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Posts posted by BrightnessRadiant

  1. 2 hours ago, DeTess said:

    Sure. karnage scanned straw as an elim, and straw got lynched. Furami was killed by a bartender and was evil as well. Pyro claimed elim. Elkanah was lynched because he targeted both Araris when he was killed an karnage when he was attacked, which made it pretty likely he was bleeder. He wasn't though.

    I think that's all the main events? You probably should read through them when you've got the chance to form your own reads on people based on these events.

    Thankuuuuu. Yes I definitely will but I can't get to that until tomorrow. Currently at work and then have plans tonight too.

    2 hours ago, Matrim's_Dice said:

    So, for Bleeder or elim?

    Both :P

    1 hour ago, little wilson said:

    can we say the same person three times? or does that work like bloody mary? mary mary mary *screams in hoororr*

    can we say ourself? wilson wilson wilson? i was so hoping to sow chaos. not to be confusing with sewing chaos because i dont want to sew a picture of eric chaos. mine skills of at needlework would be suuuppper terrifying if i tried that...... archivisisisist

    which....hm. might be a good way to sow chaos. heh. shhard

    anyway. br

    there be white text heere

    I mean....I guess? xD not super helpful tho:P literally no other suspicions?

  2. I've read this cycle at least :rolleyes:

    Anyone wanna give me some kind of a sum up from the past 2 cycles? I'll try to do a read through tomorrow but I'd like to not miss anymore of another cycle. 

    With flogs dead we need to be really sure of who we're voting on. Maybe if I could suggest it, everyone post a list of like their top 3 suspects? I think it could help to see who everyone is thinking of because while gut reads aren't the best reason for lynching, a group of gut reads is certainly a good starting point for analysis. I don't know much of what's happened since I went inactive but i do remember having a bit of suspicion on shard of reading, matrim, and some other people but I think they died since then lol. 

  3. 49 minutes ago, Orlok Tsubodai said:

    BR Votes for Karnage to avoid tie Why? Ask BR.

    Gonna ask me?:P I'm reading your posts too by the way. It's the massive analysis I wish I could do but this game is starting to overwhelm me.

    I voted Karnage because I didn't want a tied lynch? it was 6 to 5 with Karnage and Sart and I also thought at the time that there was another runner up but I was wrong. I didn't want a 3 way tie with vote manip roles in the mix. I could see it being an easy way to knock out 3 people on cycle 1 if we let it be that close so I just was trying to make 1 player be lynched instead of more. I only had a little time yesterday to read everything and make a vote and I really don't like not voting. 

  4. 28 minutes ago, Matrim's_Dice said:

    Multiple people have said this about my post earlier. What is it? 

    Well, I did have the idea already. I read Karnage's claim post and then left to practice the piano- since I wasn't sure who/when to vote- and thought about it. Then I came back and there were a bunch of Straw votes already so it was kind of redundant. Of course, if you thought I was elim then this probably won't convince you otherwise.

    Hedging is where you cast suspicion on someone but don't actually try to get them killed (because they might be an elim teammate)

    And while I still think this could be true I appreciate your answer. I'm always open to changing my mind on people because if I don't I tunnel hard on them.

    23 minutes ago, Karnage said:

    Yah what is hedging?


  5. I think the simplest answer to all of this is that Karnage is actually Flogs and that Straw is an elim.


    4 hours ago, The Young Pyromancer said:

    Well, there's one easy way to tell if Karnage's telling the truth about being Flogs.


    I don't understand why this would be the reaction to Karnage's post unless they were trying to save Straw. It feels too obvious but maybe they didn't think it through?

    4 hours ago, The Young Pyromancer said:

    Okay, Wilson's thing makes sense. Karnage Straw.


    This just feels like they realized they couldn't save Straw at this point. (elim read on Pyro)

    4 hours ago, StrikerEZ said:

    Hmm. This is very interesting.

    I kind of agree with Pyro. At first, I thought it was odd that he voted on Karnage (I was about to recommend we lynch him or at the very least recommend someone kill him). His latest explanation kind of makes sense. If Karnage is Flogs, we'll find out for sure if we lynch him again. And if he isn't, then we call his bluff and either lynch an elim or Bleeder. If he is telling the truth, it shouldn't be too hard for the village bodyguards to go about trying to keep him alive. If he isn't telling the truth, then we lose nothing and gain the death of an elim/Bleeder. 

