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Everything posted by HSuperLee

  1. That is really quite fascinating, and I think you could be on to something.
  2. I have a feeling it would depend highly on both the person and the Perpendicularity. Though whether being native to the same world as the Perpendicularity would heighten or lessen the effect I cannot say. But I definitely think having a Shardpool hot-tub would do something over enough time.
  3. I feel like this question is kind of similar to asking if you'd get more muscular by injecting protein directly into your veins, where the higher likelyhood is you're just going to do some serious damage to the person receiving the injection. Not because what you're trying to do is impossible or illogical, but just because you're probably missing several steps of the process.
  4. It seems that it involves an intermingling of spiritwebs, which means it might be less about Connection and more about Identity. Edit. Before I get told off about how bonds clearly involve Connection or else Ishar wouldn't have been able to steal the Stormfather bond, yes, I agree that Connection is very important to bonds. I'm just pointing out that at least a significant part of them likely has to do with changing or "resonating" Identity.
  5. I suppose the logic there is hostile (malignant) growth.
  6. You certainly could be right on both accounts. Unfortunately my books are unavailable to me at this time, so I can't go back and check. I definitely think that you're right about being able to power either system with any investiture that the binder has access to, but I'd add that I believe that both voidbinders and surgebinders will have an innate access to warlight, without needing to gain any kind of "key" to access it as a power source.
  7. I am convinced there is more to this than it just being one of the orders we've seen before. One of my major reasons for believing this is that Sanderson gave warnings before the reading about it containing "end of the Cosmere" level spoilers. Now, if you've paid attention to the WoBs, you'd know about the coming space age, so what exactly are the big spoilers here? That Rosharans and Scadrians seem to be on opposite sides of some kind of conflict? There's not exactly much there to spoil or speculate on. We don't even know the exact nature of the interaction and whether the "aliens" presented represent their respective home-worlds or merely different organizations. That Radiants eventually figure out shardguns? Okay, I'll give you that, that's pretty big. But it seems to me, especially remembering the discussions we had when this reading first dropped, that the biggest question is what is up with the light. Especially as stormlight, regardless of the orders using it, is white with a nearly imperceptible amount of blue. Then of course in RoW we have the reveal of combination-lights, and suddenly I'm convinced that all isn't as it seems. My suspicion has been and will continue to be warlight, with the belief that it acts as a bridge between surgebinding and voidbinding and can be used to power either magic system, albeit with its own unique properties.
  8. Kinda building off what Frustration said, perhaps there is a way to make bacteria develop feruchemical powers, but such a process would almost certainly involve an infusion of Investiture that would push it into levels of sapience. Basically in the Comsere there's a very strong connection between levels of investiture and self-awareness, such that any massive influx of one seems to push for an advancement of the other.
  9. I don't know that it's that clear cut yet. It seems like its more likely that Odium is associated with 9 than that Braize is. Now, that's not to say that Odium is mimicking other Shard's powers, that does seem unlikely. But I'm not sure we can just dismiss 9 as being completely unrelated to or unimportant to Odium.
  10. Part of me wants to say that each person probably has a level of "compatibility" with each Shard (which is independent from Connection) which makes that Shard easier to work with for them. I don't have any real evidence to believe this, other than it just makes sense to me. For example, I imagine that I would probably be able to do more with the Shard Preservation than Whimsy because I don't like randomness, but I do like patterns and stability. In a way though, that's less of someone resisting a Shard inasmuch as their mind already somewhat conforms to the Shard's intent, and therefore the Shard doesn't need to change them as much. But again, I don't really know if that's how it would work. We just don't have enough examples of pre and post ascension comparisons. But I would imagine that if I'm correct about this, then Rayse probably had very high "compatibility" with Odium, which could explain all the stuff he achieved in his early days of being a Shardholder. Or maybe I'm just making it all up.
  11. The implication is that all Shards have their own pure tone.
  12. Would Nightblood even be that affected? At this point they've eaten so many different kinds of Investiture, and if "you are what you eat" applies in any way to investivores, then Nightblood might not even be dominated enough by the pure tone of Nalthis to really be that hindered by its anti-tone. Nightblood might be more like a whole orchestra than a single tone at this point, even if there is some level of Investiture conversion going on.
  13. *emphasis mine I think this is really the biggest thing here. As far as we can tell, the functional Fused seem to be few and far between, with most having reached a point of being far more spren than Singer. I've voiced my opinion in the past of feeling the Fused not being handled as well as they could have been, but a large portion of that really comes down to the fact that even the functional Fused like Raboniel are dealing with severe mental (possibly more accurately stated as cognitive) deterioration. The result is that both the quantity and quality of their fighters has dropped significantly, and any real tactical organization they had is pretty much gone. It seems like basically the only thing that was holding them together was tradition and habit in place of skills, and raw power in place of technique and number.
  14. This has been a topic of discussion a few times in the past. The general conclusion has been that if lift became a bendalloy compounder, she'd basically be an extremely powerful engine to convert investiture from one system to another, as well as be able to benefit from being fully charged with lifelight at all times. In other words, it would be a really big deal, especially as we're uncovering some of major properties of lifelight. If nothing else, then her own powers of Progression mean she'd be able to convert Ruin's and Preservation's (I guess at this point technically Harmony's) investiture into Cultivations, and then use that to endlessly grow plants, turning that Investiture into a significant physical change in the world.
