But religion impacts my life extensively, in so many ways big and small I can't even identify them. And since I've always been a practicing Latter-day Saint, I don't know what sort of person I'd be if I weren't. To start with, my username, which I use all over the internet - Arcadia, California, was where I was assigned when I was a missionary. And I also learned Spanish as a missionary, which I still use occasionally to do this day. I met my wife at church, and all of my friends. There are random things people take for granted (like drinking coffee at work) that I just don't do. When I was in college, at a university run by another faith, Sunday mornings would find me waiting for my ride to church while the entire rest of the campus slept off their hangovers. As someone who sometimes likes and sometimes hates being different from those around me (but different I am, always) these things stand out. But the most important thing my faith gives me is hope. I believe that each person, everyone who has lived on the earth, is a beloved child of God. My religion teaches that everyone, no matter how they feel they have fallen, still carries the potential for divinity, and that everyone (well, there are a few exceptions but that's getting into deep theology) will continue for eternity in at least some degree of eternal glory. Every person I met will experience joy beyond any earthly understanding, no matter how difficult it is for me to get along with them today. And if that applies to everyone, it applies to me. Plus, on a somewhat less serious but still important note, I am fascinated by history and the "historical" sciences - astronomy, paleontology, and so on. So while scientists are frustrated that they will never be able to tease out from limited evidence who the Sea Peoples were, or what color the skin of the Platybelodon was, but someday I'll know.
  17. Meanwhile, since I had seen the musical and my Primary co-teacher/wife had not, when I taught the lesson on Sunday I kept bursting into snippets of song.
  18. Oh no, you're going to miss the Year of Sanderson! Just remember that sacrifice brings forth the blessings of Heaven . . .
  19. I don't mind so much being called "Mormon," but when I hear someone refer to "the Mormon Church" it's particularly aggravating. Especially if it's something like a major media source that really should know to refer to people by their actual name.
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