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Posts posted by Dreamstorm

  1. @Jofwu I think university is exactly where nerdy, introverted girls find friends! I guess it depends on the college (maybe Elendel = big 10 party school), but there are niches everywhere, and a lot of people with time on their hands. I find in the real world - with a real job and lots of other competing responsibilities - that’s where it can be hard for an introvert to find others to connect with. Massive diversion, haha! But now that you mentioned it, I’m bothered but Marasi’s lack of university friends (male or female.) I’m sure it doesn’t help a woman even going to university in that era was a bit odds. Maybe MB3 will show a better diversity of female friendships. 

    After the diversion on that, I think @Jofwuand @Isilel make a good point about Shallan making friends outside her prescribed class. If I was Lyn, I would be, um... you better prove yourself, but Ishnah is a great choice. In retrospect, it would have been nice to see things develop a bit more in that direction in OB. (Does Shallan wonder once about what happened to Ishnah and Vathah after Kholinar? Oh Shallan...)

  2. @misskassiekynn Welcome!!  And I'm glad you like the idea of Laral as a friend too.  She's not exactly a fan favorite (with defending Roshone (who is awful) and all), but I see her as a quite sympathetic character given the situations she was thrust into.  I think her and Shallan could have a lot in common, as they both grew up isolated (Shallan from everyone, Laral because of her status) in the countryside and influenced by less-than-ideal role models, plus were forced into pretty terrible situations (Shallan's was worse, but Laral's father died when she was young, and she was fostered and then forced to marry into a terrible family.)  If I'm going to fanfic this up, I would have Roshone die, and Shallan befriending Laral while she's getting acquainted to Urithiru and flirting with the idea of dating again.  Shallan and Laral giggling over boys?  Shallan might never get to experience herself what is for many a young woman a rite of passage, but maybe she can through Laral :D

    @Jofwu That's a good point about all of Brandon's young female characters... I guess Shallan really stands out to me because she's not nobility (which I imagine is incredibly isolating, can't say I have personal experience with this though, lol) or from the streets.  Marasi though is really odd now that you mention it.  Where are her friends??  Wasn't she at university?  Hmmm....

    @StormingTexan I feel like Shallan already blew off Lyn at the beginning of OB, so if I was Lyn I'd be a bit skeptical.  Lyn has female friends from what we can tell (her scribe turned squire crew), and Shallan totally rejected the overtures of friendship.  Now, I know some of that was Patternblade connected (and all that goes along with that in Shallan's mind), but that's part of why I wonder if Shallan even knows how to interact with a female friend.  (And poof goes my Laral fanfic, boo.  Edit: and the Wandersail one below.)

    @BraidedRose I'm totally into the idea of Rysn.  If Shallan shows up in Wandersail, I will collapse in happiness.  Shallan and Rysn on a girls trip to... the Origin..? 

  3. Not romantic girlfriend (though nothing against that), but an actual friend who is a girl (young lady, woman, what have you) to be a confidante and support person who is not her superior (Jasnah, Navani) or her romantic partner.  This is something Shallan has been sorely missing in her life, given as she was so isolated growing up.  Is this a relationship Shallan is even capable of forming given her upbringing?  Are there any good candidates in the book at the moment?  Perhaps this will be the function of the mysterious (sorta) May Aladar?  Perhaps Laral (should Hearthstone move to Urithiru)?

  4. 43 minutes ago, Calderis said:

    Kaladin has never known Shallan well enough for that happiness to be anything other than a fleeting chemical reaction. That unnatural happiness is the primary reason that I distrust their interactions beyond ever being anything more than superficial. 

    I feel like I remember reading somewhere there was speculation Kaladin’s reaction to Shallan was actually supernatural (and his reaction to Tien was along the same lines), but I don’t remember where. 

    I don’t think that cuts either way in particular, because I think it comes down to this: is it better to be with someone who pushes you to change (which can be very uncomfortable and potentially makes you feel awful if you can’t achieve it) or who supports where you are now (which is more comfortable but potentially enables you to remain static indefinitely)? This is definitely fact dependent from person to person. I’m of the opinion Brandon is on the side of “push to change” for both Kaladin and Shallan, so some of the things which are seen as arguably bad, I see as forcing them to think and act differently, which will ultimately be a catalyst for change. I just don’t see stasis as the driver behind the plotting, and that’s what Adolin is for Shallan - a stake in the ground for her to maintain this illusion that the Shallan mask is really all of her.


  5. 21 minutes ago, Calderis said:

    Because Shallan wants him to. Shallan wants then to be different people, and he acts accordingly. 

    My main question was the first part - why do you think Adolin thinks these masks are all Shallan? She thinks they are not her. Adolin says they are different people. So I’m not sure how you’re seeing that Adolin “gets it” despite how he’s acting. 

  6. Nice closing argument @Calderis, always good to have certainty in your opinions :) This was a nice read and it’s clear you put a lot of thought into how you feel about it. A couple pieces which didn’t hang together for me:

    8 hours ago, Calderis said:

    He does think of them as separate people, because he trusts Shallan, and she wants them to be different people. Regardless of that, on some level he knows they're all her.

    Why do you believe Adolin knows they are “all her”? If that’s the case, why would Adolin treat them differently?

    8 hours ago, Calderis said:

    In short, Kaladin and Shallan, though attracted to each other, would be a train wreck that exacerbate each other's issues. 

