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Posts posted by Erandeni

  1. 11 hours ago, Yata said:

    personally I think in Dalinar's hands

    I agree with you, letting Dalinar kept the honorblade would be the logical option, he could defend himself against shardbearers and we could see what happends if a surge overlap.

    But, how much Dalinar know about the Honorblade? IIRC he knows that it will grant Windrunner´s powers, but he doesn't know that it woudn't scream in his mind if he bonds it, so he may be reluctant to bonds it.

  2. 3 hours ago, Voidus said:

    So... I randomly fainted for no reason this morning.
    12 hours, 2 hospitals and multiple tests later and... I still have no idea what happened.



    hope you get better.

    3 hours ago, Darkness Ascendant said:

    I for one had a pretty bad day which I will divulge into tomorrow as I don't feel like talking about it.


  3. On 20/4/2017 at 0:43 AM, Riversong said:

    What is your favorite book?

    Favorite character?

    Which house are you in?

    My favorite book is the order of the phoenix, my favorite character would be Ron or Luna and the house would be Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff.

  4. 13 hours ago, Erunion said:

    So, I just did something I've been hemming and hawing about for the last two weeks - I asked a girl out, sorta - asked a girl if she wanted to meet up. We met years ago, and I had a crush on her then but nothing came of it. We chatted a bit around her birthday this year, and met at an event a couple of weeks ago. She gave me a hug!!! but we both had to go and didn't have time to catch up properly. So I just asked her if she wants to meet up. 
    Why is my heart beating this fast storm it. 

    I dunno, even if nothing comes of it - at least I was brave. It's good to be brave. Right? Right??

    Yes, nice done, and good luck!

  5. 6 hours ago, StrikerEZ said:

    Well, sadly, I did not make it to phase 2 of the drum major tryouts. I didn't expect to actually make drum major, but I wasn't expecting to not even make phase 2. I'm just sad and surprised, because I feel like I did really well, besides some minor mistakes. Guess there's always next year.


    I'm sure next year you'll do it.

  6. *practise in college*

    Professor: we are going to study metal dilatation, don't touch the metal part.

    *Professor leaves, I touch the metal part and get burn*

    *In another practise*

    Professor: we are going to study x-rays and nuclear decays, don't put the sample near your mouth or your eyes

    Me: these are going to be three tough hours.

  7. 6 hours ago, Darkness Ascendant said:

    This is a contingency message should I not see you all again
    I would like you all to know that the amount of love I have for you is insurmountable and indescribable.
    This is just a fallback, do not take it seriously unless you don't see me for a month.
    I love you all

    You are worrying me, what happened?

  8. I had a nightmare yesterday, I was like a character in a horror movie, and I acted just as stupid as one, I mean if I see a person with grey skin and black eyes and I run in the opposite direction, but no, in the dream I just began to talk with her.Well to sum up there was some kind of homicidal shades who were sealed in a house, I ended up released them and they murdered all the human race.I still feel guilty.

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