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Status Updates posted by Observer

  1. Happiness is measure with the graph x^1/3. Small amounts mean little, and don't double in value if doubles. Large amounts are worth less than they should be, and grow progressively samey.

  2. I just poked a glass of water and watched the whole thing freeze instantly. I also turned water to snow just as fast. Water science is the best thing.

    1. Kobold King

      Kobold King

      Conceal don't feel, don't let them know...

    2. Observer


      I had to listen to about an hour of Trine music to get that out my head. I hate you so much.

    3. Kobold King
  3. I was so temped to make fun of the Midnight Essence with a daylight savings joke.

    1. Kobold King

      Kobold King

      I would so upvote that.

  4. I'm now a Listener, despite my proven inability to listen.

  5. What even does enefel mean besides nation football league?

    1. A Joe in the Bush

      A Joe in the Bush

      Check the Wiki. They're a group of Scholars on Sel.

    2. Observer


      Huh. Kinda of an odd name, but okay.

  6. Well people, it's all over. Brandon has been passed. I'd burn a funeral pyre, but if I had that kind of time, I'd probably just burn KK instead.

    1. Kasimir


      Burn KK on the funeral pyre, all Viking style.

    2. Kobold King
  7. I finally got Peter's rep above Kobold's. I'm really pleased with this development.

    1. Kobold King

      Kobold King

      Sometimes I wonder if Team Sanderson actually knows about the threat to their privileged reputation status. Mr. Ahlstrom viewed my profile once after I'd passed him.

    2. Observer


      I'm here to make sure that never needs to be a problem. On that note, you're getting worryingly close to repassing Peter. I'll have to fix that some time today.

  8. Did you know brain cells actually grow back after being damaged or destroyed? Not sure about anybody else, but I've been told for the longest time they were irreplaceable.

  9. So, once again I have ragequit Divergent, disregarding promises and dares. It's only chapter 13 folks, and I'm dead already.

  10. So apparently people read these things. This is either a sign to update more often, or to start screwing with the readers. Probably both.

    1. Kobold King

      Kobold King

      Both. Definitely both. :P

    2. Tien'sPetLurg


      As is right and proper

  11. Vaarsuvius and I have a couple things in common...

    1. Kobold King

      Kobold King

      Is this your way of saying you'll start leaving exploding runes at the end of your posts? :o

    2. Kasimir
    3. Observer


      I leave them in the 'cookies'.

      "You'll never guess what recipe I prepared this morning".

  12. Somehow I've been pulled back into this mess, and I'm not even wearing any metal!

    1. Kobold King

      Kobold King

      It took me a minute to get that. Clearly it is time to reread Mistborn... also, shame on you. :P

    2. Observer


      That awful pun thread is infecting me. I really need to stop. It's probably half the reason I haven't fallen back to lurking, the other half being totally unknown to me.

  13. There I was, sitting in the park wondering why a frizbee gets bigger the closer it is. Suddenly it hit me...

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