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Posts posted by Eki

  1. Lightsong of Warbreaker used some wordplay I believe, and so does Wayne (though his sounds more accidental, really).

    I think this is just a 'translation' thing. We have very witty characters who would have used puns in their own language. The only way to represent that in an English book is to make the puns in English, then either waving your arms and saying the pun works in both languages, or say that it was really a slightly different pun in the original language, but it was changed in the 'translation' to English, so that the story works.

    In short, it's a nice observation, but I think it has more to do with a higher concentration of witty characters than something about the Rosharan languages.

  2. It wouldn't surprise me if that was the case. After all, the W&W books weren't planned initially, and the stuff happening in them is fairly important to the whole cosmere. That probably means some of it was meant to be revealed in the modern era. Not only worldbuilding, but plot as well.

  3. "ett" is also the indefinite article in Swedish, so the name "ettmetal" could just be "a metal", which would wind up being pretty funny if that's what it was

    Yeah, though to be completely correct it would be "Enmetal", since there are two grammatical genders, and we say "en metall".

    That said, English already has a funny example: "Tungsten" literally means "heavystone", but we just call it volfram.

  4. Is it even possible for Nightblood to have a falling out with someone? Without killing them, I mean. He's such a nice sword, after all.

    Pretty sure Vasher's main motivation for being on Roshar is so he doesn't need to collect Breath though. He knew about the planet from before.

  5. Isn't Duralumin an aluminum alloy? Obviously that can't be true if so.


    We don't have any example of someone trying to Push duralumin, do we? Unless of course most aluminium we see in AoL really is duralumin, since I believe the alloy is stronger.

    Unless you mean that duralumin can be burned, in which case, so can aluminium, if you think about it. It just has a very special effect.

  6. Sorry to bump an old thread, but I just want to point out two things:

    First of all, it is VERY likely there is a shardpool in the south:

    (Stormlight spoilers)

    There is a character of south Scadrian descent on Roshar, chronologically before the events of the AoL era, and shardpools are the main way of worldhopping we know.

    Second, "ett" is Swedish for "one", which fits very much into the concept of Harmony.

  7. I generally think the games have gotten better over time. There are definitely things older games did better, though. For example, the gym leaders in the newer games aren't that difficult, which is a shame. But things like internet trading and improved breeding mechanics are great in the new games.

    There were just so many things Gamefreak either couldn't do, or didn't think to do, earlier. There was no move deleter in gen 1 for example. If you taught your Pokémon an HM, it stayed. And the AI of trainers would always use a move of a type that was super effective if they could, even if that move wasn't damaging.

    Not to mention that the mechanics have gotten much more in depth and interesting over time. Gen 2 introduced held items, gen 3 introduced abilities, gen 4 had the physical/special split. I guess 5 had the fewest changes, but still introduced lots of new mechanics through abilities and Pokémon. 6 introduced megas (who admittedly not everyone likes) and a new typing to balance out dragons a bit.

    Oh, and the sixth generation lets you walk diagonally, and even break free of the grid system altogether. Technology these days, I'm telling you!

    Really excited for Sun&Moon honestly, but a little surprised we didn't get a Z version...

  8. Weight: this you can store all of. However, you'll never be truly weightless, since you'll need a metalmind on you to continue storing.

    Actually, assuming things work like in our world, going to zero mass would cause every single particle in your body to start traveling at the speed of light. At least for a fraction of a second, since you'd immediately die, causing you to stop storing mass, leading to the particles slowing down again... Not sure what would happen then. It wouldn't be pretty.

    But yeah, the speed of light is really just the speed of anything without mass traveling through vacuum. Mass is the thing that allows stuff to slow down.

    I think either there's some limit, or storing too much starts making you too sick to continue. I doubt it would really be possible in practice to blow yourself up using an ironmind.

  9. ^ I think Brandon has said he doesn't really like that 'trope' that much, but who knows.

    Jasnah feels more asexual/demisexual to me, but like others have said, there could be a lot of reasons why she hasn't married, not necessarily related to sexuality. Resisting cultural norms, being too busy scholaring (that's a word now by the way), scaring away any potential suitors...

    It wouldn't surprise me either way. That part of Jasnah's character hasn't been explored that much yet, especially not from her own point of view.

  10. I certainly think it's possible to make the game accessible, even while name-dropping atium or kandra or whatnot. We never need much of an explanation as to why mithril is great in LotR, for example.

    "This is a metal that gives incredible power to the most powerful magicians, and the location of the mines is kept secret. Only one House is allowed to mine it, to keep that secret from coming out." Or something like that.

    Although, it IS a bit weird since everyone knows they mine the atium, if that's supposed to be a secret as well... Who knows though, maybe all the top cheeses in the city knew, but kept the secret amongst themselves.

  11. Is an innate Breath an "extra" part of the soul, or just a detachable part of a "normal" soul?

    I assume since drabs are (presumably) different from non-Nalthians, some part of the "normal" soul is in the Breath, but does it also give something more?

  12. Possibly. But maybe Endowment didn't change humanity as such. Maybe she's just messing with every soul at conception. Just like she's messing with it at death when she's Returning people.

    As long as it took more than one generation between people getting Breath and them starting to use it, no one would notice when it appeared, right? They may have just assumed everyone always had it.

    I dunno though. Could be either way.

  13. Just cause you have a title doesn't make you ancient and unlikeable. Seriously. :)

    To be fair this kinda depends on the title. Professor? Sure. But Dark Lord of the Underworld? Probably ancient and unlikable.
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