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Posts posted by xinoehp512

  1. As has been stated before, TLR is first pick hands down. With Allomancy https://coppermind.net/wiki/Allomancy and Feruchemy https://coppermind.net/wiki/Feruchemy (keep in mind that the Feruchemical powers are unlimited, due to Compounding) he would be the most powerful being in the universe if not for the Shards (at least, that we know of currently)


    Plus, of course atium, which means that TLR will know whatever Susebron does before he does it. Given all of this, it's hard to see how Susebron is getting out of this alive. However, perhaps all is not lost. Susebron has all of these abilities on this page: https://coppermind.net/wiki/Heightening, along with the ability to Awaken a ton of stuff. Although Susebron's abilities may not be very powerful, he could win just by overwhelming. Of course only if he had something a little extra. The original question had plenty of wiggle room, so I suggest that perhaps Tenth Heightening abilities could be used to significantly boost Susebron's chances. And one more thing:


    Susebron potentially has all the ingredients to Awaken another Class-IV type BioChromatic Entity, which, if it is anything like Nightblood, should be able to destroy TLR with not all that much effort. Add that to distracting objects flying around trying to yank of TLR's bracers, and an army of Lifeless storming him (the Inquisitors being removed by ribbons of cloth to spikes) and even with mental speed, it isn't looking as good for our favorite all-powerful dictator. Of course, even with all of this, TLR still has a pretty good chance, except for one final thing which I believe has already been mentioned: Breath Shock. All TLR would see with atium is Susebron lunging at him, so he gets ready to do like he did with Kelsier and punch his face to oblivion, but then feels Breath rushing through him. Even Denth, who knew exactly what it felt like, was startled enough to be run through, and TLR has never felt it before. 

    So, despite what many have said, Susebron still has a decent chance of winning.

    BTW, ILuvHats, minor thing, but TLR was not not a Splinter, but a Sliver. A Splinter is Investiture that has developed sentience, whereas a Sliver is someone who has held the power of a Shard. The name was actually inspired by the Steel Ministry's term for TLR as the "Sliver of Infinity"

    Although, it's easy to mix those up, so I can see that happening. :-)

  2. If she was ten for three years, that means she is twelve, not thirteen.

    Ten, Eleven, Twelve.

    Of course, there is some time between Lift's Interlude and her appearance in OB, so she might indeed be thirteen by now. 

  3. To be honest, we know practically nothing about Fortune Feruchemy except the name.

    However, assuming it is aimable (i.e. you choose what you want to be lucked) you have:

    Being a scientist and having a ridiculous amount of accidents that lead to new inventions.

    Painting, blindfolded, a picture of anything. Future, past, you name it. 

    In a similar vein, scribbling (or rolling alphabet dice) to read anything, including other people's brains

    You know how in some books they have stones they can use to predict the future? Those.

    Basically, predicting the future in general through whatever random means you feel like.

    Taking a walk blindfolded to get where you want to go.

    Submit a scholarship application and get it accepted.

    Have all of your atoms simultaneously decide to jump two feet to the left, one foot up, etc. out of the path of whatever.

  4. Okay, I'm just going to try and summarize some of the general theories/ideas that appear on this thread, and my thoughts on them.

    Firstly, we have confirmation that it was not the coin. It's back there somewhere.

    Secondly, there is a possibility that Joel could try to gain Rithmatic powers through something "evil" such as the forgotten. However, rereading the book, it seems to me like what he thought about the whole forgotten/Rithmatics thing was that the fact that forgotten existed meant that other ways to gain Rithmatic abilities might too.

    Thirdly, this is probably nothing, but the fact that a new Rithmatist can only be made when an old one dies is, I believe only mentioned once- by a Rithmatist (Melody, walking home from the ice cream parlor). No explanation for this is given, nor is it referenced when Joel enters the inception chamber. Which is odd, I feel. It seems pretty obvious that if Rithmatists can only be made when new ones die, then people should know how many and how likely one is to be made. Might this be a clue to the secret of the Rithmatists?

    Fourthly, "The chaining of a Shadowblaze, fourth entity removed, is an often indeterminable process, and the bindagent should consider wisely the situation before making any decision regarding the vessels to be indentured". This phrase is likely included mostly to indicate the obfuscating nature of the text. It is entirely possible that all that is said by this statement is explained in the paragraphs following, except for one thing: bindagent. Interestingly enough, this is not actually a word in English, indicating that this is something that refers directly to the magic system. Another interesting thing is that the way the sentence is worded, it sounds like the "bindagent" is supposed to be either the reader, or someone who the reader is going to be advising. The latter possibility brings up the idea that <wildspeculationzone> the reader is meant to advise a Shadowblaze on who they should choose. <\wildspeculationzone>

    Fifthly, my own idea about what happened in the inception chamber, which of course is the real reason for this thread: Everything seemed to be going what would be normal for a Rithmatist inception, until Joel touched it. As someone pointed out earlier, it is unlikely that some eight-year-olds would touch the things, so that is probably not the problem. (Someone also said that some might have seen it but their stories were discounted, but the same story again and again? They have to know something's up). I do think it is plausible that there is something about Joel that the Shadowblaze didn't recognize until it touched him. As I believe someone pointed out earlier, Nalizar commented on how Joel was special and wondered why "they" did not want him, which may have something to do with this scene. Given this, there is a significant possibility that revealing what happened in the inception chamber will cause a reaction from Rithmatists who might know what, exactly, went wrong, like Gatkong just said.