    If Karnage isn't Flogs, the real Flogs should NOT come out and counter-claim. Karnage

    Again, I don't see why Karnage would be faking that claim. You thought it was odd that Pyro voted Karnage but you were gonna suggest killing Karnage too? Or am I misunderstanding? @StrikerEZ (elim read)


    5 hours ago, Matrim's_Dice said:

    I leave for an hour and this happens. My goodness.

    First things first. @Karnage, I want to believe you and lynch Straw. It makes so much sense if you are Flogs.

    But a few things:

    1.  Why would Flogs be a Gambling Tycoon? That makes no sense to me whatsoever, as Flogs is already immune to lynches.
    2.  I got ninja'd by Straw and therefore read his post. That makes me unsure for voting on him.
    3.  Even though you said it yourself, roleclaiming like that is ridiculously risky. Too risky. I could see this being orchestrated in an elim doc.

    But then there is the other side of this. I was already quietly suspicious of Striker for seemingly controlling Emi's vote on Karnage last cycle. Now Striker wants to lynch Flogs after he roleclaimed. However, if I assume a Striker/Emi elim team then why would Emi vote Straw instead of Karnage?

    Someone is lying here, Karnage or Straw. I don't want to pick a side yet. No vote at the moment.


    This looks like hedging so they can vote later on a teammate if they have to if they can't find a way to save them. 

    4 hours ago, Matrim's_Dice said:

    So I had this big proposition but it looks like everyone is voting Straw already.

    Basically it was, let's lynch Straw this cycle. If Karnage is Flogs and is telling the truth, then we found an elim. Yay.

    It Karnage isn't Flogs, then oof, sorry Straw. But then we can all lynch Karnage anyway for C3.

    The more I think about it the more I realize how stupid it would be to imitate Flogs. That is basically asking for Bleeder to kill you and everyone to be suspicious. So yeah, I trust Karnage at the moment.

    This sounds like an elim trying to find a way to join the Straw lynch and make themselves look more innocent by saying they had the idea already. (elim read)


    If Straw flips elim here I'd like to go after Pyro next cycle but Striker and Matrim are close behind. 

    Orlok and Wilson both tried to lynch Straw last cycle which makes me think they aren't elims if straw is. 

    I'm getting a village vibe from Rae and really like her analysis this cycle on Straw and Pyro.

    Those are all my reads for now. 

  6. 3 hours ago, Orlok Tsubodai said:

    Complains about too many posts. Mixes up village an eliminator names. Says eliminator team would be hilariously big with seven or eight people. Have muslynched for mixing names before. Worth watching. Agrees with Straw that team probably not bigger than seven or eight. Possible that on same team if evil, trying to sell smaller team? Mild evil

    I wasn't complaining per se xD I was feeling overwhelmed while simultaneously being happy that there were a lot of posts since last QF I checked the thread like every 20 min every day cuz I had nothing to do that week haha.

    I didn't mix up team names? I think the post you're referring to was this one?


    to quote @Straw Why would they not be able to trust the people they scan if it says not Constable? omg yeah as I typed that out my tired brain realized it's probably cuz of bleeder right? Okay hopefully that's it cuz I'm tired and feel like I'm just making myself look stupid but I'm not gonna erase it cuz I wanna post something before the thread is like 5 pages long haha.

    I was wondering why they wouldn't be able to trust someone if it said they weren't a Constable (elim) because that would mean they were a villager? But then I realized they were probably saying this because of the bleeder roles who wouldn't show up as a constable but you still couldn't trust them. Hopefully that makes sense.

    Also the part about me agreeing with Straw about the team being not bigger than 7 or 8 is incorrect. Because I said I hadn't thought about how large the elim team would be with this many players and it is laughable how many there probably are because we have freakin 30 players in a MR which stills is amazing and weird. But yeah I literally quoted Striker in that same post where he mentioned the possibility of 9 elims and I said it was a very good point and one to keep in mind. If anything I'd think 9 a much more accurate sum of elims and want to be on the larger guesstimation side because of the dispersal rule.

    I'm almost done with my read through. Apologies, I'm a slow reader.

  7. 9 minutes ago, Orlok Tsubodai said:

    A day one lynch should always be about information gathering. As much as I've been incredibly impressed by Straw's activity and engagement, the number of interactions he has had with other players suggests to me that we could generate a significant amount of information on D1 by lynching him at this point.

    As much as I agree about information based on player interactions, I really don't want to lynch the most active player so far on cycle 1. (Especially since it's straw and I always seem to do that to him) We still have a good like 25 hours until the end of cycle? I'd like to think we have a lot we can still look at and consider first. Will try and do that tomorrow after work and maybe a nap.

