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Posts posted by Gigalemesh

  1. @Kalleth you mentioned aviar possibly being of interest to worldhoppers and I think that is a very good point, the ones above definitely seem to want to get to the point where they can trade and it is most likely in order to obtain aviar. While the ones above aren't necessarily worldhoppers as we only know of them using spaceships, it does show that aviars are of interest to people from off world

  2. Lol Wax and Wayne slashfic. Also while I can see a Kandra being able to carry a human baby, actually being able to produce an egg or sperm is a surprise to me, and that WoB does seem to imply it's possible. I wonder if they would have to re-create the DNA of someone they ate or if they would have any effect on it. Could they pass on Allomancy or Feruchemy to their child?

  3. My understanding is, as other have stated, that they are using the gemhearts to encourage the growth of their crops. I hadn't considered a fabrial being involved, I assumed it was just a way of using stormlight that the listeners knew of but humans have forgotten. 

    On 28/09/2017 at 6:55 AM, Yata said:

    It's possible they have a Soulcaster or maybe they had another ancient Fabrial.

    I honestly believe they had a Progression Fabrial and they use it to accelerate the plan's grow.

    They will not have need of gemheart to this, also little gem could go fine, I assume

    With respect to little gems also working for this, yeah they would, but the alethi could also use little gems for everything they use gemhearts for, gemhearts are just better because they hold more stormlight. Also I don't think the listeners have any way of aquiring new gems other than gem hearts, there aren't mines on the shattered plains.

  4. Thanks for the greetings! Been very busy with university so I haven't checked back before now. @Catie that's a tough one, the Emperor's Soul is definitely one of my favourites, not a full book of course but it was so engaging and really moving for me. The Way of Kings was my first book and it's the one I've read the most times so that's a significant one. Hard to say exactly after that, probably Hero of Ages as it's full of awesome twists and revelations 

  5. Hi, I've been a big Brandon fan for a few years now, since I got a copy of the way of kings for my birthday in 2014. I've read every bit of cosmere stuff I know of, plus the reckoners. I've been obsessively reading and reading these books for three years now and I'm still discovering stuff all the time, mostly thanks to more observant readers here ^.^ Anyway I thought I would make an account here so I have a place to rant about these books, since sadly none of my friends have read them (yet!)

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