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Everything posted by officiumdefunctorum

  1. According to Amazon it's now looking like late next year for ToE. I think I've enjoyed all the books pretty much equally, but that's because I've formed as emotional attachment to Locke and Jean. Also, Lynch's writing is delightfully profane, and I need it in my life.
  2. Coming off of my binge of the available books in the Gentleman Bastards series (Scott Lynch), I returned to Farseer and now I'm on "Fool's Fate", third book of Robin Hobb's Tawny Man trilogy. With how often I'm completely frustrated with the main character, I love these books.
  3. People honking their horns incessantly to get someone to come out of a house. Like, we live in the age of cell phones and doorbells. Get out of your damnation car if you're so impatient.
  4. Ren Faire is really more wear what you want more than cosplay. I mean, I encountered a Deadpool wearing a cape and burger king crown last year, lol. Some people go all out with period accuracy, but is my opportunity to wear a corset and contact lenses. I hear the faire in Texas is a big deal!
  5. I made my summer visit to the Bristol Renaissance Faire, my former place of employment and one of my favorite places on earth, to discover that the Sabersmith had a naginata that was a dead ringer for Mat Cauthon's ashandarei. Unfortunately he'd sold it by the time I'd gone back to take a picture of it, but we had a rousing discussion of the Wheel of Time and I implored him to begin reading Stormlight. I took a picture with one of his amazing creations, anyway. Rude gesture courtesy of my sister, who deserved it.
  6. Seems a given, but here be SPOILERS. I gotta say, pretty much all of Ituralde's scenes are aces. I especially enjoy it when he's on his guerrilla suicide mission inside Maradon, and then Rand shows up and Ituralde is really human about all of it. Also, when Taim shows up in Camelyn. THAT confrontation is equal parts hilarious and satisfying. Bashere being really chill about Rand going crazy is also perfect. Mat accidentally blowing a big hole in the stone of Tear. Perrin rescuing Gaul. Gaul refusing to let Perrin go after Slayer alone. All of Gaul's parts, really. Rhuarc separating Berelain and Faile's catfight. Mat trying to escape Cairihen and accidentally ending up being the one to kill Couladin. Mat and Rand going to Rhuidean. I could go on.
  7. I'll have to give the first of the next set a try. I really bought into The Final Empire, and then you-know-who died, and I get that that was the point, but none of the other characters really measured up, after that. Everything else was fascinating and I did enjoy them, just not enough to re-read them.
  8. Agree with unpopular Perrin opinions. I think he was kind of boring, and didn't understand how his relationship with Faile became a thing. Not at all. Mat is absolutely my favorite character. Don't get me wrong, I very much enjoyed his sections in the final three books, and I do think the humor is necessary. A Memory of Light is like, my top two for being unable to stop reading. When he and Rand FINALLY see one another again, and have their little one-upsmanship conversation, I about died. Basically any time he talked with Talmanes. I love freaking everything about Mat Cauthon. So in that sense, I think the "haha oh Mat" effect was too much in evidence. I feel like I'm missing a part of Mat that I know was there. Like... "okay, last battle is over, Rand is dying, Egwene is dead, just gonna ride off into the sunset and hope my wife doesnt kill me lol". DAMMIT MAT, CRY. GO HUG YOUR DAD. I guess I see the way Sanderson wrote Mat as being shallow. Question: was anyone else really bothered by Mat's relationship with Tylin? Seriously dubious consent going on, there.
  9. I did only read the first trilogy. I wasn't into it enough to want to jump into the next set of Mistborn books. I think it's because I didn't have any real attachment to the characters.
  10. Well I am all about courtesy. I'll try not to let my upvoting devolve into Cairhienen intrigue... That was a wheel of time thing, in case my reference went astray. I'll put Expanse on my list. What's the first in the series?
  11. So, I read WoT before ever reading Sanderson's works, and I enjoyed the last three immensely (they were my bridge to Stormlight), however... Mat Cauthon. He is and was my favorite character before Sanderson took over the series. I liked the honesty of his selfishness combined with his reluctant honor/integrity. He was sneakily competent even before he got all the battle memories stuffed into his brain. Jordan always managed to balance the aspects of his character in which he was a deflecting, recalcitrant brat with his own brand of honor and leadership. I feel like, in the last three books, Mat was made into the near constant comic relief. A buffoon that more often than not needed a laugh track to accompany him and rarely as grim as I knew he could be. There were times when Mat was serious and intent during Jordan's run, and I feel that Sanderson used Mat's foreign-ness to the Seanchan and the loyalty of the Redarms as an excuse to let him get away with being near constantly quippy and flippant, even when he was quite literally gambling with the lives of men. Like, "oh that's just how he is. His competence makes up for it." The whole... Making up back stories for himself and others especially irritated me. It made him seem oblivious and childish, and I reject it entirely. Anyway. Just wondering at my fellow WoT lovers' take on this.
  12. And Sami, the woefully ambitious kind. I'm a fan of believable crossovers, always wondering what might happen if characters from different universes found themselves flung together. I dabble in many fandoms, but always find myself coming back to Marvel. Also, are upvotes especially treasured? I confess I'm not a reddit user, and it's the only place I know they're a thing of, well, currency.
  13. Thank you for the welcome, and cookie. I'm occasionally insane enough in my own, so I'll save it for a special occasion. I've read all available Stormlight things, Warbreaker, Elantris, and the Mistborn trilogy. I wasn't super enthused with Mistborn, so I've yet to read any of the additional novels (if you think they are better than the trilogy itself, I'll give them a try). I'll get around to his other stuff eventually, I suppose. Stormlight Archive solidly holds the lead, not least because it was the solice to which I fled when I'd finished the Wheel of Time and didn't know what to do with myself.
  14. Hello! I recently read one of those somewhat unsubstantiated clickbait articles claiming that my shameless nerdiness and obsession with multiple fictional universes is actually good for me, and realized I had not yet plumbed the depths of the Sanderson community, so here I am. Heal me, my fellows. In any case, greetings from Milwaukee, WI. I basically read like it's my second job (and I'm a teacher, so I read a lot for that job, too) so I can wax poetic about Sanderson's works, the Wheel of Time, Gentleman Bastards, The Farseer books, Harry Potter, Tolkien, Marvel, ASoIaF, and...probably a lot more, tbh. I read A LOT and am always looking for solid recommendations so I stop rereading a safe bet. I also shamelessly read and write fanfiction. Lovely to be here.
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