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Joe ST

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Blog Comments posted by Joe ST

  1. Mistborn is not only my favorite Brandon novel, but my favorite novel of all time. It has influenced me immensely... and here we are.

    That is quite obvious >.> :P

    I do not know (nor can I figure out) if I have a favourite story, or particular book, of Brandon's that I like above the others. They are each quite a bit better than most other things I've read, I think... The fact that he tells his stories in such a way so that they are believable and you hunger for more is just awesome. In the year and a bit (I think...since RJ died, at the earliest) I've been reading he has completely toppled all the Towers of Awesomeness I had conceived. To me he's already equal with RJ, if not above, along with Tad Williams and my other favourite authors. I'm a total fanboy, there's no doubt.

  2. I'd totally chose Lerasium :P

    And aluminium is pretty useless as is duralium. Gold might be useful if you were also a copper feruchemist and had lost your history (or just had bad memory), but that's about it... copper, bronze, chromium and nicrosil are fairly limited in use, as you can only help/hinder other allomancers.

    Cadmium/bendalloy/electrum are powerful but also limited in application, though I imagine that being a savant in one of those would be pretty interesting, to say the least. Time is likely to get complicated. I wonder if they have enhanced understanding so they can comprehend their efforts easier than most.

    I'd say iron is of greater application than steel, at least from a lazy person's view: being able to pull things towards me without moving would be cool.

    Zinc and brass are obviously useful and I'd be happy to have them, if I had a teacher such as Breeze.

    Pewter would be cool, though similarly to chaos, as a geek I'd probably not get much benefit from it.

    Tin would be awesome, I'd go for that one if only because of Spook.and not only, of course...

    Of course, if I had any of these (and there were others, in the case of the helper metals) I'd love it, so yeah :D Even better would be to be a Feruchemist of tin or zinc, or any of the others.

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