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Magenta Albatross

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Posts posted by Magenta Albatross

  1. 36 minutes ago, Saffron Iguana said:

    -Magenta Albatross – Rhino (Mercy) was dead either way last round. It would have been better for the Elims if they had died as the result of the mobbing, rather than flipping elim while dying to protect Odium!Ostrich. Albatross voted Rhino, along with me and Ostrich. I can understand if they simply did not want to change wagons, but if the elims made the call to protect Ostrich by exing Rhino, it makes sense to me that two of them would have hopped on that bus and stuck with it.

    I didn't switch away from Rhino because I simply wasn't online at the time when the Ostrich train started and I don't wake up early enough to post at the very end of the day turn. I don't think I even saw any votes on Ostrich until after the day had ended.

  2. (OOC: @Turquoise Gorilla I typically don't like voting on cycle one when there's practically no information because I don't think that my votes would be any better than random. I like to wait until there's at least some data based on abilities and people's actions.)

    First of all, I'll vote to execute Gecko because I'm suspicious of them for the reasons that people have already stated. Second, I did not expect the Cognitive Realm to even be able to be destroyed. Nothing seems to have changed other than several people having to flee for their lives, so either the cognitive reaalm was simply a result of events in the world rather than a cause or a new Cognitive Realm which we don't know how to get to but was immediately formed somehow.

  3. 14 minutes ago, Turquoise Gorilla said:

    Mint Heron:


    Hi! Excited to see everyone here! I really need to do another read of the rules before getting too far, as I don't really know what anyone can do.

    Let's get the stabbing started, shall we? Odium sure won't wait.

    Scarlet Octopus for reasons.

    Mint Heron, there had been some discussion prior to this - what was your rationale behind this poke vote?

    Mint Heron died last night, so you probably won't get much out of them.

    1 hour ago, Violet Axolotl said:

    This is a bad idea, even if others go to Shadesmar as well. All the OC would have to do is send one person over there and they instantly have a pool where they know there are two Shards, one of which can undo Odium's splintering. I strongly am against this. Sooner restored PMs aren't worth losing Cultivation.

    Good point. It'd still work if practically everyone went to Shadesmar, but that's unlikely and not very feasible. 

  4. I think that Cultivation and the new Prudence should try to find each other so that Cultivation can unsplinter Prudence. For easier communication, Cultivation and Prudence should both move to Shadesmar, along with other people to keep any of Ocium's minions from figuring out who they are based on the new arrivals. Cultivation could use their secret vote to prove their identity to Prudence. (I wonder what would happen if a Shard fully stored Identity....) This is more complex for Prudence, who would have to Invest in a trusted person, who could then create a PM with themselves, Prudence, and Cultivation in it. However, this opens up more opportunities for Odium's minions to figure out who hold Cultivation and Prudence. Cultivation could, of course, use their Shardic ability on people who they think are likely to have been invested in by Prudence, but based on probability it would likely take quite a while until they chose the right one.

  5. Just now, Plum Rhinoceros said:

    I do ask for a Nalthian unafraid to state so, is it revealed what item was distributed in the last turn to those who did not receive it? Will all Nalthians be aware that one of their member now holds a item with a specific function, or merely one item of the various varieties? And can more durable items, such as spanreeds, be created?

    No items have been distributed yet, but this night an Awakened strawman for spying on people to figure out what type of action they used will be randomly given to one of the people here. I wonder what the physical limits of an Awakened strawman are. Oh, and it was implied that there could potentially be more than one item distributed here in the future.

  6. I don't feel like I have enough information yet to be able to make a decision about who to execute. If only I could see into the future, like with Atium but much farther. Hmmm... an F tin/A atium twinborn would be able to store up future sight and tap it as intensely as needed, but you'd need a lot of atium to be able to see far enough into the future to get information about who's on Odium's side. Oh yes! Odium! I completely forgot about that for a moment. I'm in favor of starting to search for him and his champions as soon as possible, but I'm not that good at reading people. (OOC: This is true both in character and out of character) Having neutral shards claim seems like too clear of a bad idea for somebody on Odium's side to try to pass as an honest, good suggestion and not in favor of a death penalty for bad ideas, so I don't think I'll vote on that weirdly green kangaroo. 