  15. So the past few weeks I've been thinking about this book a bit, and one thing I keep coming back to is the reveal of Chet being a delver, and the consequences of that on Chet's character and knowledge. Most notably, that Chet knows things Spensa doesn't. It would be one thing if all Chet's knowledge came from seeing Spensa's mind, and would explain some of the knowledge of stories and language, but Chet teaches Spensa knots and survival skills. So did Chet copy Commander Spears's memories and rely on those for his interactions with Spensa? Or did the original delver retain its knowledge even while it deleted its memory and personality (which I'm not sure makes sense or would be possible). Basically, I'm creating this thread to discuss where Chet's knowledge came from, and how much of it is shared among all the delvers.
  16. There is some validity to making it out of multiple metals, or at least multiple identifiable sections, in order to aid in the coinshot perceiving the different parts that can be pushed on. We can't ignore how important perception is to this, and so whatever would aid in allowing the misting or mistborn to see that coin as many parts would make it easier for those with less skill.
  17. I'm not sure I follow. Certainly an atium compounder would want it to burn extremely quickly so that they can quickly get a large amount of youth out of the metalmind and then store it in another atiummind for slow tapping. Its not like compounders are compounding every moment of every day, they just do it until they have a massive store of the desired trait in their metalminds and then slowly tap that over time.
  18. Awakener's seems to have the ability to sense innate investiture rather than just cognitive presences, considering that Vasher describes himself as being able to sense blades of grass. Thus, it would probably be the more versatile and useful sense to possess. Though admittedly, we don't know how the mind sensing abilities native to First of the Sun work, so we can't be positive that it doesn't have more unexpected uses.
  19. My view on this is extremely skewed because I read Oathbringer in one day, but my friends who have also read it (and at much more reasonable paces) say that its kind of hard to get through, because it doesn't feel like a lot is happening during the Kholinar section, and that apparently made it difficult for them to enjoy it as much as the first two books (they've not gotten to RoW yet).
  20. However for our solar power the main benefit is the light generated by the sun. If Taldain eventually develops a way to collect investiture the main problem they'll run into is that ultimately the amount they get is a lot smaller than you'd expect, considering that it takes the sand several hours to "recharge" despite constant exposure, meanwhile, OB spoilers, If this is the case, the main advantage a dyson sphere or dyson ring would provide is a significant increase as to the amount of investiture able to be collected.
  21. My understanding is that feruchemy stores by percents, and since you can only store a trait you actually possess (thus humans not being able to store electroreception in a tinmind) if you actually hit 100% you'd have no trait to store and thus couldn't store it anymore. With that logic, you could theoretically get infinitely close to storing 100% of a trait by storing 99.9...%, but feruchemists likely have both a physical limit of at some point they'd start damaging their bodies from storing plus most probably don't have enough precision to actually store fractions of a percent at will. I also believe that there is a limit (albeit a very high one) where the body has taken in as much investiture as it safely can and trying to tap any more than that results in it being lost via turning into mist, this is what I believe happened when the Bands of Mourning were first used and the users body started giving off mist. I believe that was wasted investiture caused by hitting the body's upper limit.
  22. Hey, Ram, just so you know since you're new, we generally try to avoid making a bunch of posts in a row and limit ourselves to posting one thing at a time. If you want to respond to multiple people directly, you can either use an "@" to address them by their username or you can put multiple quotes into your post. Don't feel bad about it, a lot of people make the same mistake when they show up, but it does help reduce clutter and confusion.
  23. I hope you realize that the image you have permanently affixed in my mind is Kel wearing a Doctor Strange style cloak while being as dramatic as possible and shouting out alliterative names for his various magical abilities, all for the purpose of tricking people into believing his abilities are far more variable and powerful than they actually are. Good on you, Ram, very well done.
  24. I think Jasnah would love hemalurgy. I think she'd see it as a way to take the inevitable meaninglessness that is most peoples' deaths and turn them into something self-sacrificial and meaningful. She'd probably phrase it in some way similar to giving people the ability to spit in the eye of death, even it doesn't let them actually defeat death.
  25. Unfortunately it doesn't work like that. The closer they get to the speed of light, they'd find that the acceleration seems to be decreasing to an outside observer (it wouldn't be, rather time would be slowing down around the radiant as they approach the speed of light), even though to the radiant themself it would seem constant (someone more familiar with higher level physics than me would need to confirm that, as my education unfortunately doesn't reach the 3000 levels of the subject.) Basically to reach the speed of light by purely thrust based methods you need infinite energy, and even having access to stormlight doesn't overcome that limit. But otherwise, you are correct that Windrunners are very well equipped for operating in space. Though based on some comments in RoW, they do need shardplate to so it, as a vacuum is apparently capable of overwhelming their healing. That or it just makes stormlight escape faster or something like that. Either way, shardplate is needed to survive.
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