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Posts posted by Onslaught

  1. I had stopped reading for a while because nothing held my interest. I think I was reading the wrong type of books. I went to fantasybookreview website and saw Robin Hobb's books were recommended. I picked up the Farseer Trilogy and loved it.

    I was at the airport heading to Queensland and picked up a book called "The Final Empire" which had a quote from Robin Hobb on the back. Decided to give it a go and read the whole thing whilst on holidays instead of swimming on the Gold Coast.

  2. Keeping this spoiler free, he said he felt characters didn't need to struggle, the answers just seemed to pop up right in front of them when they needed it.

    I disagreed (especially about the struggle), saying that while yes, they found the answers when they needed, it was a result of their journey, not a Hail Mary or "the item you needed was in your pocket all along."

    I think he expected more grit. I told him that Sanderson was not a GRRM type author, the grit comes from the characters persevering not the R-rated content.

    I told him to read the books first next time, then listen to the audio and see if it makes a difference.

  3. So I have been trying to get a mate who is into reading and loves fantasy to read Sanderson. He eventually adopted listening to the Graphic Audio version of Mistborn. Upon completing the series I was excited to discuss it with him.

    When asked what he thought he said "Everything was just too convenient. It felt like everything wrapped up to neatly."

    I was taken aback at this but thought I'd consult everyone here. I know Sanderson is an outliner and so his endings the off loose threads but it seemed to me, my friend was saying there was no real struggle. What are your thoughts on this view point?

    (Disclaimer - my friend likes to read Book of the Malezan, Wheel of Time, Dark Tower)

  4. 2 hours ago, Ooklalord Jebus said:

    He was one of the original 16 Shards so he would have been aware of at least one other planet for sure and knew more were out there.

    Harmony doesn't know because Sazed doesn't know.

    I assumed Sazed learned (or is learning) everything Ruin and Preservation knew... Was it purely his knowledge of religions that allowed him to right all the wrongs?

  5. First time reading, I wasn't a fan of Elend. Second time through I think I realised his struggle more with his character growth. I ended up loving that Elend gave Vin his trust. He wanted to know what she was thinking and all that but the trust he gave her was stronger than most relationships I know of. I think that's where he really wins brownie points with me.

  6. I have just read through both samples of The Rithmatist and Steelheart. I can see the appeal for the former however I feel the latter can be examined more closely. Rithmatist definitely links with geometry in a more interesting fashion.

    As I mentioned in the original post, these students are expected to analyse LOTR. This year they studied Boy in the Striped Pyjamas and Romeo and Juliet. 

    I think I may just have to pick up both books and see which is more fitting.

  7. I am a primary school teacher (kindy to yr 6) and I have just been informed that I will be taking over as the Opportunity Class (Years 5 & 6) as of 2019. These are the academically gifted students.

    After discussions with this year's teacher, he informed me that these students thrive on quality literature and he usually uses The Hobbit and LOTR with them. I was thinking of introducing some Sanderson to them.

    I wondered if there were any other teachers in the 17th Shard and if you have any ideas for teaching lessons from a particular Sanderson novel. Being primary education, it can be any subject.


  8. So I had a question regarding Frost and the Seventeenth Shard. Hoid infers that Frost knew that Leras and Ati were dead.Did he learn this from Demoux or he can see into other worlds? Did Demoux learn about shards from Sazed/Harmony's letter to Spook because I assumed he had no knowledge of the cosmere during Mistborn Era 1? Have I missed some crucial piece of information?

  9. I hate watching dubbed with subtitles because the words don't match up. I've watched Steins;gate twice subbed and twice dubbed. The subbed helped me remember names better and it enhanced one character's personality but the dubbed was well done. The delivery of the humour drew me in which was lacking with the subbed version.

  10. 35 minutes ago, earthexile said:

    Overall I love Oathbringer, but I also have a lot of questions. And not the fun Cosmere Mystery type of questions, I mean straight up logic questions like "Are we really all just going to be cool with the Assassin in White being here?"

    That is a valid point. How do you respond to having your brother's murderer waltz down the hallway? The characters are so complex which is why I feel another read through is necessary for me.

    @Wax How good are the audio books? I am yet to try one out.

  11. I think we'll get to a point where all the magic systems will interact but I don't think we will see crossovers of all of them as it will be near the end of the cosmere.

    I have always thought Dalinar's "Unite them" referred to the shards being made whole again. So as more shards are united, those systems/powers will cross over.

  12. I was originally going to go with empathy but I tried answering this from a storytelling POV. Like ruin, there is a need for things to be destroyed. It gives humanity something to overcome, to aspire to. The conflict of humanity is to see that compassion and empathy are they highest forms of understanding. Knowledge does not equal understanding.

    My mantra would be use wisdom

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