  7. (My RP character will be Relas. She often gets distracted by ideas about how to hack magic systems.)

    Odium is trying to killl all of the Shards and we need to stop him, right? Oooh! Could somebody have multiple Shards and be more powerful? That'd help with the Odium problem, and it might possibly decrease the influence of the Shard's intents which gives me an idea about how we could stop Cognitive Shadows becoming too focused on their Intents. Ah. Having multiple shards is impossible. Oh well. But what if... that'd be difficult... oh yes, back to Odium. How could we stop him? If he's about to take over, Preservation could help us stall for time while we investigate more people, but that's far in the future. Shards definitely shouldn't go to the Rosharan system, and if there are any over there now, you should excape. However, Braize is a good place for people who have information about who's on Odium's side that would make them targets to be (insofar as Braize could ever be called a "good place to be") and Roshar is a good place to stop by if you're out of Investiture. Oh, and also, Invention: could you please give me at least some of the items that you make? I really want to experiment with how different magic systems interact. (OOC: It's okay if you don't give me the items that you make, that's just what my character would say) 

  8. Hi all,

    Thanks for the confirmation, Scorpion. charcoal Hyena.

    I imagine part of the reason for the lessened activity in the thread is some PMs have been set up. 

    16 hours ago, Ivory Dragonfly said:

    Weasel's death was likely a result of Lews' Crew, considering they were probably the most trusted so far. At least we know when someone's killed with Balefire rather than by other means. 

    Bold mine.

    This is an interesting idea. Can someone who has read the books more recently than I have remind me which if any of Lew's Therin's contemporaries might have been alive and still willing to help him around this time?

    Sincerely me.

  9. Hi all,

    Is anyone willing to come forward and claim the kill on weasel? I'd be very interested to hear the reason why you'd like her eliminated. 

    I'm going to place a vote on Charcoal Hyena . My win condition seemed compatible with Weasel's as both were achievable in concert with the death of Lews Therin. If Weasel considered Hyena a threat, it wouldn't hurt to role block her.

    Sincerely me.

  10. Hi all,

    I'm sorry to have missed so much Easter weekend was pretty busy for me

    In the spirit of joining with you and narrowing down the field to find Lews, I will reveal that I am a fosaken whose win condition is compatible with killing the Dragon

    I would not be opposed to finding out what a tied Lynch does, especially since death seems less than permanent. 

    I'm going to go back and re-read the thread, but I thought I should at least post this really quick so you know I'm still here.


    Sincerely me

  11. Hi all, 

    Just checking in. I've been at work or asleep. You'll never know which. :ph34r: Anyway, it looks like we have mostly discussed balefire. It's potential to undo death seems amazing, but really hard to pull off. For instance: If I was the deciding vote on a Lynch that killed someone in cycle one and was later removed from all of time in cycle five; does that mean the player I doomed four cycles previously was tied and has a fifty-fifty shot of returning to the game. And if they did return what happens to the votes cast in the other four cycles by the player who should have died. There must be some kind of time limit like kill a player and bring back someone they voted for last cycle or within the last two cycles.

    As far as win conditions, mine seems compatible with others. No doubt multiple of us can win in a cycle together. The trick is timing it and the difficulty is we don't know how many have access to balefire. The reveal that three people using balefire three times ends the game in a loss regardless of whether any of us have achieved a win condition means at least three have access to balefire, and it's more likely to be double that number.

    I'm not placing a vote just yet, but I will vote.

