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Rue Walker

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Everything posted by Rue Walker

  1. From the album: Doll Customizing

    Kaladin, Adolin, and Renarin, with factory paint and original hair removed. (Sorry for doll nudity!) Doll modifying technobabble below the cut. I'm still hemming and hawing about the details of their uniforms, which I want to keep from looking particularly European while staying accurate to the books. If you have any suggestions, please let me know!
  2. From the album: Doll Customizing

    This is the head that started this whole mess: Prince Daring from Ever After High. Look how handsome and punchable that face is! I couldn't resist.
  3. Thanks! How do you make a pictures section in your profile? I didn't see any obvious buttons or links.
  4. Bummer! I admit I wasn't 100% sure the first time I saw her, because the dress didn't have a high collar and the safehand sleeve was more of a stole, but when I spotted the glyph embroidered on it I stopped and asked "Are you from Roshar?" She got so excited because nobody else had recognized her. (TBF, I was at Emerald City Comic Con this year and the same thing happened with a woman cosplaying Syl, even though it was a much larger con and Brandon was there as a guest, both of which ought to increase the chance of people recognizing a Cosmere cosplay.)
  5. Much as I love Adolin, my far and away favorite is Dalinar. I identify with his struggles against his passionate nature, and I adore how head-over-heels he is for Navani. The older I get, the more I appreciate a man who still loves a woman when she's no longer young. Unrelated, but is there a good way to share images or links on these forums? I was hoping to find people who would be interested in my doll customizing, but it's difficult to talk about without pictures! When I've tried to insert them so far, I've gotten error messages warning me not to post spam.
  6. A few months ago my husband suggested listening to the Graphic Audio production of Elantris, which he'd gotten as part of a Humble Bundle. His taste isn't always reliable, and I was prepared to quit within the first few chapters. We enjoyed ourselves making fun of the sometimes melodramatic performances (and how Raoden is, let's face it, a bit of a Marty Stu), but the misogyny and religion-bashing I kept bracing myself for never really appeared. While I predicted a fair amount of the story ahead of time, there were plenty of surprises, and when we finished it I happily agreed to listen to Warbreaker, the other audio book that had come in the Bundle. My husband doesn't have the longest attention span but hates when I read/watch/listen ahead of him, so when I began to chafe at our slow pace together he suggested I get the other Cosmere books he'd read already. Anyhow now I've listened to all of them (some multiple times) and am customizing a series of dolls into characters from the Stormlight Archive.
  7. You didn't see the cosplayer in the havah? I'd post a picture here, but I forgot to ask her permission to put it online. But she was delighted when I said hi!
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