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Gancho Libre

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Everything posted by Gancho Libre

  1. Vesuvius felt his head get split open. Luckily, the shardhalberd didn't cut all the way down his skull, because the headband was in the way. A headband that was, now, getting gorged off his face by a magical skate kick. Ooo, also, Vesuvius' alivened and flesh arms were cut off by two different weapons, one a shardblade and one a flaming hatchet. the flaming hatchet also managed to scorch Vesuvius' flesh, while also melting his alivened half to an unusable lump. Vesuvius was kneeling. A vulnerable position. However, it meant he could do something unexpected. Everything happened so fast. Only instinct saved him. He already had forward momentum, a thrusting jab with his knife. However, the only thing he was on the path to hitting was a shardblade. Not good. The skate person had jumped towards him. Someone was behind him. There was... a firey ax thrown at him, spinning with a flaming doom. So much heading towards him. The only thing he had was space, and even that was running out as Hellbent stepped forward to stab. Only one path could possibly dodge all fo these. Vesuvius had his entire body follow his jabbing flesh hand. That is to say, Vesuvius bent forward to lie down on the ice face down. He quickly rolled a half-barrel roll to the side, moving even as his chest touched the ice. This had severe ramifications The shardhalberd, swung by Althea, was no longer on it's path to Vesuvius' head. The fiery ax and the shardblade were no longer on their paths to Vesuvius' body. Even though the shardblade had not been thrown, Vesuvius had had ample time to dodge around the beginning of Hellbent's thrust. Now, both the shardblade and the ax were on a collision course with Althea. And, finally, Neo's jump put him over Vesuvius, not on a path towards Vesuvius.
  2. Vesuvius threw the shardblade to the side, watching it from the corner of his eyes. It dissipated into mist and reformed in his enemy's hand. Vesuvius was already twisting, and as the shardblade swung at him, he swung his own weapon. His alivened fist. He punched his fist down on the flat side of the blade, knocking it down against the tunnel floor. It bit into the icy concrete, cutting deeply and missing Vesuvius. Vesuvius had reached across his own body to do that, so now his body was turned 90 degrees relative to the group of people who had come out form the trapdoor. As he watched one of them started running. Hellbent. Another of them, on skates, of all things, passed Hellbent and approached with frightening speed. However, the man on skates was not going to try and attack Vesuvius. Vesuvius could tell by the man's hands. He was going... for Vesuvius' head? His hands were ready to clench, to grab. The headband. The man on skates was coming for Vesuvius' headband. If it came off, Vesuvius knew what he would face. Emotions like he had never seen before. Vesuvius had never been good with emotions. The man on skates was Neo, if Vesuvius remembered correctly. The one with the shardblade would be Max. Althea was one of the two people still by the trapdoor, he was sure of it. But it was dark down there. Neo was close now. Vesuvius swung his metal arm back around, elongating it to the right length to intercept Neo in a, hopefully, mace-like blow. At the same time, Vesuvius took advantage of his kneeling position to slide a long dagger from his boot with his flesh hand. He stabbed upwards with it towards the shardblade-wielder, Max.
  3. Xena sighed and slumped slightly. "Yeah, I guess you deserve to know. Also, yeah, I'd like to talk about it in a more private location," She smiled up at Aln. "I probably should have just sent a letter, but I have this vegeta... I have this weird voice in my head... no, that's not... a good way... I have this little... suggestion-thing... that tells me stuff. Hehehe...," Xena winced and looked up at Aln with a hopeful air.
  4. "I needed to show you," Vesuvius said, standing up out of the ice and stepping into a stable stance, one that would counter the slippery surface of frozen water, "That I am not one to mess with. I am... a man to take seriously," Vesuvius stood still as one of them came forward, closing the distance between them. Thirty meters. Twenty meters. Ten meters. Five meters. Three meters. There he stopped, and just looked at Vesuvius for a moment. Then, the man stabbed a shardblade at Vesuvius. Vesuvius knew a shardblade when he saw one. Vesuvius fell to his knees as the man stabbed forward with the blade, putting his forehead where his heart would have been.
  5. "Er..." Xena said, wincing slightly, "Sorry about that. I needed a way to contact you, and surely a scholar's guild would have a spanreed, and I happened to have two halves of a spanreed ruby without owning a spanreed itself... Yeah, it's rough. I just switched the gemstones,"
  6. I respect pancakes and all that they do. Even if waffles are better.
  7. Vesuvius frowned slightly as the water at his feet turned to ice. There was only a thin layer of it, as whoever built this place knew that a train system would be highly ineffective in the normal sewer environment, but there was still water. It was unavoidable. The ice caught at his flesh foot, which was on the ground at the time, then at his alivened foot, which followed. Vesuvius collapsed to his knees, the ice cracking around his metal knee. A good centimeter of water entrapped him. He was about thirty meters away from his enemies. Vesuvius looked up at the gang who had come to kill him. "You are strong," he said. "That is something I respect," he trailed off, sounding weary. "Too many people are weak, these days," Vesuvius gave the soulcaster a sad smile. "I'll be sorry to see you go," he said, then leaned heavily on his flesh leg to rip his alivened foot from the ice. @Sorana @Ark1002 @Nohadon @I think I am here. @Minato™
  8. Xena gaped at the newcomer. 'Uh..." she interrupted, looking back at Aln, the leader. "Uh... my name is Xena. You, er, know me... so I'd like to join also. Ahem,"
  9. Vesuvius cocked his head. It seemed his group of minions hadn't killed any of his enemies. Not even the rioter. He had given specific instructions of them to kill that one. As it was, he could feel the artificial emotions. Fatigue. It made no sense. Vesuvius had walked here, and his metal half energized him. He straightened. Laziness. False. He would never feel that before a fight. Lethargy. Impossible, for him. All three were fake. Vesuvius unclipped a small aluminum band, like a headband form an out-sticking piece of metal where a gun would holster, on his hip. He placed it around his flesh skull and grinned. Everyone else was present. It was time for his game of cat-and-mouse to end. He was ready. He was always ready. Vesuvius took a step forward, flexing his metal arm. he continued walked towards them, picking up speed. Fifty meters separated the two of them, a considerable distance. Vesuvius began running. @Sorana @Ark1002 @Nohadon @Minato™ @I think I am here.
  10. Um... I disagree. as I think someone mentioned above, Thanos really wants to be worshipped. Maybe he uses the 'save the universe' thing as an excuse, but in the end, he wants the gratitude.
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