  8. 1 hour ago, Kynedath said:

    Saying in your post that your brain wasn't working too well seems suspicious to me because that could be a way to hide not having too much of proper value to say. However You have a good post with good content as far as I can tell and your writing does sound sleepy and off kilter so I'm probably wrong on that count. Overall I think it's neutral even though my gut went off at your post. Although I could have sworn you said something really really similar near the beginning of this cycle, was that someone else? Or can I just not find the post I'm looking for?

    Yup all day my brain was in a bad fog, finally starting to be clear now and I'm supposed to be asleep. *face palms

  9. 19 minutes ago, Matrim's_Dice said:

    Elkanah: The joke to disperse at the beginning seems like something a villager wouldn't dare try. slight elim read.

    Usually I'm of the mindset that an elim would be the one being more careful not to make jokes that would get them killed. So if anything I would read Elkanah as more village for that. Although personally I'm reading it as completely NAI because it was just a joke and I think they would've made it either way. :P

    I finally read back through the rules and caught up on thread again lol. I kept putting it off all day cuz I don't feel like I have the brain power for this right now. I have been reading some posts off and on but that's all really.

    Based on my feelings from thinking about the game and seeing posts throughout the day I feel like the Straw lynch just reminds me of old times. xD I literally always wanted to lynch him cycle 1 and had to realize I always just read him wrong. I'm really loving his activity tho, this might be the most active I ever remember seeing from him. This being a cycle 1 lynch where I don't suspect much of anything most of the time I'd rather not lynch someone adding so much to the game right now. Thankfully it's not a QF so maybe my brain will work better tomorrow and I can look at things more again.

    Oh also the thing with pyro taking heat for saying he won't be as active cycle 1 is kinda odd. I mean I feel like it was NAI to say. He would've been better off not saying anything and then just being low active haha. 

    @little wilson I like your new style! Having fun is the best part of the game and I hope you have lots of it!

    Nuuuuu people stop ninjaing me I don't wanna catch up again lol.

    I'm trying to remember things that caught my attention from reading the thread without having to read it again. hm. 

    1 hour ago, The Young Pyromancer said:

    As for my new vote, @Elkanah seems to be posting a lot but not saying much. Since I have to vote for someone else,

    Straw Elkanah

    I mean you don't have to. :P (not accusing you of anything lol, just found the wording funny)


    I like Fura's analysis of how many elims there could be. Got a good village vibe from it with them really considering how many elims we could have.

    Ugh okay I'll go look back cuz my brain won't remember what I read about the thread now xD

    17 hours ago, DeTess said:

    All I can say regarding that is for the Flogs player to be very careful, and if possible, find someone you can trust and pass on your scans to them as they happen.

    Oh yes, I wanted to comment on this. If you're Flogs and are considering telling your reads to people please don't do it early in game. We want you to stay alive for as long as possible and I would think maybe keep your reads to yourself until you suspect you might be killed or something. I dunno I just never like telling a player to confide in a chosen person in PM cuz that backfires all the time. xD Especially if Flogs is a newer player, don't let another player trick you into this in PM. Not really saying DeTess is sus for saying this, just wanted to add to it so that we don't end up with Flogs outed super early.

    11 hours ago, Straw said:

    A D1 vote gives us a strong basis for future discussion.

    *thinks about how the last QF day 1 lynch led to us never finding another elim :lol: oof

    11 hours ago, Matrim's_Dice said:

    Also I'm kind of laughing at myself for saying I would be low-profile the first few cycles. I should have known my own personality enough to know that wouldn't happen.

    lol Matrim said this too and pyro is taking heat for the same thing? Weird.

    Okay I hate losing posts because of the shard being weird about reloading and deleting stuff so i'll pause here in my looking back. Brain won't think anymore. I'll have to continue thinking about it later.

  10. Too many posts happening and I'm trying to catch up and wrap my head around this game. I love it! Keep them coming!

    Keep in mind I just woke up and started reading the thread so bear with me if I sound confused to some of this stuff because it probably is stupidly easy to understand but I'm probably just being groggy lol.


