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Posts posted by Erandeni

  1. 3 minutes ago, Darkness Ascendant said:

    Elaborate please?

    *hugs back*

    There are few more thing to add, the subject was pretty general, we had no book to study so we have studied the subject with our class notes, which we made from the powerpoint presentation teachers use in the classes, which are mostly useless so we didn't know what to do.

    Also teachers spend most of the class time talking about useless stuff but barely explain the important things.

    No big deal, these kinds of things happens from time to time.


  2. 1 hour ago, Quiver said:

    ... I don't know if this deserves a bad day post. It isn't anything specific after all. But...

    Well, I sort of want to indulge my melancholy a little, I guess.

    I've been having some mood swings for the past few days, but even that makes it sound more serious than it is. Maybe once a day, I'll be doing something and then my brain will just be like "Nope." I suddenly just feel kind of sad and lethargic, and don't want to do anything. I tried going for a walk yesterday when it happened - get some fresh air - but I couldn't really muster the energy to be bothered with that.

    This is something I know I've mentioned here before, and honestly, it's not even as bad as it used to be. Like I said, maybe once a day, and it does end up passing after  alittle while, just... not really fun. :(


    I went through something similar a few months ago, it can be hard, having company or being distracted may help.

  3. 14 minutes ago, Figberts said:

    Idealistic Mistborn is a rather unusual name.

    Hey! It´s the name of my ancestors XD.

    Nah, Eusebio (my real name), is an oldish name over here, the only people I know with that name (besides myself) are really old people.

    Still, name´s jokes are not funny.

  4. 3 hours ago, Drake Marshall said:

    Granted. In regard to your previous bane, the nightwatcher informs you that investiture with no intent or consciousness directing it is literally impossible. If a large quantity of investiture became aimless, it would spontaneously develop sentience and direct itself. The best you can do to render investiture aimless is to set parts of it against itself, which I'm betting is what splintering a shard must entail of. I hope that helps with the wish :P Some of what I said is theorizing on my part.

    Your bane is that the Oathbringer release date is delayed another 2 months.

    I wish for a half-hour glass... I have no idea why.

    Granted, you have the bottom half of a hourglass, you bane is that now you have to use it once per day, and refill it when all the sand falls.

    I wish for the best dinner ever.

  5. At some point of Warbreaker Denth cuts an awakened rope, so my question is what happened with the breaths inside the rope? are they divided between the parts?

    Also we know from Vasher that only the person who put the breaths inside a object or awakens something can get the breaths back, so if an awakener dies without recover the breaths, What happens with the breath inside the object? It lies there forever? It seems like a waste for me.

  6. Lately,I am having a hard time,I failed two subjets last year, so I am not gonna graduate until next year, while most of my classmate are graduating in a few months, they are organizing it and talking about what they are gonna do after they finish college, and here I am, feeling like a piece of useless rust.

    Besides the flat where I live is so depressing and make me feel so lonely, I just want it to be july so I can move out, my roommates are always in theirs rooms, so the only human contact I do is in class or the weekends when I return home with my family.

  7. 21 hours ago, geralt said:

    I would love the climax of Oathbringer being the current knight radiants assembling Avengers style to save the capital.

    I hope at least Kaladin and Jasnah team up, as at the end of WoR


    Dalinar ask him to go to Kholinar after he finish in his home.

    And I think those might be Kholin spearmen.

    Btw, might Ivory being weird in the middle of the blade, because she is soulcasting sharblade´s metal like the one in the oathgate?

  8. 18 hours ago, Walin said:

    Windrunner 4th ideal: I will lead the directionless.

                       5th ideal: I will lead those who are stupid-- so long as it is right.


    I like to think the 5th ideal may be a mixture of the two attributes, something like "I will lead to protect those under my command."

    For the Truthwatchers I like something like "I will learn everything I could, every knowledge is valuable."

    And for the Dustbringers something like "I will face my fears, not running away from them."


  9. Thanks, so in vacuum mass doesn´t matter, but the wind resistance make mass a factor, I need to do maths on that.

    It´s even more interesting if we consider that Windrunners have also access to the surge of Adhesion, which control pressure and vacuum.

  10. When a Windrunner lash an object (using the basic lashing) it removes the spiritual bond of the object with the planet and changes the direction of gravity, so the object "fall" in tha direction.

    If he lash an iron Ferring, would the change of mass affects the lashing?

    If the lash provides acceleration it shouldn´t right?

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