    Upon rereading my post, it occurs to me that with fourteen players, nine balefires kills over sixty percent of the players. If there are four people with access to balefire, eleven of us could be killed without ending the world. That means there must be some sort of reincarnation clause to undo balefires or there are only a few people with that power. Allow me to preface this by saying I don't believe it's a good idea to start killing indiscriminately, but I don't think three sets of three is as likely an ending to the game as we are led to believe. 

    I'm off to do something or nothing, but I'll be back soon enough.

    Sincerely me

  12. So, I'm kinda tired right now, but I would just like to say that I'm really proud of myself for how I played this game. I don't normally do that well when I'm a villager, so this was really cool for me. 

    @Emerald Falcon @Amethyst Scorpion Thank you guys so much for RPing with me! I'm sorry I orchestrated both of your deaths, I was just very paranoid that one of you was secretly an elim. :P 

    @Saffron Iguana @Salmon Meerkat @Ivory Dragonfly @Plum Rhinoceros @Scarlet Octopus @Quartz Zebra Good job at pulling off that win! Part of me is annoyed that my efforts at getting rid of a third of you didn't result in a village win, but also, by the time I was dead, I was rooting for the elims like I normally do when I spectate games. :P

    @Sunburst Toucan (OG and 2.0) @Violet Axolotl Thanks for having really fun PMs with me!

    To everyone else I don't have time to go through and mention, thank you so much for playing with me and making my first AG and Anon game really fun!

  13. 42 minutes ago, Indigo Weasel said:

    Why haven't there really been any Skybreaker scans announced? If you scanned people, please announce it in the thread, we're fairly close to solving the game.

    To be fair, my one scan died soon after I scanned them. :P 

    25 minutes ago, Violet Axolotl said:

    I've claimed my action to albatross, toucan has a hint sorta as well (enjoy over thinking that :P its really not clear at aall) oh yeah, been talking to toucan in pms so yes theyve pmed others 

    ....time to reread our PM, because I do not remember that. :P

    Also, I’m a Bondsmith. I didn’t cancel any votes during the day because I was too sick and tired and just forgot.

  14. 17 minutes ago, Salmon Meerkat said:

    I guess you're right. I mean, it wouldn't really prove that I dont submit a kill tonight. I guess my thought was that someone last turn said that they would be mad if they found out I was lying. My thought was to prove to them my claim last cycle for the sake of proving my honesty. 

    I mean I feel like that post of mine wasnt a justifiable post to make me your biggest suspicion, and I feel like you're tunneling on me a bit. 

    I mean last cycle, there were multiple other people who had a votes, including my vote on Kangaroo, which looking back on it, seemed a bit convoluted reasoning, and probably a bit of my own tunneling against him. 

    I mean I started the lynch on iguana for crying out loud, because their posts and reasoning was flawed. No one else seemed to have noticed it until I pointed it out. I dont think anyone else would have noticed on time, but because of me, we got an elim. 

    I mean, to be fair, I only said you were my biggest suspicion because I can barely remember anything about anyone who’s left besides for Axolotl, Weasel, and Toucan, who I trust (for now). I did say I’m not certain you’re an elim (which probably doesn’t naturally imply how uncertain I am I guess), so there’s that too.

    Anyway, I’m willing to believe you for your response. That seems kind of like a villager thing to do, though I think it would be better if we didn’t waste kills on a player who’s supposedly gonna survive and instead try and kill someone we think might be an elim. 

  15. So, I'm gonna go through and do an actual quick reread of everything soon (assuming I still feel up to it), but I just wanted to make a quick comment.

    7 minutes ago, Salmon Meerkat said:

    So I'm an elsecaller, as I mentioned last turn, so I won't be putting in an action, as my ability is only passive. .

    But I have no way to prove that unless someone dustbrings me, so that would be a good way to validate my action, if we have any dustbringers, go ahead and hit me (But please coordinate with others so I don't get multiple kills against me, and end up dying, because that would be sad)

    So yeah, that would be a good way to account for my action (Or lack thereof) while also accounting for a dustbringer action, without killing anyone.