    You make a good argument for Kaladin exacerbating Shallan’s issues (and it’s one Shallan is also making to herself), but how do you see Shallan as exacerbating Kaladin’s issues?

  7. @BraidedRose I think so much of that depends on whether or not you see Shallan at the very end of OB as a Shallan mask or as "real" Shallan, and connected, whether or not you see Veil and Radiant as integral parts of Shallan or fabrications/false sides of Shallan.  Let's assume, for the sake of argument, it is "real" Shallan at the end, and Veil and Radiant are fabrications, or in a sense parasites upon the real Shallan.  If she was struggling to maintain her "real" self against these self-fabricated invaders of sorts, then "without you I fade" could be seen as requiring Adolin's support in order to continue to suppress these false sides of her.  She requires his recognition of "Shallan" as the authentic Shallan in order to keep those false sides firmly in the back of her brain.  This still sounds quite unhealthy to me, but perhaps in the year time skip Adolin's assistance in maintaining this suppression will allow Shallan to fully shed those false sides of herself so she can remain "Shallan" without needing that crutch, i.e. she can stop her "real" self from fading on her own.  It doesn't change paradigm you mentioned, but it puts it in a different light whether Adolin propping up "Shallan" is in fact a good thing.

  8. 23 minutes ago, IronBars said:

    Just cos her mothers lover thought Shallan should die her mother was gonna kill her ? Seriously ? That makes absolutely no sense.

    Nale is a seriously twisted person, there is no doubt of that.  But, this is the Skybreakers' whole MO - find Radiants and kill them.  If you read Mraize's letter (Ch. 40 in OB), you'll see he references the "intimate contact" between Shallan's mother and a Skybreaker acolyte.  The purpose of an acolyte is to seek out budding Radiants and kill them, hence the attempt to kill Shallan.  Yes, it is beyond, absolutely, 100%, ridiculously messed up that Shallan's mother went along with that plan, but that's part of what hints that everything wasn't so peachy in the Davar household prior to our first Shallan flashback.  Because what kind of mother would you be to agree to the murder of your own child?!?

    23 minutes ago, IronBars said:

    Again just because her mother had a "lover" you cant say that there was fighting in the household etc, thats assuming a lot, the fact we don't see anything like that pre Shallans mothers death is very telling imo, if was something to see don't you think would of seen it in Shallans flashback book ? The fact we don't indicates there was nothing to see imo.

    Brandon definitely doesn't show us everything... who knows what's lurking prior to Shallan's first flashback.  Maybe not that much, maybe a lot.  I think the point was that adultery is usually caustic to a relationship, so it's reasonable to infer Shallan's parents had struggles based on her mother's adultery.  (The exception would be if an open relationship was accepted, though I find that highly unlikely in a Vorin marriage, those oaths and all.)  It's a pretty small logical leap to go from "adultery" to "conflict in a relationship."  I'd say cheating is a big, big deal to most people, and I can't imagine based on what we know about Lin, he was cool with it.

    23 minutes ago, IronBars said:

    In the paragraph previous to this you say how her parents fought alot, which affected Shallan, the paragraph above you say parents hid it from the kids, thats a pretty big contradiction, it can't be both.

    Kids pick up on a lot more than a lot of parents realize.  Even if there was no fighting directly in front of the children, a hostile vibe between parents can definitely have an effect on a child.  So, yeah, parents can hide their issues - presenting a superficially happy front - yet there can still be a lot of tension in a household.  Have you ever walked into a room where everyone is smiling but it seems fake and forced and you sense an undercurrent of unease?  Something like that.

    @SLNC saw you requested to be moved to another thread after I had typed this out, feel free to do so though!

  9. 34 minutes ago, maxal said:

    I don't think this is about how anyone reads the character, I think this is about the narrative elements which have been canonized.

    • Adolin's mother was murdered as a boy.
    • Adolin's father was a dismissive drunk.
    • Adolin's father did put abnormally high expectations onto him.

    These are canonized story elements, not interpretation of the narrative nor character analysis.

    Actually, 1.5 of these are interpretations.  Adolin's mother was murdered as a boy, OK.  (One could argue it wasn't murder since it wasn't premeditated, a necessary prong of murder, but I won't haggle on that one.  She died when he was 12.)  Dalinar was a drunk, OK.  Dismissive?  That's an interpretation.  We see Dalinar dismiss him once, and then immediately feel bad in his thoughts and tell Adolin he would watch him duel with pride.  You can extrapolate from there as to how their relationship was in other instances, but that's an interpretation.  Abnormally high expectations is definitely an interpretation, as what constitutes abnormally high expectations is an opinion itself and highly fact dependent.  You may see that as cut and dry, but it's very subjective.  So, canonized elements are Adolin's mother was killed when he was 12 and his father was a drunk from when Adolin was 12 to when he was 17.  I agree that could mess someone up.  I also think it could not.  (Adolin appears to fall in the latter category, as you note.)

  10. @Kaladins I personally read Kaladin as a character who is attracted to women, as it seems he has fairly strong sexual feelings about Shallan (i.e. arousal while holding her close during the high storm) and also Laral to an extent (though that is early teens attraction), but I definitely think he is a character who could easily also be attracted to men.  I am a particular fan of Kaladin's relationship with Adolin, and I think this could easily be explored as a romantic relationship without disturbing the canon.  They have a very close relationship with a lot of admiration and chemistry, including noticing each other physically quite a bit.  While I doubt Brandon will go there (to my sadness), I think it's a very plausible read! 

