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  1. That quote is a pretty enlightening analogue; I wonder if that's the main difference between discovery writers and outliners. Anywho, thanks a ton fellas, you've certainly given me some food for thought. I think I'll hybrid both of your ideas and try re-framing my story with that three quest formula in mind - then once I've locked in an interesting beginning point it's just a matter of keeping my butt in the chair. The weirdest thing, to me, about these posts is the fact that Chrono Trigger is the only RPG I've ever played. Quaint, huh? Did you guys get to play the version with the DBZ animator's cut scenes (on the PS1) or the older version (SNES)?
  2. Gosh, thanks for the thorough reply. I've got a bundle of conflicts, I'm just unsure how/when to start the story. I think I'd have to admit to world-builders disease a bit. In the past I have just outlined and outlined and outlined until the story was pretty much written. (world > history > themes > events > cultural story-arcs > individual story-arcs > actions > reactions > dialogue) I find this process pretty time consuming and I'm not sure if this is par for the course for outliners like me or if there is a point that most people diverge from their strict chronology and become discovery writers. Thanks for the conflict tip, I can see how the in late, leave early rule could help writers get right to the point and get them invested in the scene. Thanks again for your help. I should have phrased my question a bit better.
  3. How do most people go from Outlining to Writing Scenes? Any have any hints or tips? Thanks in advance! (Sorry if this is the wrong place to post this, it's my first day.) Also, Howard loves that word YAMMERING, huh?
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