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Everything posted by The_Stormborn

  1. Yeah. When Spook found their bodies, the first thing that came to my mind was the ball in Fadrex City, when they finally got to dance together. Well dang, here I go again...
  2. And.....I have no words. I think I'm going to go find myself a corner and have a good cry.
  3. Welcome! Welcome! Pleased that you've joined us. Just take heed to the warnings about cookies, and you should be fine. As to reading order, myself, I started at the beginning with Elantris, just to get my feet wet so to speak, since I'd never read any of Brandon's books. I guess I'm reading more or less by publication order. I'm reading Hero of Ages now, and, depending on how heartbroken I am when I reach the end, I'll either start Era II with Alloy of Law, or maybe read Warbreaker next.
  4. Welcome! I'm new myself, and I feel there may be something sinister about the offering of cookies. I'd avoid them if I were you.
  5. Thank you! I guess I'll try and start Stormlight this fall. I know they're doorstoppers, but I read all five books of ASOIF in a month.
  6. Thank you! I'll try to resist all offers of cookies.
  7. I just joined a few minutes ago, and I wanted to stop and say Hello. I'm rather new to all things Cosmere, but I'm sure I'll soon catch up. I've read Elantris, Mistborn: The Final Empire, and I'm currently reading Well of Ascension. I'm trying to pace myself, and I'll probably start Stormlight when a firm release date for Oathbringer is announced. If I'm lucky, I may even get to read The Winds of Winter this year, as well.
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