    Sometimes I wonder how much Brandon realizes he is writing like this... he has actually said that Shallan is bisexual even though he did not intend to write her that way (this was before OB), and I noticed we got some very admiring descriptions of Jasnah from Shallan's perspective in OB, which almost seemed to be intentionally deepening this characterization.  I'm hopeful that at some point we will get a PoV character in a non-heteronormative relationship, though I know Brandon has expressed concern about doing so unless he can do it well.

  11. 23 hours ago, maxal said:

    I can definitely understand the desire for a proper resolution within a future book, though I do not understand why no one is arguing this resolution could happen while Shallan remains married to Adolin.

    This is a great point, and one which I was thinking about in connection with Calderis' point about showing romantic relationships at the stage beyond infatuation and attraction.  I have a huge sticking point with the SKA resolution from a literary standpoint, which is I do not understand Kal's role in all this as it played out, but for the sake of argument, let's say that was satisfactorily resolved/we rewind time and not have him involved.  Do I see a path forward where I could see Shadolin come around to being a satisfying romance?  I think yes, but it would take a lot of work.  Shallan has a lot of issues, and it wouldn't work for me to have Adolin just stand by being endlessly loving and supportive while she painfully worked through them.  I think what could be good, would be a relationship pushed to breaking, with an incredibly frustrated Adolin, a Shallan who is becoming more independent (and whole), and then seeing it stitched back together.  So, I think I would need a reboot.  So, I guess what I feel more than anything is Shallan needs a new romance, but I could see that "new" romance being with Adolin himself if done in the right way.

    21 hours ago, Greywatch said:

    For me, personally, who finished OB strongly disliking both Shadolin and Shalladin - I love romance arcs, I love shipping, I love character arcs, and I still thought it was a resolution.

    Question for you if you don't mind sharing... who did you ship after WoR?  I always assumed you were a Shadolin shipper going into OB, but maybe not?

    9 hours ago, Jofwu said:

    I do think she is "becoming different people." Veil is not Shallan. Heck, sometimes Shallan is not being Shallan. I think Adolin has expressed he believes there IS a "real Shallan" buried underneath and that these personas aren't it. That doesn't mean he thinks they aren't connected to her. I think he realizes that the personas carry elements of the true Shallan.

    Maybe a little silly, but we could almost pretend that Shallan is an actress who doesn't know how to stop acting. She conjured up this character named Veil. Veil is based on herself--just with an alternate past that shaped her into something different. Shallan puts on a wig and totally loses herself in the character of Veil. Adolin gets it, in my opinion. He knows that Veil isn't a total fabrication--that she is based on Shallan, and perhaps even portrays pieces of Shallan that don't come out usually. But he'd prefer that she work through her issues and be comfortable sharing that side of herself without jumping into a persona. And he certainly doesn't want to sleep with her when she's got a wig on, pretending to be someone else. 

    I also have a lot of confusion about Shallan, and it doesn't help in all of this, it's so tied to her romantic arc (where many of us have strong opinions.)  I hate when I'm worried I believe something only because of confirmation bias!  I agree with parts of this but not others.  I don't think she is becoming other people, but I do think she is in some ways like an actor trying on roles.  We all do this to some extent - we have a work persona, a social persona, a family persona, a 17th shard persona (:D) which likely all vary at least a bit - but Shallan takes this to a pathological level.  (My interpretation is highly influenced by this WoB, as I've fit my view of Shallan into how he's describing it btw.)  All of these personas are actually Shallan, just as who I am at work is me, even if I'm suppressing my contradictory side, as much as who I am out with friends is still me, even if I'm suppressing my more responsible side.  There isn't a "real" me which is hidden underneath all of these, instead all of these are me, just pruned and accented in little ways to fit the situation I am in.  Shallan obviously takes this to an extreme (and she most certainly views these personas as not her, hence the back stories and referring to them as different from her), but they are still all Shallan.  I think this distinction is really accented when you take the intimacy part - Shallan is no less Shallan when she has dark hair and is suppressing her proper side, etc.  Adolin may not be attracted to that side of Shallan, but that means that he is not attracted to part of Shallan, which is why that is a bit distressing. 

    22 minutes ago, Jofwu said:

    I just tend to think Adolin is fairly perceptive concerning other people, and that in this case he sees down to who she is. Maybe I'll be surprised. 

    But, honestly, I don't think she's as complicated as she thinks she is. She's a creative artist. She's a scientist who wants to know how the world works. She likes taking risks and leaping before she thinks. She likes real-world, first-hand experience. She loves her family fiercely. She's a daydreamer. She's tough. She's a Radiant. She's a victim of abuse. She's not THAT big a mystery, in my opinion. She FEELS like a total mess, which is only natural. She doesn't understand herself in the same way that any teenage kid in her place wouldn't understand herself. She has a lot of grief to work through. She has a super weird, broken childhood to recover from. She's got a lot of trauma that needs healing.

