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Posts posted by Lunamor

  1. 2 minutes ago, Lord Furret said:

    Heyo, I might be joining this, what are the rules?

    You can choose to hurt and heal two different people- hurt knocks them down a point, heal gives them a point. You can choose to only hurt one person and not heal anyone, if you wish. The max amount of points someone can have is ten (I think) and once someone gets down to zero, they are out (but can still hurt and heal like normal).

  2. Just now, Salmon of Doubt said:

    Thank you so much for everything you have done to help me. I feel way more welcome already and am really enjoying my time here. I can't emphasize my gratitude enough. I hope we can talk again, but for now my sister calls. 

    I plan on exploring this forum more in future.

    You’re welcome! I’m glad you decided to explore some more, you are going to love it!

  3. Just now, Salmon of Doubt said:

    I suppose I could. Better than ever considering it at all. I guess I'm already sort of a Lightweaver, using my username to create the illusion of someone far more cultured than I actually am.

    Don’t worry, many people who RP here have never roleplayed before anywhere else (including me), so not knowing much is perfectly fine.

  4. Just now, Salmon of Doubt said:

    I would probably just re-create the character template I use for pretty much any role play with magic in it and make someone socially ostracized/loved/both, give them illusions and most of my personality, give them the last name Penumbra (because it's practically a running joke in my friend circle that all of my trickster characters have that name) and then subsequently use them to mess with everyone. Which surely everyone will see through. And I will be humiliated. At least, that's my thought process. You as lot people just lose interest first.

    If you are having doubts or worries about making a good character, you can post in this thread to get some advice and help from people who are much more knowledgeable about these things than I am:


  5. Just now, Salmon of Doubt said:

    Oh right, well I have some experience role playing, but I've always been too timid to even consider joining a Cosmere RP because I'm afraid that my character will be stupid and everyone will judge me for not knowing my favourite series well enough. . .

    You will be fine. Most of the rping takes place out side of any worlds on the Cosmere (one of the most prominent rps takes place in an imaginary world called the Alleyverse), and you can choose which powers and what background from the Cosmere your character has, so you should be fine even if you have only read the books once.

  6. Just now, Salmon of Doubt said:

    I'm only entirely sure what one of those things are but the prospect of either has gotten me hyperventilating. Probably in a good way.

    An RP is a role play, which is basically collaborative story writing, and a guild is a group of people in said RP who have joined together in a group somewhat like a club or organization.

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