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The Technovore

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Posts posted by The Technovore

  1. Cobalt Mistings, A.K.A. Goldings, have the ability to heal themselves when burning, much like Feruchemical Gold. Flaring Cobalt can heal a complete fracture or fatal internal injury in 10 seconds, making them a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield, assuming that they can lay low. Tutor Ferrings store Hindsight in Cobalt. When Storing, they don't retain anything they learn, and barely remember what they did 5 seconds ago. When tapping, they have near perfect recall of past events, even if they had previously forgotten them (because magic), allowing them to retain lessons from past experiences, hence the name, Tutor.

    Mannyullen (is that a thing?) is made from Cobalt and Ardite (is that a thing?), and it's Mistings are called Doctors. When burning Mannyullen, Doctors can heal anyone they touch, except themselves, as such Doctors are practically drafted into the medical field, healing those in critical condition. Mannyullen Ferrings store Fertility... *cough*.

    Statium (Steel + Atium) Mistings, A.K.A. Streaks, can move extremely quickly, like the Allomantic equivalent to F-Steel. When burning, their mind is accelerated along with their speed, to prevent them from running into walls at 100 MPH. Statium Ferrings store Magnetism, giving them a more inaccurate equivalent to A-Iron and A-Steel. When Storing, all metal in their radius is pushed away from them, and when tapping, it is pulled toward them. The radius and strength of their magnetism are proportional to the rate of storage/tap-age.

  2. On 2/15/2017 at 11:03 PM, Tazren said:

     But Harmony's Intent isn't really Harmony, is it? He's got both Ruin and Preservation driving his intent, so it's more of a balance between those two? He's meddling a little, but not too much. He can't create a perfect world, because the Ruin in him wouldn't allow it. So he allows Ruin to exist in the world. But he's not going all crazy at it like Ati. And we know he's doing something extra with his Ruin, but not what. 

    Ackchually he only holds the one shard. Harmony. At the end of HoA, as Sazed is taking the power, Someone-Who-Would-Know says: "Ruin and Preservation are dead, and their powers had been joined together. In fact they belonged together. How had they been split?" 
    Not to mention this WoB: 


    THANATOS17901 ()

    If Sazed were to die, would he drop the shards Ruin and Preservation, or would he drop the shard Harmony?


    Excellent question. The shards are now intermingled, and would take effort to split apart. He would drop Harmony. (This is what Odium feared would happen, by the way.)



    (TMW when a WoB screws up your font) So Harmony may be able to use the powers of Ruin and Preservation separately, if say he wanted to produce some Atium/Lerasium, because he perceives the power being made of two parts, but he holds one shard, with one intent. (Which was stated in AoL to be "Harmony, creating a way for as many as possible to make their own choices.")


    Sorry for straight-up saying "you're wrong", but this has been bugging me since I first read it :P


  3. On 2/20/2017 at 8:47 PM, Landis963 said:

    That's normal.  Swear words are (for the most part) replaced by equivalents throughout the Cosmere.  So the beast of burden that people occasionally ride on is not a 3-letter donkey, but, on Roshar, is instead a 5-letter crab thing.  It's like an easter egg hunt.  

    Really? That's awesome! *Desperately resists urge to test this 'feature' out* :ph34r:

  4. Very simple, name a metal, it can be an element, you can do a google for an obscure alloy, whatever, just name a metal, it allomantic power, it's feruchemical power, (and optionally it's hemalurgic power)

    Osmium, the densest metal ever, when burned, gives the burner the power to read the thoughts of others, Feruchemically, it stores Literatic (a word I word-smithed from Literature) skill, when storing, you can't read, you can't write, and things like figures of speech elude you, when tapping, you read blazingly fast, you can write blazingly fast, and you have a fanstastic grasp of your language, and all of it's figures of speech. 



  5. 1 minute ago, The One Who Connects said:

    As a separate curiosity, where did the term "Feril" come from?

    No idea really, it just kinda popped into my head and I thought "Well it sounds like Feruchemy so let's run with it!"

    (Also because I like Will Ferrell movies and I may have been thinking about one of said movie directly prior to coming up with this:ph34r:)


  6. *googles monkey paw*

    Nightwatcher, with her you're more likely to actually be able to live with your curse, with Kelsier you might just end up destroying a planet and dying in the process.


    Would you Rather be a disillusioned Returned and hate your own existence, or a Knight Radiant and want out of the oaths you made? (<- such a happy question right there :P)

  7. Wow you guys really took to this topic. Thanks for the info on the diminishing returns, I was afraid that my idea would have a hole punched through it by something like that, but oh well.  :P


    I do like the idea of a Feril being the equivalent of a cm^3 of metal that's full of charge, but then if there's some kind of degradation of power there too then that's kinda out the window until we can get an idea of the rate of degradation.