     Just saw you responded to the thread as I was writing!  I agree with a lot of your characterization of Shallan, but I wanted to throw out this WoB regarding Adolin's perceptiveness...  It's from before OB (and obviously WoBs are soft cannon), but it does line up with how I see Adolin a lot with Shallan - kind of tone deaf... not noticing her distress when asking to teach her to use her sword or when she finds out Kaladin killed Heleran, or her exhaustion when escaping from Kholinar, or focusing on her outfit when she returns after the Wit conversation (Shallan seems a bit exasperated there with her "Oh, Adolin.")  But I know these things can of course be read in different ways!  I wanted to highlight the things in bold, though.  Adolin doesn't even know about her childhood or the source of her grief and trauma, so I find it hard to believe he could really know her.  That trauma and broken childhood is so far a very central part of Shallan's character as it is presented to the reader, so I find it hard to believe anyone who doesn't have any idea of what she went through can really begin to understand her.



    I notice Adolin has a talent for picking out when people are lying. At least he caught Sadeas, he caught Amaram, he knew Kaladin was having something, but he missed Danlan.

    Brandon Sanderson

    How reliable is Adolin with his read on people? Better with guys.



    Brandon Sanderson

    Look at the list you just gave me.

    6 hours ago, Rainier said:

    These are the lies Shallan tells herself, along with a million others. These are the lies that are so fascinating to Pattern and that she needs to overcome to keep from killing him.

    Ok, you convinced me.  I need a thread on Pattern and Shallan.  Pattern finds the lies so fascinating and yet he is distressed by them, ahhhh, I can't wrap my head around it.

  12. I don't know if I have much to add, but I want to comment first on the situation Brandon has written himself into, and then why some of this Adolin controversy gives me hope for the future. 

    I voted neutral.  After WoR, this would have been mostly positive.  Why did this change?  Simply, in WoK and WoR, Adolin was less likeable.  He was frivolous, a bit of a cad, worried about superficial things like his house's reputation over his father's madness, racist (against dark eyes), concerned with status, a bit mean (to Kaladin), etc., but this was balanced with a genuinely kind, loyal, funny, friendly, outgoing person.  (Btw, I know a lot of people disagree with my list of "bad" traits, but this is just my opinion and why I liked Adolin.)  In OB, as many have mentioned before, these bad traits appear to have disappeared.  Adolin is more likeable, but this makes him IMO, a worse character.  Many of the popular plotlines for Adolin's future development would not do anything for me in terms of developing Adolin's character, as they would make him even more likeable.  Revive his deadeye by being nice to her - more likable, furious at his father for his mother's death - more likeable, supportive and amazing to his mentally ill wife - more likeable.  I see three storylines which have great potential, but since these would serve to make him less likeable, I think they would be on the whole quite unpopular to the fanbase.

    1. Feelings about Sadeas murder:  Brandon has said that there are characters who would feel this is very, very wrong, something we did not see in OB.  Who could this be?  My bet is on Evi, who would have not been happy with her son killing someone in cold blood.  WoB also says Adolin's early morality came from his mother, so I am thinking there could be internal ramifications about Adolin's own disgust in himself for being satisfied with the murder, which will lead him down a dark path.  (Warring subconscious and all that.)
    2. Relationship issues:  This was supposed to have a large impact on Adolin's character arc per WoB, but we haven't seen anything come of it so far.  I'm thinking Adolin is the one who brings about the downfall of his marriage as an extension on these issues, and this puts forward another reason for Adolin to be upset at his own actions and reactions.  (Again, Evi would not be OK with this IMO.)
    3. Abdicating responsibility to be king:  Was it bad that Adolin didn't want to become king and managed to get out of it?  I am thinking yes, which is yet another thing where what Adolin wants (to not be king) wars with what Adolin knows is really right (to shoulder responsibility.)

    So.... you have an author who has created an extremely likeable character, who may be the most beloved character in Stormlight, and whose fanbase is enamored because of that likeability.  Can you really go down any of these paths and make that character less likeable?  Isn't that betraying your fanbase?  (I'm guessing the majority of this fandom would not like any of the above to come to fruition.)  That is why I am pessimistic about where we are going with Adolin - I don't know if Brandon is willing to exploit storylines which would place Adolin in a negative light but that I think would add (or re-add) nuance to Adolin's character.  One thing gives me hope though....

    51 minutes ago, Calderis said:
    2 hours ago, Ailvara said:

    The problem I have with Adolin more personally is actually connected to that. He's never bothered. He had some worries about Dalinar in WoK, and then got a moment with Sadeas, but that's pretty much it - and it's been a while. I know he's meant to light up the mood, but there are... limits.

    I think this is a consequence of his limited viewpoints. They're sparse enough that it's pretty much always focused on the matter of something else than his personal issues. 

