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Posts posted by Lunamor

  1. 37 minutes ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

    jace shivered as he watched jenny remove her glove. 



    The reason Jenny is cold is because her “life” is being stolen by Kronos for his own use (a complete deviation from canon but eh). Maybe the fear was bad enough that Jace had something similar temporarily happen? Or he could just be regular cold from being so scared :P And the thing that would fit best with the current plot is probably the giant shadow being a titan of some sort (Kronos is relatively heavily present there right now), but other ideas could be fun.

    Jenny continued to stare at her hand. Ice began to creep from her fingertips, stretching until it reached her wrist. Oddly, it made her feel slightly warmer. After a moment, she let the ice melt into nothing and replaced her glove. She looked back over at Jace.

    You can’t hurt him in the way you think.

    She walked back over, glancing at Terrance. He was always particularly hard for her to read.

    ”May I please have Timothy back?”

    Without Ed, Jenny didn’t have many sources of comfort. That little dog was the only reliable thing she had.

    @The Aspiring Archivist

  2. 4 hours ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

    "thank you so much!" jace said with a shiver.

    jace frowned back at terrance.

    Strange that Jace was so cold. Cold, just like she was… Jenny backed up, suddenly nervous. Was whatever she had contagious? She pulled off a glove after having moved a suitable distance away. The color of her skin hadn’t increased or decreased in pallidity; her condition was unchanged, at least.

  3. Just now, RoyalBeeMage said:

    "ahh nonsence. i did want terrance to spend as long as he needed. we will have to try again later. once I have walked up. gods I am so cold."

    Jenny dug a blanket out of her pack and handed it to Jace.

    ”Here. You can keep it.”

    Without much body heat of her own, she had no use for it anymore.

  4. 2 minutes ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

    jace looked up and shook his head calmly

    jace sat up and started to calmly collect himself. "so I take it that that did not work." he said to jenny pointedly not looking at terrance.

    ”I’m sorry I didn’t put you to sleep in time.”

    She didn’t make eye contact with Jace either.

  5. 1 minute ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

    Terrance held his needle concealed in his hand. He looked at her indirectly so as to avoid eye contact. "What's happening?"

    “The risk.”

    Jenny didn’t sound scared or angry. Not even passionate. Just defeated.

    ”You’re right. We’re not worth it, are we?”

    She stood up and returned to her table, staring blankly forwards.


  6. Just now, The Aspiring Archivist said:

    "People can stop caring about you pretty fast when you do something like that to them. It's not worth the risk."

    Jenny felt angry. Angrier than she should’ve been. She shut her eyes and grit her teeth. The cafe shook just slightly. A few cups were knocked over, silverware too close to a table’s edge tumbling to the floor. It would be so easy. The boy was just standing in the open. No one would miss him.

    Her eyes snapped open. What was she thinking? Jenny would never do that on purpose. But that hadn’t stopped her before… Terrance’s words echoed in her mind.

    It’s not worth the risk.

    Who was she of all people to tell him otherwise?

  7. Just now, The Aspiring Archivist said:

    "What do you think I can do? You think I'm versed in providing comfort? Anyway, he's probably terrified of me at the moment. I could make it worse."

    “He clearly cares about you. I don’t think you’ll make it worse.”

    Jenny turned back to him. Despite her harsh tone, she looked panicked.

    ”Do you think I have any more experience with this than you do? The first time I can remember comforting someone was about three days ago. You’ll never be able to help people if you never try.”

    Her eyes narrowed.

    ”I’m not sure you want to, though.”

  8. Just now, The Aspiring Archivist said:

    "You'll just have to wait. I've seen this before. He'll be fine, but it'll just take a bit of time to recover." He sighed. "I told him it was pointless. And dangerous."

    His plan was to blame Jace and leave him to his terror. Jenny glared at him.

    ”That doesn’t mean you can’t be nice to him in the meantime. You can’t just leave someone to face these feelings alone.”

    She turned back to Jace, her voice lowering.

    ”I know how that feels.”

    Terrance… he wasn’t a very good person, was he?

  9. 1 minute ago, The Aspiring Archivist said:

    "I can't do anything."

    Jenny continued to mouth her words.

    ”Comfort him or something!”

    Terrance wasn’t even bothering to try helping Jace. Did he just not care about others at all? Jace had been trying to help Terrance. He needed to at the very least try to return the favor.


    Terrance is on thin ice with her now 


  10. 1 hour ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

    "thank you." jace said before curling up into a ball like a 5 year old after a nightmare.


    Jenny carefully squatted down next to him. In addition to feeling awful for the poor guy, she worried about the large amount of attention he was drawing. In retrospect, the cafe wasn’t the greatest place to experiment with this sort of stuff.

    ”Can I do anything to help?”

    She looked over to Terrance and mouthed “Come help him!” Why was he just watching Jace like that when he was clearly hurting?

    @The Aspiring Archivist

  11. 1 minute ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

    "no-no. im good i think. just give me a moment..."

    Jenny nodded, then hesitantly pulled Timothy out of her bag. She stared it at for a second, then held the dog toy out to Jace. He probably needed it more than she did at the moment.

    ”He might help you calm down. Please don’t drop him.”

  12. 3 minutes ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

    jace gasped as his vision returned back to normal. he couldn't get he picture of that shadow out of his head though.

    Was that a good gasp or a bad gasp? Jenny couldn’t read Jace’s expression at all. He hadn’t collapsed, so he was probably fine, but it was better to be safe than sorry.

    ”Um… do you want me to make you pass out still?”

  13. 4 minutes ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

    “Both I think.”

    “Alright, ready when you are.”

    Jenny sat down, just in case the effort made her pass out.

    ”I may or may not fall unconscious from doing this, so I’m not sure how many times I can help you guys today.”

    @The Aspiring Archivist

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