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The Technovore

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Posts posted by The Technovore

  1. On 3/5/2017 at 9:07 AM, Faceless Mist-Wraith said:

    Probably more cheerful than people were thinking, but I thought it could be amusing.

    The Lord Ruler's "You're Welcome"

      Reveal hidden contents

    Okay, okay, I see what's happening here
    You're face-to-face with greatness and it's strange
    You don't even know how you feel, it's pitiful
    Well, it's nice to see that skaa never change
    Raise your head, let's begin
    Yes it's really me, It's Rashek, breathe it in
    I know it's a lot: the hair, the bod
    When you're staring at a Sliver of God.

    What can I say except "you're welcome"?
    For the Ashmounts, the koloss, the sky
    Hey, it's okay, it's okay, you're welcome
    All my enemies are doomed to die!

    [Verse 2]
    Hey, who pushed Scadrial across the sky,
    When you were waddling ye high? This guy
    When Ruin escaped the Well, who had built bunkers down below?
    You're looking at him, yo!
    Oh, also I blotted out the sky, you're welcome
    To darken your days and so you don't die
    Also, I discovered Hemalurgy, you're welcome
    To spike your friends and make them cookies

    So, what can I say except "you're welcome"?
    For giving Scadrial some new geography
    It's required to pray, you're welcome
    It's hard to hide my superiority
    You're welcome, you're welcome

    [Verse 3]
    Well, come to think of it
    Child, honestly, I can go on and on
    I can explain every natural phenomenon
    The plants, the microbes in the ground
    Oh, that was Rashek just messing around
    I killed Alendi, I took his place
    Used the Well, saved the human race
    What's the lesson? What is the moral here?
    Don't mess with Rashek or you'll disappear
    And the bracers here on my arms
    Contain the powers that keep me from harm
    Look at this world, I made everything happen
    Look at my Inquisitors just gleefully hacking
    Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, hey

    Well anyway, let me say you're welcome
    For the wonderful world you know
    Hey, it's okay, it's okay you're welcome
    Well, come to think of it, you gotta go
    Hey, you didn't think to say "you're welcome"
    So Inquisitors are going to hunt you down
    your execution's today, you're welcome
    'Cause Rashek doesn't like to see you frown
    You're welcome, you're welcome


    Glorious, absolutely glorious. Thank you for this. :o:D *tear leaks from one eye as my mouth hangs open in wonder*


    21 minutes ago, King Cole said:

    If you think about it, The Lord Ruler was a 32-born because he had the powers of a Mistborn and a Feruchemist. 

    Also if you were a steel compounder, could you move at the speed of light if you stored enough investure in a steelmind?

    Well... probably not, because physics, but you be able to move quickly enough to dilate time around you, so every thing else is practically stopped because you're moving so fast... but that raises other questions.

    How do you control yourself while moving so quickly? One could argue that it accelerates your mind as well, but then what's the point of Zinc? If you perceive everyone else as moving slowly, then that means that your mind HAS to be processing faster, otherwise you wouldn't be able to process your own movements. 

    Not to mention that at at those speeds the atmosphere itself would super-heat and tear you apart, but I suppose A-pewter and F-Gold could counteract that. When you really think about it you realize that these powers really compliment, and maybe NEED each other in order to be used to their full potential.

    lol I got ninja'd x2

  3. On 6/2/2015 at 5:25 PM, Slowswift said:

    I'm tall.


    Like, really, really, really tall. No, I don't play basketball. Yes, the weather is fine up here.  <_<




    Probably could use a diet. :P


    Brown hair.


    Eyes that are just that one shade that makes it impossible to tell if I'd be lighteyed or darkeyed. Probably darkeyed.

    Yea... basically the same here, I could try to describe myself, or I could just say I prolly look a lot like slowswift. So from now on my mental image of slowswift is going to be me :P

  4. Something that I've been confused about for a while, but what I want to know is this.

    When someone stores Memories in Copper, those memories are gone and the store-er can't access them until they tap them again.

    When someone stores speed, they are temporarily speed-challenged until they tap it again, then they have a boosted amount.

    So when somebody uses F-Nicrosil, is it like Copper, where it's gone until you tap it again? Or is it like Steel, where you're without it for a while, then you can have a massive amount later.

    Logic makes me think that it should work like Copper, since people don't produce Investiture like they do Speed... right? :wacko:

  5. On 2/16/2017 at 7:48 AM, Themasterhunter said:

    So compounding doesn't give you any other allomantic abilities? like even a little? No copper cloud piercing? no pushing on metals inside a person? 


    From what i understand, I thought it upped both abilities, but maybe I'm just thinking you could invest in a metal mind and then grind and burn it. 


    Well... You might be able to up your Allomantic abilities, but it's kinda of a big "if"

    You see, Nicrosil Feruchemically stores investiture. It's unclear (and by that I mean I'm unclear) how exactly this works, but ASSUMING that it allows you to store your investiture for a while, then tap it to become a "Super-Wizard", you could compound Nicrosil to get a massive Investiture boost, then use that extra power to do things with allomancy like pierce a copper cloud and push the metals inside a person.

    In fact, if that's indeed how Nicrosil works, then that probably explains how TLR was able to push the metals in Vin's body in The Final Empire.

    (Dang Fullborns are freaking OP, plz nerf :ph34r:)

  6. On 3/1/2017 at 1:27 AM, Darkness Ascendant said:

    You know your a Sanderfan when you see this


    And instantly think that they'll make hair dyes that respond to emotion next, then *everyone* will have the royal locks


    *scrolls down* *sees that it made by the Unseen* 0_0 Ehm... I'm not sure I really trust that hair dye all that much, they seem a bit... hateful. 

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