    I quoted this more as an example of what I see as an interesting phenomenon with Adolin.  Adolin actually has a lot of viewpoints (fourth most prominent viewpoint character), but they really don't tell us all that much about him, or what they do tell us can be read in vastly different ways.  That is why @Ailvara can feel one way about the exact same events and both her and Calderis perspectives can make complete sense depending on how you view Adolin.  It doesn't take a lot of page time to develop a character's emotions.  Look at Renarin - three (?) partial viewpoints (not even full chapters), and I feel like we as readers have a more cohesive view of Renarin as a character than we do of Adolin.  Brandon is a skilled enough author that he could have developed Adolin into a more cohesive character.  Shoutout @maxal who is always saying that Brandon didn't do a good job in convincing people of various things about Adolin, which is exactly my point - if he meant to convince readers, why did he do such a poor job of it?  I realize Adolin may be clear to a reader in their own minds, but overall and moreso than any other character I've seen in the Cosmere, there are people with very strongly held feelings about Adolin that are polar opposites.  My hope (hope!) is that this is intentional, and it's not that Brandon dropped the ball, but that he has left Adolin vague on purpose in order to allow his plans for Adolin down the road to connect to what we know of him, yet still flip the script on how he's generally viewed - as this so, so likeable guy.  But, I realize this could be a lot of wishful thinking as well!  (And would also make a lot of readers quite unhappy!)

  13. 22 minutes ago, Del-light-full said:

    So its only WoB that she was specifically Shallan? Because here Kaladin just doesnt recognise her. 

    Yeah, I don't know if anyone (?) would have thought this was Shallan absent the WoB, so it seemed to me like a little (maybe intentional) reveal.  Kaladin hadn't met Shallan at that point in the books, so he couldn't have recognized her.  The first PoV we see from Kaladin where he's around Shallan (which isn't until the training grounds one, where Shallan plays Adolin - super funny scene) he doesn't recognize her, so it doesn't appear Shallan's face stuck in his mind from that moment.  I haven't done a full look to see if at any point Syl mentions, or Kal thinks, she looks familiar though.  I'm guessing that might be there somewhere...

  14. 1 hour ago, Oversleep said:

    @Dreamstorm I think that WoB references something happening in Oathbringer. I don't recall when it was, though.

    I thought that too at first, but I looked at all the times Syl dresses like a Vorin woman in OB, or when she's disguising herself in Shademar, and none of those scenes fit (doesn't change her face to look different, Shallan isn't on a beach or anything close.)  In our next present-day Shallan chapter in WoR (Ch 11), she wakes up on the shore after the destruction of the Wind's Pleasure.  Syl is also talking about how there are other unknown Radiants out there in that passage, which fits Shallan at that time.  If there's something else you recall that fits, I'd love to hear!

  15. WoR chapter 9 - here is the quote:


    The pool in front of him glowed a deep violet. He’d noticed it earlier, but in the light of his sphere it had been harder to see. Now, in the dimness, the pool could reveal its eerie radiance.

    Syl landed on the side of the pool, looking like a woman standing on an ocean’s shore. Kaladin frowned, leaning down to inspect her more closely. She seemed . . . different. Had her face changed shape?

    “There are others like you,” Syl whispered. “I do not know them, but I know that other spren are trying, in their own way, to reclaim what was lost.” She looked to him, and her face now had its familiar form. The fleeting change had been so subtle, Kaladin wasn’t sure if he’d imagined it. 

    WoR, Ch. 9, Walking The Grave

    I also started a thread on it a little bit ago if you have any interest in discussing it :)


  16. Hi all - Adolin is definitely a sources of contention in many topics around here, so I was curious about the split in how people feel about him generally.  I realize some people like or dislike him based on his character, whereas others do based on how he is written as a character, but I tried to keep this general.

  17. On 3/16/2018 at 11:58 PM, Calderis said:

    They leave out the struggles, and the choice to work through the hard times. They focus on how everything makes each other feel fantastic and leave out the parts where you realize that even when your angry you wouldn't want to be angry at anyone else in the same way. 

    I guess I hope it's over, because stories don't show love. They show infatuation and attraction and make light of something that is a choice you have to continue to make all the time. 

    The attitudes of characters in stories are the attitudes of people who fall in and out of love just as easily. I'd rather it be done.

    I think this is an excellent point, but I'd actually counter that Brandon has become IMO pretty good at showing the "ever after" part of relationships.  I totally agree that some of them (Sarene/Raoden, Suri/Susebron) are rote romantic tropes/infatuation/dramatic hijinks to create a good story, but Brandon's best romances are those which shows the next steps.  I think Navani and Dalinar exemplify this well.  I wasn't too blown away by it in WoK - we were kind of dropped in at the middle of their story after all - but seeing a bit of the "before" in flashbacks, plus especially how Navani (from her PoV) deals with Dalinar's descent into alcoholism, made me a true believer in the couple.  It was seeing the really hard work which is required to sustain that relationship (any relationship really) that sold it for me, and it make reading their story in WoK again an absolute pleasure.  I imagine we are going to get more of that dynamic (or I hope we do!)  I experienced similar feelings with Vin/Elend.  Don't get me wrong, I loved the ball scenes (I'm a sucker for secret nobility, though I'm a sucker for most romantic tropes :D), but I found the "omg I love him/her!" at the end of FE and all the back and forth in WoA a bit eye rolling.  By the time we get a real relationship in HoA, I started to feel like they were real.  One of my huge gripes about female heroines in many books is that once the woman meets her man, she suddenly becomes less competent and independent.  I loved, loved how Vin and Elend were able to maintain separate roles in the story in HoA, though it remained clear that their bond was strong.  I'm curious (if you're interested in discussing) your thoughts on Wax and Steris.  I thought that was Brandon's best "falling in love" story so far, and one which IMO felt like it was developed into actual love (the honeymoon phase, to be sure, but a real love.)  That (and I can't wait to see where that relationship goes in W&W4!) and how Dalinar and Navani is developing just made me all the more sad that we got a rather superficial romance for Shallan, where I definitely see it composed of infatuation and attraction, and like you mention, that is just not as satisfying.

