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Everything posted by Erandeni

  1. Erandeni


    This seem to agree with you: Secret history Spoiler:
  2. *hugs* I've been pretty apathetic lately, I have just realized that my relationship with my cousins is broken, I ran into them the other day(For the fist time since our parents stopped talking to each other) and it was all awful and uncomfortable, and now I am nostalgic, thinking about how close we used to be. Besides I am under a lot of pressure with exams, college and other stuff.So Can someone hug me please?
  3. I think it will deal with leadership and protection too, but I believe that it will be about other ways of protect people. Instead of just protect them from a physical threat, Kaladin will need to deal with all the chaos of the desolation, so he will need to protect people from themselves.
  4. Oh,I am intrigued. What Quantum, Entropy and Space-time Elements do?
  5. Bondsmith too,I don't think It fits me, they are too elitist for me, I think I'd be better in Stonewards or Windrunners. Great quiz anyways.
  6. I really would like to see a conversation between Nightblood and Pattern. -Hello, would you like to destroy some evil today? -Evil is a lie. Then Nightblood explodes.
  7. Novels: 1. Words of Radiance 2. The Final Empire 3. Well of Ascension 4. The Way of Kings 5. Hero of Ages 6. Warbreaker 7. Elantris 8. Bands of Mourning 9. Alloy of Law 10. Shadows of Self Novellas: The Emperor's Soul Secret History Edgedancer Shadows of Silence in the Forests of Hell Sixth of the Dusk
  8. I'm a bit late for the crackpot pairings but: Kaladin x Syl Jasnah x Sigzil Elhokar x Lopen's mom Nightblood x Pattern
  9. @Radiant_Jaeger I am not sure that the forms of power are the void-orders, they seems like different things to me.The orders seems to have a pairs of void-surges (except the two centrals), while the forms seem to have one special power(see the future, make lightnings...)
  10. Some thoughts about Stormlight: -Renarin and Hoid will talk with Cultivation, she will ignore them because she lost faith in humans. -Szeth will become a Skybreaker and hunt Kaladin for his participation in Elhokar's murder attempt. -Rlain will become a Radiant, probably a Windrunner, the combination of the surges and listener's forms will create something else, like a new Resonance. -The orders will be fighting between them and making Odium's job easier. -Before the True Desolation the orders will put their differences aside, I hope some kind of "One for all, and all for one " scene, the leaders of the ten orders together, they invoke their Shardblades and say the First Ideal.
  11. Darksiders 3 has been announced, here is the trailer and more information: http://www.ign.com/articles/2017/05/02/darksiders-3-announced-a-ign-first I am glad Fury is the protagonist, she is more interesting than Strife. I wonder where in the story-line it will happen. So any Darksiders fan over here?
  12. Spanish is my first language so I don't really know how hard is to learn, just what I've been told. Both languages are really similar, I have talk with an Italian, both of us talking in ours languages and we had a conversation with almost no problem.
  13. This might be useful: http://www.theoryland.com/intvsresults.php?kw=meteorites
  14. Congrats! @StrikerEZ,I have been told that Spanish is pretty difficult to learn, because we have more exceptions than rules.
  15. I have always imagined her like a humanoid wolf with black oily fur, her eyes like green flames.
  16. @bleeder, @Sunbird, Thanks guys, now I am going to blush. @Darkness Ascendant, you have a nice face.
  17. Just found a picture in which I don't look awful, just mildly ugly. Open at your own risk.
  18. I started Tsuki ga Kirei and Akashic Records of Bastard Magic Instructor, at first they seemed pretty regular, but they just became interesting.
  19. I am rereading the Belgariad, I love these books.
  20. I definitely need to find some time to watch that. I am watching the Musketeers, pretty good but the episodes are too long.
  21. I would pick Surgebinding, you get powers and a buddy.In particular I would pick the Stonewards (because the Cohesion/Tension Suges seems able to do pretty cool things with matter) or the Windrunners (Because being able to fly and control presion is awesome)
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