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Posts posted by TeleWorms

  1. Heya, welcome to the Shard! Have an upvote.

    I just started reading Oathbringer today, so I don't know much it, but I have read through the rest of the Cosmere. Do you have a favorite non-SA Brandon book? Personally, I quite enjoy The Final Empire.

    And fair warning: Do not, under any circumstances, eat the cookies. 

  2. Hey, welcome to the shard! Have an upvote.

    Good to see you've caught up on the Cosmere in time for Oathvember! I've never read Wheel of Time, though I intend to start soon. If you ever want more Branderson, you can check out his unpublished works (Mythwalker and Aether of Night). I've never read AoN, but Mythwalker was a decent book, though incomplete and later scrapped for Mistborn, Warbreaker, and WOK.

    And I definitely would advise against taking the cookies. 

  3. 2 minutes ago, Flash said:

    Hoid. Think about it. What has he actually DONE? 

    Pretty much nothing that we've seen. He's taken a few things, gotten involved in some events... but nothing huge. 

    I know he's uber important, but at the moment he just hasn't done much lol

    Don't get me wrong I love Hoid. Just proposing a different view on things 

    From what I've seen, he's been doing quite a bit of running around, though we've yet to see a reason for his actions. So I see where you're coming from. I hope we get to see more of him, and his motives, later. Then he'll (hopefully) be less overrated. 

  4. Heya, welcome to the shard! Have an upvote.

    I was introduced to Branderson through SA, and it still remains my favorite, though I do enjoy Mistborn quite a lot. 

    On another note, how much of the Cosmere have you read? 

    As always, here's some sage advice: Do not, under any circumstances, eat the cookies.

  5. Hey, welcome! Have an upvote!

    I recently finished the Cosmere, as of now at least. What books haven't you read? And do you have any other good, non Branderson, books?

    And, lastly: Do not, under any circumstances, eat the cookies.

  6. Heya, welcome! Have an upvote!

    You've included answers to most of the questions we usually use as icebreakers, so good job there!

    I've also recently finished Arcanum Unbounded, and subsequently finished the published Cosmere. Since then, I've filled the void by reading Branderson's unpublished works (Prose White Sand, Mythwalker, scrapped parts of published books) and just picked up Aether of Night. Other than that, I'm here, biding my time until Oathvember.

    Well, It'll be good to see a new face around here. And, as always, I feel like I should dispense some valuable advice; Do not, under any circumstances, eat the cookies.

  7. 10 minutes ago, Thail said:

    I've heard so many people saying that for The Stormlight Archive and I can't wait to read it!

    You need to read The Stormlight Archive. I read it first, at the urging of a friend, and kit got me completely hooked on Branderson's books. Oathbringer, the third book in SA, is coming out in November. I envy your position, as you don't need to wait a year or more for the next book to come out (Honestly, I also envy all of the newcomers who haven't read all of the Cosmere yet and can say "Whoa, I have so much left to read!) 

    Anyway, have a good time, Way of Kings is awesome. And the world building - god is it wonderful. 

  8. Heya, welcome to the Shard! Have an upvote!

    Since @StrikerEZ has done a pretty job at introducing you, I don't have much to say. 

    Anyway, what's your favorite Mistborn book? I've always been fond of The Final Empire, just because I'm a sucker for world building (and Kelsier). 

    If you haven't already, you should pick up Mistborn: Secret History. It's really good, and includes more Kelsier

    And, as always: do not, under any circumstances, eat the cookies.

  9. Heya, welcome to the shard! Have an upvote.

    The Shard was my first fan forum as well, and I couldn't be happier with the way my experience with it has turned out. 

    Anyway, what's your favorite Cosmere book? And have you read the prose of White Sand? I really just have to ask everyone that, as I enjoyed reading the text version much more than it's graphic novel counterpart. 

    I too really enjoy the lore of the Cosmere. Being a massive history buff as well as a huge Fantasy book lover, the Cosmere continuously has me astounded. I also like rereading the books after I've finished others, because I just know I've missed something. 


    I totally missed that Szeth had Nightblood in the end of WOR until I reread the whole Stormlight Archives in preparation for Oathvember. 

    As a farewell, I will hand out some sage advice which I try to give to all newcomers: Do not, under any circumstances, eat the cookies. 