    On 3/17/2018 at 4:19 PM, WhiteLeeopard said:

    My opinion is this poll is the best thread on the triangle I have seen. Pure statistics on opinons around the 17th Shard.

    I also have really enjoyed the poll, though perhaps I had a little different take on it than you had.  I found a couple things interesting.  First, in the post-WoR poll on Shallan's romantic choices, those who chose either Kaladin or Adolin were split 50/50.  Here we currently have a 60% Shadolin post-WoR/40% Shalladin post-WoR split, which means the Shard has swung a bit more Shadolin in the past few years.  (Curious to see if this moves as more people vote, maybe should bump that in a couple weeks?  It's shifted a bit more Shalladin (33% to 40%) in the past few days.)  Secondly, we currently have 34% of those who care about the outcome unconvinced that's over.  I'm going to make an assumption here that all of those who do not believe it's over were Shalladin fans pre-OB (realizing that some of the disappointed Shadolin fans may have switched or the don't cares have a perspective), but if we take that assumption at face value, 96% of Shalladin fans remain convinced it's not over.  So either Brandon wildly missed the mark in convincing the people who needed to be convinced (as its not the Shadolin fans who need to be won over, of course, as they were looking for reasons for the choice to be Adolin in the first place) of the veracity of the ending, or....

    On 3/17/2018 at 5:22 PM, RainStorm said:

    Personally, I hated the love triangle. Love triangles are bad at the best of times but very difficult when it concerns three of your favourite characters.

    @RainStorm this is not directed specifically at you, but just a general comment.  Brandon loves a love triangle.  It's kind of what he does.  It's been in every series in one form or another.  Are aforementioned SKA drama, Dalinar-Navani-Gavilar, Wax-Steris-Marasi, Vin-Elend-Zane, and I know some might not see it that way, but Suri-Susebron-Vivenna and Sarene-Raoden-Hrathen were also love triangles, as in the insertion of another person into the main romantic storyline was used to create tension in the relationship.  So like them or not, this does seem to be Brandon's MO.

    13 hours ago, Isilel said:

    Didn't Pattern himself say that it needed to happen, though? That it was "good"? He is not infallible, of course, but we shouldn't completely dismiss his opinions, I think.

    I'm pretty confident in my opinion on this subject in general (though that's not to say I can't discuss it for the next three years :ph34r:), but Pattern is my main sticking point.  I 100% agree (although this was not exactly your point), that Pattern seems to be on Team Shadolin, and I've found that to be the most convincing argument that maybe this whole thing is over.  But I don't buy Pattern's opinion (or opinion at some junctures) overrides the rest of the narrative elements which convince me that's not the case and well, I'm just confused by aspects of Pattern's relationship with Shallan in general.  (It's a bit off topic, but he seems to love Shallan's lies, but also not like them at the same time.  Actually I think my next topic may be discussing this, hmmmm, especially if it can stay out of the love arc...) 

    7 hours ago, maxal said:

    I personally believe the idea Kaladin is the better prospect was so ingrained within the fandom, it has a hard time accepting Shallan might have genuinely chosen and might genuinely love Adolin.

    You should take a look at @Ailvara's poll that was linked earlier, as you'll find that Shalladin as the better romance was definitely not ingrained in the fandom.  The best I've seen is 50/50, and it appears that the majority of the fandom at this point in time was pro-Shadolin prior to OB.  (This mirrors my own experience; when I found this board over the summer, I found the fandom to be highly pro-Shadolin.)  Additionally, 2/3rds believe it to be over, and though we don't know how happy all 2/3rds of those are, that's the number which think Shallan chose Adolin with finality.  So your opinion on who is the better prospect and whether there was a final choice is definitely the majority opinion!

    That being said, I agree with your point is that if this is the ending, it was poorly done, as it wasn't convincing to the half/less than half of the fandom who did need convincing, the Shalladin fans.  I wasn't even a strong Shalladin fan (I'd say I was 60% Shalladin/40% Shadolin pre-OB, though would have chosen Shalladin if forced to pick), but mostly I just wanted a good romance.  And in the end, that's what I don't think Brandon delivered.  But, you're absolutely correct when you say that I'm now hoping it's not over partly because I really want there to be a good romance for Shallan in the future.  I've found a lot of textual evidence to back up that it's not over, but absolutely that dissatisfaction was while I went looking in the first place.  That being said...

    7 hours ago, maxal said:

    My other thoughts, perhaps less popular and perhaps others can help me progress with those, are had the same narrative been written, but concluded with Shallan taking the opportunity offered by Adolin, when he steps out, to actually choose Kaladin, the discussions would be entirely different. In other words, I do not believe there would be many readers to argue she chose badly or she allowed her "alter-egos" to make the choice

    I absolutely disagree that this would have been the reaction of most Shalladin fans.  I actually have not seen a single person express the opinion on the prior thread that the wish was for Shallan to choose Kaladin at the end of OB.  I've actually heard mostly (like I feel) that it would have been way worse for her to choose Kaladin, as that would have felt even more rushed and false.  Those two haven't even broached their feelings for one another after all.  What would have rung true for me, is that we know via WoB that these "alters" aren't actually alters, but instead masks.  As Brandon said, "She's playing roles as she puts them on, but I make it very clear (with deliberate slip-ups of self-reference in the prose) that it's always Shallan in there, and she's specifically playing this role because it lets her ignore the things she doesn't want to face."  It's very clear at the end that these roles Shallan is playing are not in agreement, and Shallan seems to realize that.  They are actually fighting in the text about this decision!  I would have loved if instead of pushing two of these "roles" (which are all her) into the back of her brain, Shallan realized that she's so storming confused she needs to take a step back from romance and figure out her own self.  Now that, that I would have cheered wholeheartedly, regardless of which guy she ended up dating down the line.