    I will note that Flogs is an alignment scanner, not a role scanner. Renowned are the role scanners. However, he just scans constable/non-constable, so he can't even 100% trust any of the people he scans. But yes, I would recommend that Flogs be very careful. I will also note that Flogs is immune to the lynch, and I would certainly call that a "survival ability".

    to quote @Straw Why would they not be able to trust the people they scan if it says not Constable? omg yeah as I typed that out my tired brain realized it's probably cuz of bleeder right? Okay hopefully that's it cuz I'm tired and feel like I'm just making myself look stupid but I'm not gonna erase it cuz I wanna post something before the thread is like 5 pages long haha.

    also by Straw:


    Typically, it's between 20% and 25% of the total players. 20% would be 6 players, 25% would be 7.5. I doubt Joe would trend towards 20%, so I'd say probably 7 or 8 elims?

    dango I didn't even think about how big the elim team would be with this many people! :lol: omg that just seems hilarious to me, I have no idea why lol

    but also also,


    Just would like to say that I think we need to be very careful about when or if we disperse. I would not put it past Joe to put in something like 9 elims this game, just to throw us off since we're all probably assuming that there's 7-8 elims based on percentage alone. At that point, I would assume that the elims wouldn't have very many powerful roles. That would be more than made up by the extra elim though. I'm not sure how much I believe this theory, but I know I definitely would've considered that distribution if I were running this. Just to make it more likely that the constables would have a chance to win by getting the village to disperse when they believe they've found the last elim.

    quoting @StrikerEZ THIS is a very good point. I would totally see Joe making there be like one more elim than we would expect because the whole thing about needing to disperse after the elims are dead. Definitely a good thing to keep in mind. If we killed what we thought was the right amount of elims and then if an elim or 2 were left they would just need to stop killing people to make it look like we were done right? 

    I need to go back and read roles and rules etc but wanted to at least say something after scanning the thread real quick and I found the thing about elim numbers really interesting since we have the whole dispersal thing this game. Okay be back later when I feel like I'm having a less dumb period. (literally Taravangian) probably spelled that wrong lol

  11. @Straw I agree on all your thoughts! Definitely think giving the shades more of a buff would be great and especially letting them know results of who they targeted. More items would make it more amusing as well because of the shades. And also silver powder for the elims is super dangerous if the village never lynches that player. But all in all it was super fun!

  12. 2 hours ago, Straw said:

    @BrightnessRadiant game related discussion is difficult to quantify. In my opinion, it’s better to go with a definite thing, both for GM sanity and so players can keep track. I’ve seen someone (DrakeMarshall in QF30 I believe) used a vote based inactivity filter. As Elandera said, a word count filter could work. As my rule in LG64, I did a PM based inactivity filter, but PMs were also tied with action targets and stuff. If your game has any special mechanics, you could also make players use those mechanics as an inactivity filter (the KKC games are an example of this).

    Yeah I couldn't remember which thread to post this in. Thanks!

    Yeah in my Reckoners game I made it where you got points to spend on the black market for a certain amount of game related posts + rp posts. But I feel like there should be something else that keeps the players from being in the game and not posting a single thought or vote. I really like the vote filter. That's a good one I might use. Because it gives stuff to analyze at least if you don't say anything else.

  13. 9 minutes ago, Elandera said:

    I like the idea, but what would you classify as game related? There are several who post things that just say they have no suspicions and they'll get to things later. It's technically game-related but largely just filler.

    You could easily do something quantifiable, like a word count minimum, to make sure people don't pop in with a line or two to avoid the filter but still stay under the radar. 

    I wouldn't call that game related since it literally doesn't add anything to the game.

    But yeah something that made it impossible to escape the filter if you just say "will post tomorrow" or irl blue text etc.

  14. 17 minutes ago, Elkanah said:

    I am duly warned

    Thank you Archivist

    I'm most suspicious of Karnage and Megasif at this point. I suppose I will put a vote on Karnage for now. I will make sure to remove it to keep my promise about ties if it becomes relevant.


    I am also not suspicious to me ;)

    Why are you sus of Mega?

    I think I'll go ahead and break the tie with CadCom because when they jumped on to make a post last cycle it was just them commenting on how many cycles we might have left with how many people have died etc and it felt like filler and pricked my interest at the time. I don't remember being overlly trusting of Karnage either so I'm about even on voting for either. I've been suspecting that the elims are fairly quiet this game (not surprising since most people are lol) so I'm good with voting a less active player. Especially to keep the more active ones alive to have more to look at. I just woke up so imma look through stuff now if I can.

    Edit: just went back and skimmed last cycle. Karnage's vote on Mist looks sus but it looks TOO suspicious. I feel like it would be too obvious as an elim but maybe not I dunno. As an elim I'm always double and triple thinking what I say and it looked too sheepy to be an elim vote. 

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