    This actually wouldn't prove anything, I don't think. Surviving the kill would prove you're an Elsecaller (though there is the possibility one of us, either an elim or villager, is a Windrunner and they're protecting you), but it wouldn't actually prove you didn't put the elim kill in. Since the Elsecaller's ability is passive, they can put in the kill and survive any kill attempts. This almost feels like you're begging for someone to try this so you can "prove" you're village. 

    Now, I'm not certain you're an elim (I still wanna do my reread to make sure), but I think you're probably my biggest suspicion right now for this post alone.

  16. 25 minutes ago, Salmon Meerkat said:

    I get that you're not infallible. My point was that you were more likely to have more information than Flamingo, or Crocodile, for example. This, in my head, made your thoughts weigh heavier on my mind than their thoughts. But yeah, I realize that there are times that we all are going to not have enough information. My read on axolotl is entirely my own, but since albatross, a trusted villager trusts them, that makes it so that I'm also slightly more willing to trust them. 

    Yeah, that makes sense. Makes me a little anxious because I don’t like being the example or leading people, but oh well. :P

    Also, I’m pretty sure you overestimate the amount of info I have. 

  17. 4 minutes ago, Saffron Iguana said:

    "Confirmed good does not equal confirmed right."

    @Salmon Meerkat Yeah, this basically. I’m not infallible, so please don’t follow my lead as if I am. I was at a loss for reads yesterday and just went for Falcon because I was getting a similar vibe that I got from Rhino and Octopus. 

    I really wish I’d gotten on before the end of the cycle to see Falcon’s response. Definitely would’ve taken my vote off him. Those posts, even before I saw the writeup, did not sound like an elim being angry about being lynched at all.

  18. 1 hour ago, Salmon Meerkat said:

    24. Violet Axolotl: I don't like how some of their posts sound. I also don't like how Albatross, who we all are fairly certain is a villager seems to hedge on whether they are elim or village in their post earlier this cycle, then gave them the rating of Hard Village. The reason I don't like that though is because it makes me want to lean more village on them than I would normally do. I would have to go soft village instead of soft elim, though I would like more clarification from Albatross as to why you hedged for your analysis, then went so Hard on the village when you actually rated. 

    Well, I didn’t think I was hedging when I wrote that post. I was just acknowledging the possibility that what I’m reading as village could just be a really good elim. I’m willing to believe they’re actually village for now, partly because of our PM. Also because if they’re one of the two players I think they are, then this behavior fits them pretty well.

    Also, I was working on a full analysis post earlier...but then got distracted and lost my focus and deleted what little I had already written. Before I deleted it, I had kinda come to the conclusion that Iguana is probably village. The possibility that Toucan and Iguana and Zebra were all elim teammates, and Iguana just made an arbitrary choice to lynch Zebra over Toucan is definitely a possibility, but Occam’s Razor says the simplest possibility is probably the true one. Which makes me think that Iguana is probably village. Toucan could still be an elim, but it’d probably be best if we just scanned them tonight. I’m not confident enough in my suspicion of them to suggest lynching or killing them.

    As for Meerkat, in their defense ( @Saffron Iguana), I too thought that Octopus’s posts were very well thought out...which is kinda what made me decide to kill them. It felt like they were putting tons of effort into analyzing things without really getting much out of it. Maybe. If I could explain what gave me the gut read on them, that’d make things a lot easier. :P

    Falcon. I’ve been getting that same gut feeling I had from Rhino and Octopus earlier in the game from Falcon, and hey, maybe I can get 3 elims in a row? :P

    Seriousky though, I’d much rather lynch Falcon than Meerkat. He’s ingrained himself so much in the discussions of the game without really producing much results. Me and Iguana have kind of done the same thing, but at least we’ve caught elims. (They did participate in the Rhino lynch, but that isn’t particularly noteworthy considering 12 other players did too). 

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