    ETA: @maxal I think all your points on the narrative fail/disconnect/reason for the Adolin/Sadeas plotline or lack thereof in OB are really interesting, and I'd love to discuss in another thread.  (Trying to keep with the moderator request that subjects not get consolidated into one thread!)

  18. @Chaos I thought the concern with ASK was along the lines that discussion about those characters (Adolin, Shallan and Kaladin) in general happened within the thread, instead of out in other threads which could draw a larger audience.  I personally like (and have missed) discussing the love triangle (or Shallan's romantic arc in OB, as I like to call it given we didn't get much true triangulation (unless we count Kadolin :ph34r:), to our collective relief), and given what was said in the Maya thread that discussion about the romantic arc was not being discouraged, and was in fact encouraged, led me to start this thread.  Would it work better if the thread was renamed "SKA - is it resolved?"?  Or I can even rename it something like "Kaladin and Shallan is end game" to make it clear my perspective on the issue?

  19. @Zellyia Thanks for sharing that personal story.  I totally understand that characters and plots in stories can remind us of personal experiences, and in fact part of the reason I really didn't like the moment when Adolin grabbed Shallan's hand and "saw" Shallan (be that the Shallan personality or the real Shallan, depending on your perspective) is because that moment reminded me too strongly about the millions of times the patriarchy has told me who I should be and how I should act and what is best for me without regard for my own feelings, so much so that it is often very hard to separate what the patriarchy is telling me from who I actually am and what I actually want.  I had a very visceral reaction to that moment, as it sounds like you do to the idea of the Shallan and Kaladin relationship.  That moment was partly the reason I was so disappointed in the Shadolin storyline (not for the choice which was made, but how it was made, and that a male writer was the one who wrote it for his main female character), which caused me to look deeper into the books for hope that moment wasn't what it seemed.  I know since you're happy with the resolution, you won't have the similar urge, but I wanted to share a personal connection I had to the storyline as well :)

  20. No, no Adolin death!  Adolin goes to Rira with Drehy, where Adolin figures out he is gay and meets a hot Iriali boy.  Flirtation and hijinks ensue, until they have a secret marriage in front of Cusicesh, whom Adolin subsequently bonds inventing a whole new type of bonded human/spren relationship.  Odium decides this is too adorable and leaves Adolin and his new husband alone.  The whole Iriali/Rira following Odium problem solved!

  21. I like this list.  Great idea @maxal.  A couple questions/additions of mine:

    • Adolin spends a lot of time thinking about and admiring Kaladin in OB.  Is there any chance Adolin is gay or bisexual?
    • 8)  Adolin does not think about Shallan much in either WoR or OB, and he notably does not think that he loves her or tell her this (on page) before their marriage. Is Adolin in love with Shallan or is she just the "latest girl"?
    • Is divorce permissible in Vorinism?
    • Is there birth control on Roshar?
    • Following up on May question (and kind of silly): Is there any connection between the names May Aladar and Mayalaran?  They are close to identical.
  22. Let's try this all again!  There has been many a view on Shallan's romantic arc in Oathbringer (otherwise known as the infamous "love triangle"), and considering a recent poll shows one-third of this board remains unconvinced that the marriage of our young married couple is really all she (um, he) wrote, it appears there is still division on the topic.  Two preliminary points:

    One, I changed the title to reflect my personal feelings on the importance of the characters in this discussion.  "S" for our girl Shallan (it is her romance regardless of outcome after all), "K" for our main character Kaladin, then "A" for our tertiary character Adolin (sorry, Adolin fans, that's the word of the man himself.)  Plus that spells Ska, which just happens to be a word used elsewhere in the Cosmere!  Could this be significant?  Let's discuss!  (Kidding, even I'm not that crazy.)

    Two, here is a link to a document compiled by the intrepid @Ailvara during the prior discussion.  This is a little out of date, but suggestions for edits (and also counterpoints!) would be much welcome.  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VqLjiUojkPqIfLJLyu7OnykTP3i-LG0f5f1KjRSJE6A/edit

  23. 1 hour ago, Greywatch said:

    Speaking purely user to user, I'm going to admit I was a little upset to see positive arguments for Adolin's character described as lacking objectivity. I'm sure you didn't intend it to come across as though arguments supporting Adolin being either a good man and/or Radiant are inherently less rational than arguments dismissing it, but at first blush, it's kind of how it read.

    I'm with you here.  I definitely get upset as well when people say that arguments in support of Shalladin, or just shipping arguments in general, lack objectivity, and that such arguments are inherently less rational than arguments supporting a different perspective or on other subjects.  Which is exactly what I was being told earlier in this thread.  (For what it's worth, I haven't seen you personally do this.)  Adolin comes into it, because no matter how attenuated the reasoning, I don't generally see the same type of disparaging "oh, you can't actually do an objective analysis on this" or "oh, you are just drawing your interpretation out of thin air" implications come into the picture when it's an Adolin-positive argument.

