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Posts posted by TeleWorms

  1. 8 hours ago, Ammanas said:

    I just found out recently about the Gods being a parable/distortion of Odium and Honor...or so the theory goes. Really hoping for more Purelake in Oathbringer!

    Aw yeah! I'd love to see more of Purelake, especially since a plague was spreading there and we've yet to see how that plays out. 

  2. On 6/27/2017 at 6:58 AM, NoiseSpren said:

    May the Nu Ralik be with you

    The Purelakers worship Nu Ralik, but curse by and praise Vun Makak (Nu Ralik's younger, spiteful brother) in order to keep him from being jealous. So I think it'd be something more like: 

    May Vun Makak be with you

    or maybe some blessing having to do with you catching nice fish? 

    (Man, do I love Purelake.)

  3. Good to have your here! As someone who was introduced to Branderson by friends, I feel your pain about spoilers. While trying to get me to read Mistborn, they ended up spoiling several Major Plot Points™ as well as the ending of Hero of Ages (the third book in era 1).

    Anyways, have an upvote and some info on a few things that confused me when I started. 


    1. A "WOB" means a Word of Brandon, which is a quote or answer he has provided us

    2. Upvotes can be given using the up and down arrows in the bottom right corner of a post. Don't touch the downvote button - It is bad. Upvotes are given in introductions, and for especially witty, agreeable, or creative content.

    3. The title beneath your name (next to a little grey or orange dot) is your rank. (You should be a Darkeyes or Spren now.) You rank up by receiving upvotes.

    4. Ask around for the nearest dark alley if you're ever hungry. The people there have a seemingly endless supply of cookies.


  4. 5 hours ago, Figberts said:

    Amaram, of course! He a freaking demon of death and evil and badness. Why am I the first person to mention him? Roshone is close second.

    I have to bring up Amaram again, but not because of how deplorable his actions were (and they definitely were). Rather, it's because of the fact that he genuinely thought that he was doing the right thing in being such a two-faced maggotbag. That, in my opinion, is probably the worst (and scariest) thing about him.

  5. 10 minutes ago, Manukos said:

    an argument could also be made that Sazed of terris is dead  but harmony is alive

    As was stated in above post, Sazed the Terrisman ceased to be sometime after taking up Ruin and Preservation. The shards would have changed him as a person, not to mention the fact that they destroyed his physical body. Instead, he became Harmony the Sort-of God after taking up the shards, whose intent(s) were responsible for shaping and changing his character and personality from there on out.

  6. Together with @Steven, I have begun collecting ambient sound tracks pertaining to locations in Brandon Sanderson's Cosmere. We've created several so far, and intend to create more as we come up with settings. Sadly, some locations (like almost everywhere in Warbreaker) are more sight dependent, leaving us with very few places to catalog within that world. Other places, like slums or markets, would sound very similar to one another no matter from what book they are from.  

    This post will be updated as more tracks are produced. 

    If you have any ideas for tracks, go ahead and tell us! 


    Stormlight Archive:

    Mistborn (Eras 1 and 2):



    Bonus Tracks (Non-Cosmere):


  7. Good to have you here! I'm fairly new myself. Go ahead and have an up vote, and refrain from eating any cookies of dubious origin. 

    Instead, have a few spheres and go buy some nice ones from nearest corner the store.




  8. Welcome! 

    If you're new to Sanderson, I'd suggest reading either the first Mistborn trilogy or Elantris next. I think Warbreaker would probably be a great starter too. (I read it after finishing SA and Mistborn) If you feel like something more sci-fi-ish, I'd try the Steelheart series.

    It's at this point that I introduce you to the "Sanderson Sinkhole" - the period of time in which you'll take four months off of work to binge-read every book he's written and subsequently spiral into madness. Cheers!  

    - Worms. 

    PS. Have some spheres and an up vote. Now run along and buy yourself some cookies from the dark alley. 




  9. Like Kingsdaughter said, the Inquisitors probably connected the dots between Vin's alias (Valette) and Renoux. Vin and the rest of the crew were wanted as criminals, and with Renoux posing as Valette's uncle, it's pretty safe to assume that they arrested Renoux because they knew he had to be playing some part in the crew's scheme. 

    Sorry if this thread was dead, or if the question was already answered, but I wanted to share my thoughts. 

  10. Thanks for the welcome! Honestly, I'd have to say that WoK has been my favorite book so far, followed closely by WoR. Way of Kings was my first cosmere book, as well as my first try at reading epic fantasy. I haven't read Warbreaker yet, though I intend to do so soon. 

    As an addition to the question about aluminum bullets, how much does real-world science affect them? I've always been a sucker for testing earth science to books, and Mistborn wasn't subject to exception. I looked into it briefly and found that the general consensus is that aluminum isn't really a bullet-worthy metal on Earth because, depending on the grade and alloy of the aluminum, the metal will sort of just, melt into the barrel of some guns What does this mean for the aluminum (or guns, for that matter) in Mistborn? Is it different from the kind we have on earth, or is it not affected in the same way that ours is? Have I been pursuing a pointless question by trying to apply real-world science concepts to a fantasy book? Maybe.

    And I'm just gonna... tuck that "cookie" away. 

  11. I've finally emerged from the depths of what I like to call 'The Sanderson Sinkhole'! Having binge-read Elantris, the first Mistborn trilogy and the Stormlight Archives over the past few months, I think that I should be able to get by on the forums with relatively little exposure to spoilers while still answering some of my questions.

    Speaking of which, I just finished The Alloy of Law and now have something to ask: How practical do you think would aluminum bullets be? If they were possible, would they be pure aluminum or some sort of alloy? 

    I haven't looked any of this up yet, but rather just wanted to know your thoughts on the matter.

    With that over, I'm off to start on Warbreaker (and to get over my fear of how large the Cosmere is turning out to be).


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