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Posts posted by xinoehp512

  1. 16 hours ago, Nameless* said:

    "Well I guess we could look for another way out. If it is one of those worlds, then I doubt it will have an easily accessible exit. Such a thing would allow evil to leak out." The shadowed figure looked around. "Hey, the wind's gone. Is that a good sign?*"

    "You're asking me?" replied Jeremy, who had just noticed the sudden eerie silence himself. He felt unnerved. He'd just escaped from a place of silence; had he run from the frying pan into the fire?*

    *Yes. Yes, he had.

  2. Seven leaned over his controls, eyes closed, inhaling and exhaling slowly.

    Once he felt like a person again, he sat up. With some consternation, he realized that he had no idea how to reactivate his ship.

    He turned on the communicator. "Hello?" he called. "How do I un-stun my ship?"

  3. 6 hours ago, Nameless* said:

    "Okay, let me explain it better. There are these Narrators, think gods of creation. Tons of power, not very much responsibility, pretty terrible people. They make worlds, and sometimes they make worlds that you wouldn't want to go to. Which this one might be." The shadowed figure looked around nervously. "If it is one of those worlds, then we need to leave."

    At that moment, the wind stopped.

    "Leave? As in back through... that place?" Jeremy shuddered involuntarily at the thought. "I would uh, rather not."

    He did not seem to notice the wind dying.

  4. 34 minutes ago, Nameless* said:

    “Sorry. By one of those worlds, I mean one of the really bad* ones. The ones that are made when Narrators are feeling particularly evil.”

    Jeremy stared at him. "Yes," he said finally. "I understand exactly what those words mean. That is not cryptic in the slightest."*

    *This is sarcasm, in case you couldn't tell.

  5. Blue light struck Seven's ship, and the engines died. For a moment, his heart stopped.

    The ship did not fall, however. Nonlethal blasters, he realized. Of course. Even in the hardest days of the war, the DDF would never needlessly endanger cadets.

    He should have known. He would have known, but...


  6. 25 minutes ago, Ati16 said:

    Jason flew between falling meteors. The others were busy insulting each other, which was fine by him. It only distracted themselves from his attacks. He chose a phantom and attacked it, blue destructor beams flashing.


    A flash of blue light slammed into the ship's shield. Seven's throat tightened. His gaze became narrow and focused as he light-lanced a passing piece of debris, turning to catch his adversary in his sights.

    He fired a quick volley. No time to think. Failure to act meant death.


  7. 11 hours ago, Nameless* said:

    "I..." The shadowed figure trailed off, listening closely to the wind. "That is odd. I hope we didn't land in one of those worlds."

    "One of what worlds?" asked Jeremy in irritation. "And for goodness sakes, why are you so cryptic all of the time? Is it so hard to explain yourself the first time you say something?"

  8. When he flew, Seven was one with the stars. There was no distinction between him and the ship and space- there was just freedom.

    Just... freedom...

    Shots. Ugly red wounds in the sky.

    His breathing quickened.

    'Seven!' Supernova screamed. But it wasn't him.

    One with the stars. One with the stars.


    Seven's knuckles were white on the controls. The computer was shouting warnings at him, but he couldn't hear them. 

    Have to get out. Have to get out.

    He pushed forwards, shooting away from the battle. Away from the noise. Away from the memories.

  9. 7 minutes ago, Nameless* said:

    "No, they look normal to me." The shadowed figure stared up at the stars in a decidedly unimpressed way. "Perhaps a little brighter than normal."

    "You mean to say they are everywhere?" gasped Jeremy. "Remarkable..."

    After a few more moments of stargazing, he decided to look around at his surroundings. It was then he noticed the 'wind'.*

    "What is that sound?" he asked.

    *Don't think I've forgotten.

  10. 11 minutes ago, Nameless* said:

    A clawed hand appeared briefly on the wall of light, tearing a small hole in it. Then the grip on Jeremy's arm returned, and he was pulled through the hole.

    Jeremy and the shadowed figure appeared next to an elephant carcass in an empty desert. It was nighttime, and there was little sound except for that of the Hunger*.

    *While not hunting, the Hunger makes a noise almost identical to the wind, only with the added cries of those most recently devoured, which can be heard only if one listens very closely.

    Jeremy gasped, taking his first breath of air in what felt like a lifetime. He fell to the ground and kissed it.* This turned out to be a mistake.

    "Blech," he spat. "What is that?"** He looked around. "Where are we?"

    *Whether or not people actually do that I don't know. Jeremy definitely did.
    **Poo. It was elephant poo.

  11. 2 minutes ago, SymphonianBookworm said:

    "It's not your fault you're on the worse team! I won't be mean to you unless you are to me."

    Seven held his finger on the call button, but no words came out. Eventually, he released it.

    A long-lost echoed in his mind. Welcome to the best flight in the galaxy! 

    Nova's words.

    4 minutes ago, Edema Rue said:

    “Ah,” Len said. “Best run along and join your prince, then.” He shut off the channel.

    Seven blinked. He'd zoned out again.

    "Prince?" he said. "What prince?"

  12. 11 hours ago, Nameless* said:

    "Please SHUT UP!" Jeremy felt an icy coldness on his arm as something he couldn't see grabbed him with what felt like claws. "That noise is very annoying. Makes me wonder why I'm even bothering to take you through this place. It'd be so much nicer to just... let them have you."

    While this would not normally be something one would expect to cause a reduction in screaming*, oddly enough that was exactly what happened. Jeremy froze, utterly petrified. If he'd had the capacity to feel anything but terror, he would have regretted his decision to enter The Void profoundly.

    *I, at least, would be wearing my lungs out at this.**
    **Metaphorically speaking, of course. No air and all that.

  13. Character:


    Name: ??? (No one uses it)

    Callsign: Seven

    Race: Human

    Age (12-18): 18

    Gender: Male

    Preferred District: (??)

    Alliance (yes or no): (Yes? Not sure I understand the field.)

    Special Skills or Hidden Talents: Really, really good with a lightlance.

    Personality: Withdrawn. (He's been through a lot)

    Flight Experience (number of years 0-?):A lot.

    Preferred Ship (Poco, Largo, Scout, Other):Poco

    Other: Has a pet boomslug.


  14. 3 hours ago, SmilingPanda19 said:

    “Seven?” @xinoehp512

    No response.


    Seven runs across the tarmac, muttering furiously under his breath. He'd gotten to the classroom fine, if a bit late- but no one had been there. An empty room, appearing for all intents and purposes as if no one had been there in the first place. A slightly more literal interpretation of "Phantom Flight" than he'd been expecting.

    "Could've at least left a sign," he muttered, wrenching the door to his ship open and hopping in. He carefully lifted off, sighting his new flight in the distance.

    New flight. The words still made him feel queasy. He pushed it down. 

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