    Honestly if I can just get the Feril to be used for SOMETHING in feruchemy, then my work is complete. :ph34r::D 

  8. Alright I've been wanting to post this for a while so here we go.

    I've been thinking lately about Era 3, and how magic is going to turn into a science as technology advances. 

    Attempting to create an objective measure for Allomancy would be extremely difficult, as there are many, many, many, many factors. 

    Different metals burn at different speeds, Allomancers have varying amounts of power, how are you going to measure tin? You would have to figure out a way to measure things like taste and touch.

    Similar problems arise when attempting to create an objective measure for Feruchemy, if 2 people are storing pewter at half their capacity, you would find different charges in each metalmind, because everyone has different capacities.

    However, you can create a personal measure for Feruchemy, something that each individual Feruchemist can use to measure their own power. 

    (I realize this is super pretentious but...) I give you, the Feril. Pronounced like the last name of Will Ferrell, a Feril can be used for all metalminds, and is equivalent of a person storing an attribute at 9/10 (%90) of their normal capacity, for a single second. If you store speed at %90 percent for 2 minutes, you just got yourself 120 ferils, congratulations. If you store strength at %10 for 10 seconds, you got yourself 90 ferils (because you're storing at 9 ferils/second).

    Tapping power is also measured in Ferils, where when you tap an attribute at 1 feril/second, you've set that attribute to %110 of your normal capacity.

    This is also extremely useful at knowing how quickly you are consuming power. Say you tap steel at 10 ferils/second (or a decaferil, ferils are metric), since a feril is equal to %10 of your power, 10 ferils will give you an extra %100 of your power, doubling your speed. Your speed in creases to 3x normal at 20 ferils/second, and it continues linearly.

    At 100 Fps (ferils per second), you've added %1000 of your power to your normal %100, boosting that attribute to 11x normal.

    And at 1 kiloferil/second, you've boosted capacity to 101x normal.


    So yea, there's my idea. Please let me know if I'm basing this off of any misconceptions I may have, and just give thoughts in general. I think it's cool, but then I'm the guy that came up with it. :P (Also tell me if that made any sense at all, or if I just confused you to no end)


    As a completely un-related thing, do we have confirmation on how nicrosil works? Because I always had the idea that when you store it, you become less magic, and then later you can tap it to become a super-wizard, do we have an WoB's on that?

    (also how the heck do I make spoiler-square-text-thingys?)



  9. IIRC, at the end of the Well of Ascension, where Sazed is storing a bunch of attributes before the battle, it emotions that storing bronze makes you Sleep for an extended period, not simply be drowsy, I assume that the level you begin storing determines how long you sleep, but it doesn't mention anything about just making you drowsy... which would kinda punch a hole in your theory....

    I mean I could be wrong but...

    sorry :ph34r:

  10. Like the title says, why do we call it Harmonium, and not something like "Sazedium"?


    Because I know the other two God metals are named after the shard holders, like Atium is after Ati, and lerasium is after Leras, and Harmonium just seems like a big inconsistency.


    Idk if harmonium just caught on first, or if it came from a WoB, but I'd just like to know :)

    (and if it's just because harmonium caught on first, maybe make a movement to change it to "Sazedium" or "Sazedite"? :ph34r:)

  11. Idk why but after watching 3 seasons of Smallville (a superman backstory show from the early 2000s (lol I'm referring to them as the 2000s now)) I can't help but want to see Elend as Michael Rosenbaum and Straff as John Glover. Idk why but it seems so appropriate. :ph34r:

    I second (third? Fourth?) Chris Hemsworth as Kelsier, as I think that he'd be naturally cheery enough to be the guy that laughs as everyone else is contemplating the end of the world. :P

    Edited for emojis, can't forget the emojis :ph34r:

  12. 3. Emperor's Soul--7
    4. The Final Empire--7
    5. The Well of Ascension--5
    6. The Hero of Ages--6
    8. Shadows of Self--10
    9. The Bands of Mourning--6
    10. Secret History--6
    13. The Way of Kings--9
    14. Words of Radiance--10
    15. Edgedancer--11
    16. Warbreaker--9
    17. Shadow's for Silence in the Forests of Hell--6
    18. Sixth of the Dusk--3

    Yup, shift-enter is the key

    (also are we doing hurt 1 heal 1? because if we do that we aren't going to get anywhere)

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