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Everything posted by AMMcCann

  1. Going in and finishing my degree in programming and web development classes, I will come bug you all when I have to get through my Calc classes. Your future help will be appreciated! Haha.
  2. An outline is crucial if you're going to accomplish a set goal in a set amount of time, i.e. deadlines. That doesn't mean it has to be a solid outline, though. I find myself more often than not drafting most story writing at the end of my story first. Ideas tend to pop up of what would be interesting to have happened, then how did the characters get there, oh now where did they start. Working backward telling a story I, myself, find it easier to add foreshadowing elements and unforeseeable twists that would otherwise be more difficult trying to see the future rather than looking through the past. If I don't outline and just want to discovery write, the program I use has a fantastic blackout screen function besides the sentence you're typing. The program also lets me reduce the size of the font to microscopic just so I can see that the words I'm writing are still going into the screen, but I can't read them. That way I don't get distracted by grammatical issues and trying to edit as I go. Either way works, though, depends on the person and the goal.
  3. Thanks, and absolutely. Inspiration is truly the end goal when it comes to writing, life, raising my kids. I hope to entertain at least a couple people of course, but to inspire someone, as well, fantastic.
  4. Hey, thanks! Glad to be here, and you too!
  5. If you love to write, always write, never not write. I'm a big fan of the blindfold writing, just turn down the text to microscopic and let your brain pile into the page and edit later when you have time. It's easy to edit what is there as long as it is already there.
  6. Just going to copy and paste my introduction because apparently, it fits too well here, ha: Digging through my Audible account, so very many years back now it seems, I came across this cool covered book with a sci-fi themed name. I thought, 'Hell, I like cool covers and sci-fi theme more than food.' I added to cart and continued my progression of spending a few credits I'd forgotten about over my monthly membership accruals. Some Jordan here, some Goodkind there, some Pratchett over that way, 'What the hell I'll throw in some I Am Legend while I'm at it.' I made sure to listen to samples from each to ensure I could stomach the narrator, holy cow how a narrator can make or break a book let me tell you. It turns out all were decent enough for my commute. I started with a small dose of a short read of I Am Legend; I'm here to tell you that is a much better book and a great reader by Audible, no offense Will Smith, you did fine. The second shortest read was this cool covered book by a writer I'd never heard of, couldn't even remember the title as I pushed play on the thing. Jack Garret did a great job portraying the characters; he helped fuel my addiction to audiobook performances that leave my imagination far off in second place. I can still feel my stubbed toe in never-ending pain, pure misery I tell you. Elantris was the entry for many, as was it mine. I can't tell you the complete despair I felt when Jordan passed on, only to have the world righted again when Sanderson was announced to finish the Wheel of Time series. You see, I had just finished the Mistborn Trilogy not having anymore Wheel to finish and had become completely enthralled with this new style of writer I was reading. I've kept up with every addition to Brandon's collection since and have been more than inspired to start my own body of work, as well, by his creations. All these things bring us to today. I've come to a point where I have some extra time on my hands and am pursuing more of my love for writing and creating worlds while I finish off a degree I've always wanted. Hope to do a re-read of the Stormlight series here soon and looking to join like-minded individuals. “If you give up what you want most for what you think you should want more, you'll end up miserable.” ― Brandon Sanderson, The Hero of Ages
  7. Digging through my Audible account, so very many years back now it seems, I came across this cool covered book with a sci-fi themed name. I thought, 'Hell, I like cool covers and sci-fi theme more than food.' I added to cart and continued my progression of spending a few credits I'd forgotten about over my monthly membership accruals. Some Jordan here, some Goodkind there, some Pratchett over that way, 'What the hell I'll throw in some I Am Legend while I'm at it.' I made sure to listen to samples from each to ensure I could stomach the narrator, holy cow how a narrator can make or break a book let me tell you. It turns out all were decent enough for my commute. I started with a small dose of a short read of I Am Legend; I'm here to tell you that is a much better book and a great reader by Audible, no offense Will Smith, you did fine. The second shortest read was this cool covered book by a writer I'd never heard of, couldn't even remember the title as I pushed play on the thing. Jack Garret did a great job portraying the characters; he helped fuel my addiction to audiobook performances that leave my imagination far off in second place. I can still feel my stubbed toe in never-ending pain, pure misery I tell you. Elantris was the entry for many, as was it mine. I can't tell you the complete despair I felt when Jordan passed on, only to have the world righted again when Sanderson was announced to finish the Wheel of Time series. You see, I had just finished the Mistborn Trilogy not having anymore Wheel to finish and had become completely enthralled with this new style of writer I was reading. I've kept up with every addition to Brandon's collection since and have been more than inspired to start my own body of work, as well, by his creations. All these things bring us to today. I've come to a point where I have some extra time on my hands and am pursuing more of my love for writing and creating worlds while I finish off a degree I've always wanted. Hope to do a re-read of the Stormlight series here soon and looking to join like-minded individuals. “If you give up what you want most for what you think you should want more, you'll end up miserable.” ― Brandon Sanderson, The Hero of Ages
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