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Everything posted by Cosmernaut

  1. We’re pretty much in synch on this subject then. Anyway, how do you want Mistborn to be done? Animated or live action?
  2. Agreed. My first was Mistborn too so I’d love to see it on screen. The difference here though was that the motivation behind my layout was to have the entire Cosmere adapted. I think using actors is fine but it’s a bit of a stretch to make about 36 films in the same series with people as opposed to making about 7 animated series that covers 36 books. Another thing I wanted to say was that I liked Warbreaker better than Elantris too but Elantris is one of those tamer epic fantasy series that don’t get too outlandish so it’d be easier for people to follow.
  3. The title is pretty self explanatory. This is my opinion of how the Cosmere on screen should be conducted. This is for something along the lines of how it could be done with Netflix even though the rights have been taken by DMG. I know Brandon has said that it’s not likely to be done as an animated movie given how stuff like that has to be framed for kids, but there seems to be an advent of love for adult fantasy lately. Netflix seems like the easy answer for a platform here, but really, they’re already dipping their toes into expanding shared universes. I’m thinking two movie specials. One of Elantris and one of Warbreaker. These cover the books as much as they can. Then a spring release of Stormlight Archive season 1 covering Way of Kings. Then a winter release of Mistborn season 1 covering The Final Empire. It will keep with the regular alternating release of Stormlight then Mistborn and maybe a summer double feature movie of White Sand somewhere down the line. It should take about 10 years total to cover most of the Cosmere. Stormlight will end on ten books and Mistborn will end Era three on ten books. (Final era Mistborn will be addressed in a bit). At this point, the Cosmere franchise will be left with the Dragonsteel storyline. Given that the other backbone series have been completed, this will be sort of a ‘rebirth’ moment for the audience where the Cosmere line will be more streamlined. Only having to follow one series after all these would make everything feel fresh. (Honestly, it’d be like that moment you organize your books and declutter). So. Dragonsteel would cover seven seasons (one per book). Maybe they could do a Voltron thing where they sometimes release two seasons per year. When that’s finished, the final Mistborn series comes into play. Maybe they make the audience wait a little longer than usual for its release given how for more than a decade, a movie or tv series have been given in quick succession. Given how Mistborn Era 4 is the capstone to the Cosmere, it should probably be released as it’s own series and not under Mistborn. Maybe under a title like Cosmere: The Final Era. It will tie up the universe and should have longer than normal episodes to try to get as much of the books in there as possible. Naturally, even under a format like this where there’d be more story material than a movie, we still can’t have everything from the books present. As a compromise, Brandon would be a regular consultant and source for what should absolutely be kept from pivotal scenes to character moments. Stuff like this probably won’t happen but I wanted you to know what you guys think of this. Maybe you have a better suggestion of how things could be done?
  4. I’m curious if anyone here has ever tried to compose a chronology of the Cosmere’s behind the scenes events. Like we know characters like Demoux were chasing Hoid and we know Hoid was doing things in Elantris and Khriss was trying to witness the death of Preservation. Has anyone here taken all these ‘larger Cosmere’ bits and pieces and placed them in a timeline?
  5. Kaladin Stormblessed rolls off the tongue so well. It's evocative of a high fantasy warrior. Hoid takes a little getting used to, but once you do, it sounds like it would be the name of some trickster god.
  6. Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa. Hold on a sec. There's supposed to be a Cosmere novel about a war against aliens?
  7. I also read the books first, but when I did, I only pictured him vaguely. Something like this. In my head I see the rough outline of the man but it's foggy. I also picture Watson similarly as you. He was smart enough but he just seemed slow in comparison to Holmes.
  8. Too many to list, but I figure I should signal boost one of my new favorites. Klaus by Grant Morrison and Dan Mora. Short version: It’s a story about the origins of Santa Claus taking him back to his pagan roots. He’s pretty much a vigilante/warrior/shaman/Odin-esque figure who spreads cheer to the innocent and fights a demon imprisoned in coal. It’s like Witcher Batman. They did about seven comic issues for the origin and now do one issue per year as a holiday special. Last year he defeated the Witch of Winter. This year he goes up against an evil parallel universe werewolf version of himself. Here’s a pic of the character.
  9. TBH, I’ve loved almost everything Sherlock Holmes. Good news is that there’s a ton of stuff to entertain myself with. The bad news is that because there’s so many iterations, I don’t have a definitive visual anchor to associate with the character.
  10. Can you imagine an allomancer somehow burning pure Nth Metal? It’s the craziest metal in comics.
  11. Please be a Hoid short story. Please be a Hoid short story. Please be a Hoid short story.
  12. If we’re talking about a straight up fight, then I’d be more inclined to say that Vin and Kelsier beat Wax. In terms of sheer skill with Steel Pushing? Wax takes this one. He’s able to instinctively separate metal lines. With his savantism plus his years of experience, it can be argued that his level of skill with this metal eclipses Vin and Kelsier. Kelsier was able to do the bar spin (which is somewhat impressive), but Wax just seems to have better feats.
  13. Makes sense. I usually just have a “start point” for when I do fanart and then extrapolate based on how alien the world is. I know it’s unlikely to be totally accurate but I want to get as close as possible. Good news is that, judging from the replies here, Rayse is free to design however I wish at the moment.
  14. Chinese and Ottoman Empire, huh? I’ve never thought of that. I’ll look into their architecture.
  15. I get a bit of that feeling too, mostly from the descriptions of Parshendi.
  16. I was wondering if anyone could tell me what Odium/Rayse looks like. I just started Way of Kings so I’m not sure if they’ll describe him/them in the book later on. What is the in book description? I also wanted to know what the design aesthetic of the setting would be. Not in terms of technology or social standards, but just a parallel for the overall look of the setting. Like how Wax and Wayne’s Elendel is 1910s New York and Era 1 Mistborn is 1820s England. Would the design be something medieval? So far, it feels like it would be later than that but not by too much. Any help here is appreciated!
  17. Hoid: Instant noodles. But seriously. The Bayleaf wraps are the things that stuck with me.
  18. Hello, everyone. It's a pleasure to inform you that I've just recently joined your ranks. I heard about Sanderson's work and I became fascinated by the interconnection of his books- due mostly to my interest in Hoid, Nazh, and Khriss. I'm also a new reader so I hope I don't offend anyone with my lack of knowledge here. I've just been through Mistborn Era 1, the first book of Era 2, and am now about to start Stormlight Archives. I don't know what to expect here but I loved the stories enough that I thought it'd be nice to be a part of the community.
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