    Sixthly the idea of secrecy among Rithmatists on inception. Someone pointed out that eight year olds would probably not be able to keep a secret, and someone else voiced the idea that they were perhaps forced to secrecy. I don't think this is really the case, as Melody seemed perfectly able to tell Joel what was secret about the inception ceremony.  In addition, although she reacted strongly to Joel saying that he'd figured something out, she didn't seem to mention it to anyone, and didn't speak of it the rest of the book. This seems odd to me: if the secret was really a big deal, why did she not get authorities involved?

    Seventhly, The idea that the ceremony is controlled by people. This seems backed up by the fact that the Muns family is entirely Rithmatists. However, if there is a way to control the system, then why didn't Melody use it on Joel? <speculationzone>Unless, of course, she did, and that's why the Shadowblaze appeared, but this strange way isn't entirely perfect (thus the indeterminable in the quote from the book) and when he doesn't develop powers, she assumed it failed.<\speculationzone> If the ceremony is not controlled, then the Muns might be explained by <speculationzone> genetics. Although Rithmatic abilities isn't genetic, the tendency to develop it may be, or may be passed down by teachings from the parents, although I think this is less likely; someone mentioned that who becomes a Rithmatist may be dependent on character, and Joel didn't become one because he was a bully, but the Shadowblaze appeared and if it did this to even people who weren't going to become a Rithmatist, it wouldn't be able to be hidden very well.<\speculationzone> This seems to be an important factor in the overarching question, and good evidence has been provided for both sides.

    To be honest, we probably won't know the answer to this until the next book, but it is probably not any one of these things but a combination of them. Until then, however, we can make guesses. :-)

    One last thing: if you feel like I've missed something, please tell me so I can update this. I probably have holes all over this, and I could use some patching.

    (apologies for the rushed sentences: half of this I thought up while writing it)



  5. The first Brandon Sanderson books I read were the Alcatraz vs. the Evil Librarians series. I see the first book, pick it up, read it, and decide I might as well read the rest of the books as well, which, at that time, numbered exactly four. I finish the series and move on with my life. Fast forward 2-3 years, I decide to look up and see if any books have come out in that series. As it turns out, The Dark Talent, the fifth book had just been released (or was just going to be, I can't recall). Since it's been so long, I decide to reread the series. I come to the ending of the last book--


    And I come to the flap. When I started reading the book, I had seen on the dust jacket that it contained the map of the world with the Freelands. (It turns out that the library had put paper over the map. Why, I don't know. I was able to look up the map later, so I'm not too mad). I flipped to the end to see if the map was there and found the flap. I assumed it was the map, but thankfully, didn't open it (probably because it said DO NOT OPEN). I read the book, and got to the ending. I flipped to the next page, but there was nothing. I felt a sort of emptiness. That surely couldn't be the end, could it? I flipped through what was left of the book (some sort of reading guide), hoping that there would be something more. Eventually I got to the final page and had to accept that that was the end. Then, like I said at the beginning, I came across the flap, which I had forgotten about during my reading. I flip it open, expecting to see a map, and see the letter.

    Just one word: YES!

    I decided to look it up to see more about, more specifically--


    When the next book was coming out.

    Unfortunately for me, there wasn't much. What there was, however, was information on Brandon Sanderson's other novels, which seemed to be of much higher priority. On a whim, I decided to read these so that maybe I would actually be interested in them. This was not high on my priorities list, so it took a couple of months until I actually got around to reading them.

    I was hooked. There was no going back.

    Fast forwards again, I finished every Cosmere book (except White Sand) and was hungering for more. I went searching and came across this forum. For a while, I just read the theories and thought about them, but then I began to realize I felt like I had something to add. So I created this account, and I'm here now!

    Two last things:

    1. How do you make a signature?

    2.Dark Alley, before I accept any of your cookies I want to know exactly what is in them and what effects they will have. As much as I like cookies, I keep hearing the word "hemalurgic" associated with them. While powers are always welcome, I feel that 1) it probably goes against my religion to kill people for power and 2) it's sort of hard to hide a spike sticking out of your chest. :-)

  6. One moment while I get my gears turning... hm...

    How about this?

    Smoke from one type of wood (say, oak) has the ability to form into objects, another (say, birch) would have the ability to refract, manipulate light, another type (say, pine) would have the ability to heal wounds, etc.. (by the way, these wood types have no reason whatsoever behind them. They're just the types I know.) In keeping with Sanderson's Second law of magic, only smoke from specific woods can be used for this purpose, and all others will have a sort of "dull" effect, (turning into fire, for instance).

    Smoke demons might be made from trees that have been struck by lightning.

    On a side note, a main character having these powers that are associated with evil would be a very good plot for a book, if you want to go that direction.

  7. If harmonium/ettmetal is actually an alloy of atium and lerasium, then it would:

    1) be able to be burned by anyone, as a consequence of being a lerasium-based alloy (as ookla the rusty pointed out)

    2) giving the ability to burn atium

    Unless, of course the WoB that says a metal mixed with lerasium turns you into a misting of that metal doesn't apply to other god metals, or its powers are modeled after atium. If the latter, then it will most likely have some sort of time-based effect. 

    Of course, if harmonium is instead atomically fused, this would of course be null and void, although I do like the idea that it could store any feruchemical attribute, as feruchemy is the balance between Preservation (lerasium) and Ruin (atium). This idea makes more sense when you think of the fact that this is Sazed's metal, and Sazed is (or was, at least) a Feruchemist. (To be honest, that probably doesn't have a ton to do with it, but it seems interesting)

    Of course, this is assuming that it doesn't explode on contact with saliva... which I don't think anyone has mentioned so far. Even if it didn't react to stomach acid, it would probably react to saliva.

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