    To that end, you and thegatorgirl00 are definitely interpreting Adolin's behavior as positively as possible in that scene, and I doubt you'd see much, if any, push back that the subject is too subjective to analyze or that you are imaging those interpretations with lack of textual evidence, given as similar arguments have been made before without it (or if that occurred, it has been met with extreme consternation.)  That was my point.

  24. 12 hours ago, CrazyRioter said:

    I agree that shipping is one of the most subjective things out there when it comes to people finding support in the text for their ship by reading into subtext.

    But we aren't talking about subtext here, we are talking about literally what the text says. The text literally notes the ten heartbeats the first two times he summons her, and then notes that she comes at seven the third time.

    You can claim that the text is being deliberately misleading due to the character being wrong but you can't claim it's being ambiguous here.

    Thanks, @Jofwu, that was exactly my point.  I actually agree with CrazyRioter's interpretation of the subtext (regarding the 10 heartbeats), but interpretations that utilize subtext tend to get shot down a lot around here, which was my original point.  Now.... since we're on the subject of subjectivity, it seems to be on topic why some interpretations of subtext go ignored while others are seen as valid.  Much of that seems to center around how people feel about Adolin.  For whatever reason, he seems to make objectivity go out the window when people are looking for interpretations of text.  (Well, I can guess the reason, he is a dreamy-looking, rich prince after all so I can certainly see the appeal :P)  

    Take the scene I quoted below, where Adolin saves a child in Thaylen City.  The text on the page is simple: Adolin is trying to pursue the thunderclast, hears a whimper, grits his teeth, wishes a Radiant was around, hauls the child away and shoves the child at a soldier.  Yet, this scene gets used to prove Adolin is just an incredible person (never mind that gritting ones teeth is a sign of irritation, his first thought is that he wishes a Radiant would handle it, and he unceremoniously shoves the child to the nearest person) and/or that he's amazing Edgedancer material since this shows he is remembering the forgotten (never mind that that he didn't remember anyone - he wasn't looking for non-combatants - he just didn't leave a child to die.)  But the Adolin-favorable interpretation is seen as completely valid (if not a fact), along which the subtext that Brandon is clearly pointing at Adolin becoming an Edgedancer.


    Adolin lost the last part as the monster swept its hand across the ground. He barely dodged, then threw himself through the doorway of a low building. Inside, he leaped over a few bedding pallets, pushed into the next room, then attacked the brick wall with Maya, cutting in four quick strikes. He slammed his shoulder against the wall, breaking through the hole. 

    As he did, he heard a whimper from behind. 

    Adolin gritted his teeth. I could use one of those storming Radiants about now. 

    He ducked back into the building and flipped over a table, finding a young boy huddled underneath. That was the only person Adolin saw in the building. He hauled the boy out right as the thunderclast smashed a fist down through the roof. Dust billowing after him, Adolin shoved the child into the arms of a soldier, then pointed both toward the street to the south.

    Ch. 120, The Spear That Would Not Break

    Now, contrast that with some of the arguments you see (including above in this thread) arguing Shallan isn't attracted to Kaladin.  For whatever reason, Shalladin is seen unfavorably by this community (it seems a lot of this has to do with Adolin's counter-involvement, though I know there is a strong contingent of people who just hate romance plotlines.)  Take this scene below.  It seems pretty obvious that Shallan is very attracted to Kaladin in this moment based on the fact this is specifically what Adolin is observing in his thoughts (not to mention confirmed by Brandon that part of Shallan is in fact in love with Kaladin), but you will have people argue, oh no, it's not that Shallan is attracted to Kaladin, she just likes drawing him (never mind that she, um, doesn't actually draw him there.)  There's also interpretation based on subtext here.  Brandon established clear symbolism in Shallan's chapter with Wit that Shallan needs to be the "girl who stands up."  Here, not only does Shallan go from sitting with Adolin to standing when she hears Kaladin, but Adolin also specifically notes her change in posture so she "stood solidly on two feet", tying to the symbolism even more strongly.  But analyses such as these are seen as "more subjective" and "influenced by shipping emotions", whereas it's totally valid to read into the subtext (on an Adolin-involved plot) that Brandon is deliberately pointing out to the reader the 10-10-7 heartbeats thing.  I agree with you on the subtext of the heartbeat thing, as I've said before, but that's because I believe subtext should be taken into account for all plotlines in the book, not just plotlines which I personally want to occur. 


    Just ahead of him, Shallan seemed to change. It was in her bearing, the way she stopped resting lightly on one foot, and stood solidly on two feet instead. The way her posture shifted. 

    And the way that she seemed to melt upon seeing Kaladin, lips rising to a grin. Blushing, she adopted a fond—even eager—expression. 

    Adolin breathed out slowly. He’d caught those glimpses from her before—and seen the sketches of Kaladin in her book—but looking at her now, he couldn’t deny what he was seeing. She was practically leering

    “I need to draw that,” she said. But she just stood there instead, staring at him. 

    Adolin sighed and made his way up onto the high deck.

    Ch. 108, Honor's Path


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