  10. Heya, welcome to the Shard! Have an upvote and do not, under any circumstances, take the cookies.

    In times of trouble (and for a lack of anything else of Sanderson's to read) I find my self devouring some of Brandon's unpublished or otherwise scrapped works. Some 20 chapters of his book Mythwalker were posted on his site. This book was eventually torn to shreds and subsequently weaved into Mistborn, Warbreaker, and The Stormlight Archives. It's good, though a little rough around the edges, as well as incomplete. None the less, I'd recommend reading it.

    White Sand is a great (and complete!) book, and though it's published as a graphic novel, you can download a copy of the full prose version through a link once you sign up for Brandon's newsletter. I think some things may be slightly different between the GA and prose versions, but I loved the text version all the same. 

    Another great way to fill the hole is through fan works. This ranges from art to fan fiction, and is some of the stuff out there is amazing and really great to help patch up the holes in your soul. I live in denial and foolishly have hope that Shallan Davar will have a positive character arc. 

    Anyway, have fun here and enjoy your stay (until November, at least. You better not be on here after the 14th.)

  11. Hey, welcome to the Shard! Have an upvote. 

    I really love rereading Cosmere books because I get to notice all the great details that I missed on my first read. I quite liked Mistborn as well, so that's  a great combo. If you haven't, you should read Mistborn Era 2, which is set 300 years after the first trilogy. Anyways, what Sanderson books have you read so far?

    Before I go, I think I should offer you some sage advice: Do not, under any circumstances, eat the cookies.

  12. Double posting is fine, no trouble. 

    Since you've read most of the Cosmere, what book has been your favorite? Mine's Way of Kings, and I really recommend reading White Sand in both the graphic novel and it's prose version. 

    And trust me, you definitely do not want to eat those cookies. 

  13. Hey! Welcome to the Shard! Well, actually, I guess I'm a bit late on that.

    Anyway, have an upvote! If I may ask, what Branderson books have you read? 

    And, as always: do not, under any circumstances, eat the cookies.


  14. Hey, welcome to the Shard! Have an upvote.

    I've yet to read Arcanum Unbounded, so I guess I can't talk much about that. I have, however, read through Mistborn and I throughly enjoyed it. 

    I will, in addition, give you some very important words of wisdom: Do not, under any circumstances, eat the cookies

    Instead, go ahead and have some spheres. Maybe buy some pie. 




  15. I don't really accept any modern religion in its entirety, but do believe in some sort of low-intervention deity like @NewbSombrero mentioned Sazed as being. Both Survivorism and Pathism have some good core values and moral ideations which worked well for me when applied to my mostly structureless belief. (Honestly, my beliefs were basically: Hey, I guess there's some higher power out there, but it probably just prefers to leave us to our own devices most of the time.) 

  16. Hey, welcome to the Shard! 

    Great to have ya here! You know about the Cosmere, so I guess you don't have to be too careful about spoilers on that, but do try and stay away from boards for books you haven't read yet. If I may ask, what Sanderson book has been your favorite so far?

    And, as always, I will give you my words of wisdom: Do not, under any circumstances, eat the cookies.

    - Worms

  17. Welcome to the Shard! Have an upvote!

    I started with SA as well, and I'm super glad you liked it. Mistborn is great as well, and you should definitely read at least the first trilogy. After that, you should look at Elantris or Warbreaker, Brandon's two stand-alone books. And, If you're not familiar with him yet, watch out for a man named Hoid. 

    Some key words of advice: Do not, under any circumstances, eat the cookies.

    I hope you enjoy it here!

    - Worms

  18. Hey!, Welcome to the Shard! 

    I started with The Stormlight Archive, which was an absolutely glorious series to start with. If you want to read in chronological order, Elantris is the starting point and a good book to boot. It's your choice, but I'd recommend SA, Elantris, or maybe Warbreaker (Though I didn't read it until recently, so I don't know).  

    Anyway, have an upvote, and some key advice: Do not, under any circumstances, eat the cookies. 


  19. 1 minute ago, StrikerEZ said:

    Well, that plague is actually the common cold from the world hoppers traveling in the Purelake. So, not too bad, but when diseases aren't very common, and suddenly everyone gets something like the common cold, you'd freak out too.

    That's good to know. I quite like Purelake, and would hate to see them wiped out by a serious plague. Hopefully it doesn't cause too much of an issue. 

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