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Everything posted by Erandeni

  1. They aren't going to release them in Spanish, and I don't like the english Dub, so I see them in Japanese.
  2. I forgot about Tindwyl, but those two would have a good conversation.
  3. I agree it's even slower, this time I'll try reading the split version, maybe that way I like it more.
  4. I loved both, part 2 for the characters arcs and part 3 for the overall plot.
  5. I began hating Jaime, now I love him. @Draginon@Dunkum I have the edition where books 4 and 5 are together, with the chapters in chronological order, so I don't know which chapters are from book 4 and which ones from book 5.
  6. Book 3 is really good, 4/5 are no so good, except Jaime chapters those are awesome.
  7. I began a rereading of ASOIAF, I really love Jaime.
  8. I did the same, I had to read the post a few times because it didn't had any sense to me.
  9. I always liked that one, along with "No se ganó Zamora en una hora"
  10. When a friend is explaining you something and your answer is: "I don't understand what are you talking about, but I am pretty sure there is a spren for it"
  11. I found anothe Wob about stormlight breath equivalence: http://www.theoryland.com/intvmain.php?i=1086#23 What that mean? I don't get it
  12. Sazed and Jasnah Elend and Dalinar Susebron and Elhokar
  13. According to the allomantic table poster Atium alloys are supposed to have mental and temporal effects. Also this WoB
  14. I never saw the movie, is really that bad? I like Hal for the comics.
  15. Your Cadmium-atium would be useful as mass control. I'll try some: Electrum-atium: others can see your future shadow
  16. If Jasnah dies without betray her oaths, she won't drop a shardblade, I think there is a WoB on the matter.
  17. You mean John Stewart? I prefer Hal Jordan, but John is better than Kyle Rayner.
  18. Agree with everything, Raoden could burn Arclo's cremlings, Vin has no chance against an almost full compuonder with a shardblade, and Zane needs a spike to do what kelsier can do on his own.
  19. Agree, Green lantern is like my favourite superhero, he should be there.
  20. "He is not always late, he just doesn't arrive in time."-my Mother.
  21. Welcome to the Shard! Although I think Stormlight is better, Mistborn (at least Era 1) has something that reach my heart, I can't read the first trilogy without cry at least one time per book.
  22. Thanks! I wonder if the effect could be replicate burning it along with duralumin, I hope we'll see more about malatium in the future.
  23. Good things happen to me lately,the other day I had to go to a familiar reunion, which I hate, because I always end alone reading some book, but this time my uncle brought a boy from New Zealand.He is living with my uncle, it's some kind of exchage program or something alike.The point is this guy don't speak spanish, so I spent the day as his interpreter, which was fun, and taught him some tipical card games, overall it was really fun and I made a new friend. Besides, today I have found out that three of the worst, more hateable teachers of my colleage are not going to teach anymore, at least not in my course, and even better, two of them have been subtituyed for my favourite teacher.In order to you can realize how much I like this teacher, my average marks are around 68% and in his subjects I have a 90% and a 100%.
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